[PokeMMO Farm Guide] How (and Where) to Find all Items (Hoenn + Walkthrough)
Credits: The content of this post was created by MightyBoxer, and you can find the original post at this link.
Note: Use CTRL+F for a quick search.
The last time this guide was updated was 1st August 2022
Important notes
Items that have the color purple mean that there was never an item there in the original games.
Hoenn Complete Walkthrough + Items Location
LITTLEROOT TOWN Exit the truck.Go up the stairs and click on the clock.Go down the stairs.Exit the house and enter the house east. Go up the stairs and click on the ball.Go down the stairs and exit the house.Go north to route 101. Click on the bag and pick your starter pokemon.Exit the laboratory and go north to route 101.Go north to oldale town. OLDALE TOWN Talk to the guy east of the pokecenter to get a potion.Go north to route 103.Go north and beat your rival. Go south to oldale town.Go south to route 101.Go south to littleroot town. LITTLEROOT TOWN Go south west and enter the laboratory.Talk to professor birch and you will get a pokedex.You will also get x5 pokeball. Exit the house.Go north and talk to your mom to get the runningshoes.Go north to route 101.Go north to oldale town. Go west to route 102. ROUTE 102 Go west and fight a trainer.Go west in the grass to avoid a trainer.Follow the path and avoid all the trainers. When you see a girl trainer go south to pick a potion.Go west to petalburg city.Go north and enter the gym. Talk to your dad and exit the gym.Go west to route 104. ROUTE 104 Go south west all the way while avoiding all the trainers and pick a hidden antidote. Pick a hidden lumberry and pick a hidden potion. Go north all the way and fight a lady trainer.Go north to petalburg woods. PETALBURG WOODS Go east all the way and pick a hidden superpotion.Go south to route 104. ROUTE 104 Pick a pokeball and go north to petalburg woods. PETALBURG WOODS Go west all the way and avoid the bug trainer.Go north and pick a parlyzheal.Follow the path to fight a team aqua member. You will get a greatball.Follow the path and pick a hidden pokeball near the bug trainer while avoiding that trainer. Go north and pick a oranberry.Go north to route 104. ROUTE 104 Talk to the first guy that you see to get a tm-bulletseed.Go north west and pick a hidden pokeball in the grass. Pick a potion and pick a hidden superpotion.Go south and enter the house.Talk to the first girl that you see. Talk to the blonde girl to get a wailmerpail.Exit the house.Go east and fight the guy trainer.Avoid the next trainer. Go north and fight the twins.Go north and avoid the fisher.Go east and talk to the girl to get a chestoberry. RUSTBORO CITY
From the location of that girl go north east all the way and follow the path to pick a greatball. Enter the house south west of the city and go up the stairs.Talk to the kid to get a greatball.Exit the house. Go in the house west of the pokecenter and get a HM-Cut from the guy.Exit the house. Go in the house north east of the pokecenter and get a quickclaw from the old man.Exit the house.
If you go in the house east of the gym you can trade your ralts for a seedot by talking to the guy in green. Now go in the gym.Avoid all the trainers and beat the gym leader to get a tm-rocktomb.Exit the gym and go north east to route 116. ROUTE 116 Go south east and pick a repel in the grass.Go east and avoid the 2 trainers. Go east and fight the trainer with a blue hat while avoiding the hiker. Fight the 2nd hiker and go east all the way to pick a sitrusberry.Enter the cave. RUSTURF TUNNEL Go north and pick a pokeball.Go east and fight the aqua member.You will get a devongoods.Exit the cave. ROUTE 116 Go west and cut the tree.Fight the 2 trainers north east and pick a superpotion.Avoid the other trainers. Cut the 2 trees south west and pick a hidden superpotion. Go north and pick a leppaberry.Go west to rustboro city while avoiding the trainer. RUSTBORO CITY
Talk to the guy with the glasses to get a greatball.You will get a letter and you will get a pokenav.
Exit the building and go south to talk to your rival.Say no and go south to route 104. ROUTE 104 Go south east and cut the tree to get a potion.Go south west to petalburg woods. PETALBURG WOODS Go east and cut the tree.Pick a hidden tinymushroom and talk to the girl to get a miracleseed.Go north east and pick a greatball. Go south and pick a hidden tinymushroom.Go north west and pick a pechaberry.Go south to route 104. Go south west and enter the house.Talk to the guy and say yes to go to dewford town. DEWFORD TOWN Talk to the fisher and say yes to get a oldrod.Enter the gym and walk 1 step east.Walk 5 steps north.Walk 5 steps east. Walk 8 steps north.Walk 1 step east.Walk 9 steps north.Walk 8 steps west.Walk 1 step north and beat the gym leader to get a tm-bulkup. Exit the gym and go north to route 106. ROUTE 106 Pick a hidden heartscale and go west while avoiding the 2 trainers.Pick a hidden stardust in a rock. Go north west and pick a hidden pokeball.Enter the cave. GRANITE CAVE Talk to the hiker to get a HM-Flash.Go west and pick a escaperope.Go down the stairs.Follow the path and go south to pick a pokeball. Follow the path and go down the stairs.Follow the path and get a hidden everstone in a rock.Follow the path and go up the stairs. Go up the stairs again.Go west all the way and enter the door.Talk to steven to get a tm-steelwing.Go in the door north. Go east all the way and exit the cave.Go back to the pokecenter and talk to the old man east to go to slateport city. ROUTE 109 Pick a hidden ether near the kids.Talk to the little girl to get a softsand.Pick a hidden revive near the old man. Pick a hidden heartscale near the sailor and avoid that trainer.Go north and pick a hidden greatball near the house. Enter the house and fight all the trainers.Talk to the guy all the way north to get x6 sodapop.Exit the house. Go east and pick a waterstone.Pick a hidden pearl near the old man.Go north to slateport city. SLATEPORT CITY Go north until you see a old woman and enter the house to her right.Talk to the guy north west and exit the house.
Go in the house east of the pokemart.Talk to the first aqua member that you see to get a tm-thief.Go up the stairs. Talk to the guy to fight the 2 aqua members.Exit the house and go in the pokemart.Buy a harbormail and exit the house. Go south a few steps and talk to the girl with the brown hair to get a powderjar.
If you go south west a few steps and talk to the girl with the green hair you can get a effortribbon if your 1st pokemon has 510 ev.
Go in the house west of the pokemart and talk to the guy south east.Say yes to get a TM-Swagger.Exit the house. Go in the house north west of the pokecenter.Talk to the sailor to get a tm-torment and exit the house. Go north to route 110. ROUTE 110 Go north and fight the 2 trainers.Go east and pick a direhit.Avoid the trainer and pick a hidden fullheal. Go north to fight your rival.You will get a itemfinder.Go north and pick a hidden greatball near the 2 trainers. Fight the 2 trainers and get a hidden revive.Go west and fight the 2 trainers.Pick a leppaberry and pick a hidden pokeball. Go north to mauville city while avoiding the fisher. MAUVILLE CITY Go in the first house and talk to the girl.Say yes and you will get a coincase.Exit the house and pick a superpotion. Enter the house east of the pokemart and talk to the guy to get a HM-RockSmash.Exit the house and go in the house east of the pokecenter. Talk to the guy with the glasses and say yes to get a bicycle.Pick a machbike and exit the house.
Talk to the fat guy near the gym and say yes to get a TM-Rollout. Go in the house south of the gym and talk to the girl near the tree to get a doll.Exit the house. Go north to fight Wally near the gym entrance.Enter the gym and fight the guy with the blue hat while avoiding all the switches.
Press the switch north west.Fight the gym leader to get a tm-shockwave and exit the gym.Go north to route 111. ROUTE 111 Go north and pick a elixir while avoiding the trainers.Talk to the guy with the white shirt at the entrance of a house and say yes. Beat the 4 trainers and go in the house.Talk to the girl north east and you will get a machobrace.Exit the house. Go north and follow the path to fight a cameraman while avoiding the other trainers.Go north a few steps and go west to route 112.
Go in the grass to avoid the trainer.Go west and enter the cave while avoiding all the trainers.Go north and enter the door.
Go east and fight only the girl.Go north east to route 111 while avoiding all the trainers.
Talk to the guy looking at a tree and say yes to get a tm-secretpower.The old woman in the house can heal your pokemon.
Go north west to route 113 while avoiding a girl trainer. ROUTE 113 Go west and pick a hidden ether near the guy with a blue hat while avoiding that trainer.Jump east and fight the trainers. Pick a poisonbarb and pick a hidden nugget.Go back to the guy with a blue hat and go west.Avoid a girl trainer. Avoid the twins and pick a leppaberry.Go west and enter the house.Talk to the guy north west to get a sootsack.Exit the house. Jump south to avoid a hidden trainer and pick a hidden tm-doubleteam while avoiding another trainer. Go south to pick a superpotion near the 2 trainers. Avoid the 2 trainers and go west to fallarbor town. FALLARBOR TOWN
Go in the pokemart and talk to the girl north east.Say yes to get a TM-Metronome.Exit the house. Go heal at the pokecenter and talk to the girl north east.Exit the house and pick a hidden nugget in a hole.Go west to route 114. ROUTE 114 Avoid the fisher and enter the house.Get a tm-dig from the kid and exit the house.Talk to the guy with a hat to get a tm-roar. Fight the next 2 trainers and get a energypowder.Go south while avoiding the 2 trainers. Go west to pick a hidden revive.Go east and enter the house.Talk to the girl to get a lotaddoll and exit the house. Avoid the twins and go south while avoiding the guy in green.Pick a hidden carbos in a rock and beat the trainer. Go north west and smash a rock.Pick a starpiece.Go south and follow the path until you get to a trainer. Avoid that trainer and go south.Fight only the hiker.Follow the path and enter the cave while avoiding the other trainers. METEOR FALLS Go north and pick a dragonfang.Go west and pick a moonstone.Go south and enter the door. ROUTE 115 Go south west and pick a hidden heartscale near the blonde girl while avoiding that trainer. Go east and smash the rock while avoiding the fighting trainer. Pick a greatball and go south to pick a ppup while avoiding the trainers. Go back to fallarbor town.The fastest way to get there is to start a battle. During the battle you logout and when you login you say no to reconnect to session.You will be back in the last pokecenter you entered. Now from fallarbor town go east to route 113.Go east to route 111.Go south and go west to route 112. Go west and enter the cave.Go south and enter the door.Go north east and enter the door while avoiding the 2 hikers. Talk to the girl and say yes.Go in the door south. MT.CHIMNEY Go north west all the way and fight the 3 magma trainers.Talk to the boss of team magma and beat him. Click on the machine and say yes to get a meteorite.Go south all the way to jagged pass. JAGGED PASS Avoid the hiker and jump west to pick a hidden fullheal in the grass.Jump south 2 times and avoid the girl trainer. Avoid the magma trainer and jump south to fight only the trainer on a bike.Jump east and pick a blackbelt. Jump south 1 time and jump west 1 time to get a hidden greatball.Go south to route 112 while avoiding the girl. Go west to lavaridge town. LAVARIDGE TOWN
Go heal at the pokecenter and go in the door north.Pick a hidden tamatoberry in the water and exit the pokecenter. Talk to the old woman north of the gym to get a wobbuffet egg.Go in the house east of the gym.Talk to the first guy that you see to get a charcoal.
Exit the house.Go in the house south of the pokemart and talk to the kid.Say yes to get a TM-Mimic.Exit the house.
Enter the gym.Go in the hole north west.Walk 7 steps south and walk 3 steps west.Click on the hole to fight a trainer. Go in the hole north west.Walk 1 step east.Click on the hole on your south side to fight a trainer.Go in the hole north west.
Go in the hole north west.Go in the middle hole.Go in the middle hole.Go in the hole south east.Jump south 1 time and go in the hole.
Beat the gym leader to get a tm-overheat and exit the gym.You will get a go-goggles.Go east to route 112. ROUTE 112 Jump east 2 times and get a nugget.Go east to route 111 while avoiding the trainers. ROUTE 111 Go north to pick a stardust.Pick a hidden protein near the ruin maniac. Go south to pick a hidden stardust in a rock.Fight the ruin maniac. Go east to pick a hidden rarecandy in a rock near the girl while avoiding that trainer. Go south and fight only the guy with a green hat.Go south east all the way and pick a tm-sandstorm while avoiding the ruin maniac. Go back to the first ruin maniac and enter the tower. If there is no tower you need to keep relogging until it appears.
MIRAGE TOWER Go north east and go up the stairs.Go west then go south east and go up the stairs. Go west and smash a rock.Go up the stairs and smash a rock.Pick a rootfossil or a clawfossil.
You can only pick one. Exit the tower and go south to mauville city.Go west to route 117. ROUTE 117
Go west until you see a little kid trainer while avoiding all the trainers.Avoid the kid and fight the blonde girl that is not moving. Avoid all the trainers and cut the tree to get a revive.Go south to pick a dawnstone while avoiding a trainer.Also pick a hidden repel.
Go west to verdanturf town while avoiding a trainer.
Go in the pokecenter and talk to the kid.Say yes to get a TM-FuryCutter.Exit the house. Go in the house west of the pokemart and talk to the girl north west to get a TM-Charm.Exit the house and enter the cave. Go west and enter the door. ROUTE 116 Pick the hidden blackglasses near the guy and pick a hpup.Enter the cave. RUSTURF TUNNEL Go north to fight a trainer.Go north to pick a maxether.Smash a rock and you will get a HM-Strength.Go west and enter the door. ROUTE 116 Talk to the first guy that you see to get a repeatball.Go west to rustboro city while avoiding all the trainers. RUSTBORO CITY Go in the building north west.Go up the stairs north east.The guy south east can revive your fossil into a pokemon.
If you give him a fossil you need to leave the room and come back to get your pokemon.
Now go up the stairs west.Talk to the guy east to get a exp.share. Exit the building and go south to route 104. ROUTE 104 Go south west all the way and talk to the girl near the house to get a whiteherb.Go south to petalburg woods. Go south to route 104.Go south east to petalburg city. PETALBURG CITY Go heal at the pokecenter and exit the house.Go north and enter the gym. Enter the door north west.Fight a trainer and enter the door north west.Fight a trainer and enter the door north. Fight a trainer and go in the door south west.Go in the door south.Go in the door south.Go in the door north east and fight a trainer. Go in the door north west and fight a trainer.Go in the door south east.Go in the door north east and fight a trainer. Go in the door north and fight a trainer.Go in the door north and beat your dad to get a tm-facade.You will also get a HM-Surf. Exit the house and surf north east to get a revive.Surf south west to get a hidden rarecandy.Also pick a superpotion. Go west to route 104.Surf south to route 105. ROUTE 105 Surf south until you see a male swimmer not moving while avoiding all the trainers.
Avoid the first hiker and avoid the swimmer.Go west to fight the 2 trainers. Pick a hidden pearl and go back to the first ruin maniac trainer. Avoid the swimmer and go south west a few steps to pick a hidden stardust on the ground.Also pick a superpotion. Go south to route 106. ROUTE 106 Go south all the way while avoiding a swimmer.Go east to pick a superrepel while avoiding another swimmer.Go east to dewford town. DEWFORD TOWN Enter the house north of the pokecenter and talk to the guy that is walking to get a tm-sludgebomb. Exit the house and go to petalburg city.Go east to route 102.Go east to oldale town.Go north to route 103. ROUTE 103 Surf east and avoid the 2 swimmers.Avoid the fisher and fight the guy with the grey hair. Go east and cut the tree while avoiding the trainers.Fight the 2 trainers north and get a ppup. Go west and get a potion.Go east to route 110. ROUTE 110 Go east until you see a guy with a blue hat.Surf north to pick a rarecandy.Go back to the guy with a blue hat. Go north and follow the path to mauville city. MAUVILLE CITY Go heal at the pokecenter.Exit the house and talk to the gym leader.You will get a basementkey.Go south to route 110. Go south until you see a fisher.Surf east and enter the cave. NEW MAUVILLE Enter the door north and go on the blue switch.Go west and go on the green switch.Follow the path until you see a ball on a blue switch. Go east and pick a repel.Go back to the ball on a blue switch.Pick the escaperope and go on the blue switch. Go north west and pick a parlyzheal on a green switch.Follow the path and pick a fullheal on a green switch.Go on the green switch. Go east and go on the red switch.Pick a thunderstone.The other balls are the pokemon voltorb.Go back to mauville city. MAUVILLE CITY Talk to the gym leader to get a tm-thunderbolt.Go east to route 118. ROUTE 118 Fight the 2 trainers and pick a hidden heartscale in a rock.Surf east while avoiding the other trainers. Talk to the fisher north and say yes to get a goodrod.Pick a hidden iron in a rock.Go east while avoiding the fisher. Beat the bird trainer south east and get a hyperpotion while avoiding another bird trainer.Go north to route 119. ROUTE 119 Go north while avoiding all the trainers and pick a superrepel.Go east to pick a hidden fullheal. Beat the trainer a few steps north east and pick a razzberry.Surf north west and pick a wikiberry in the grass while avoiding the fisher. Go back to the fisher and surf east.Go north east and avoid the girl trainer.Follow the path and avoid the trainer with the green hat. Go north and fight the 2 trainers.Go north and pick a hyperpotion.Go north and avoid the bird trainer. Go east and pick a elixir while avoiding the 2 trainers.Go north west and enter the building. Go north west and click the bed to heal your pokemon.Go east to fight a girl.Avoid the guy trainer and go up the stairs. Fight the 2 trainers and go west while avoiding a guy trainer.Fight the girl trainer and exit the building.
Go east about 20 steps and go south a few steps to pick a mysticwater. Go north and fight your rival.You will get a HM-Fly.Go north and fight the guy with the yellow hair. Avoid the other trainers and go north east to fortree city.
Go up the stairs east of the pokecenter.
If you go in the first house you can trade your volbeat for a plusle by talking to the little guy.
Go in the 2nd house and talk to the guy.Say yes to get a TM-Sleeptalk.Exit the house.
Now go in the 4th house.Talk to the guy and exit the house.Go east to route 120. ROUTE 120 Go east and avoid the girl.Go north and cut the trees to get a hidden rarecandy. Go south east all the way and fight a bird trainer.Go west and talk to steven. Say yes and fight a pokemon.You will get a devonscope.Go back to the bird trainer and get a hidden revive. Go west to pick a shinystone.Surf south and enter the cave. SCORCHED SLAB Go north to pick a tm-sunnyday and exit the cave.Go back to fortree city. FORTREE CITY Go in the gym and fight the first trainer.Avoid the next 2 trainers and fight the next 3 trainers. Beat the gym leader to get a tm-aerialace.Exit the gym and go east to route 120. ROUTE 120 Go back to the bird trainer and go west.Avoid the next bird trainer and go south.Fight the 2 cooltrainers. Avoid the next 2 trainers and go east.Pick a revive and beat the cooltrainer.Go south and pick a hidden zinc. Go south west and pick a nugget while avoiding the 2 trainers.Go south and pick a sitrusberry while avoiding the trainer. Go west and surf south to get a fullheal.Pick a hidden rarecandy and go east to route 121. ROUTE 121 Go east and fight the guy walking while avoiding the old woman. Get a hidden hpup and beat the beauty girl.Go south east and pick a enigmaberry while avoiding the twins. Go east and fight the 2 trainers.Pick a revive and go north west to fight a guy. Pick a carbos and go north east to fight a girl.Pick a hidden fullheal and cut the tree to pick a hidden nugget. Go south and fight the male cooltrainer while avoiding the female cooltrainer.Pick a hidden maxrevive in the grass.
Go east to lilycove city. LILYCOVE CITY Go in the building south of the pokecenter.Talk to a girl all the way north to get a pokeblockcase.Exit the building. Go south east and pick a maxrepel.Go back to the pokecenter and go north east until you see a guy with a brown hat. Jump south 2 times and enter the house.Talk to the guy to get a tm-rest.Exit the house and go down the stairs. Go north and pick a hidden ppup in a rock.Go south east and pick a hidden pokeball in a rock. Go west and pick a hidden heartscale in a rock.Go back to the pokecenter and go west to route 121. Go back to the twins and surf south to route 122.Surf south all the way and go east to enter a cave. MT.PYRE Go north east all the way and talk to the girl to get a cleansetag.Go up the stairs north west. Fight the 3 trainers and fight the couple.Get a spelltag and go up the stairs north east. Fight the first trainer that you see while avoiding the next trainer and go south west. Fight the next trainer and get a superrepel.Go up the stairs. Avoid the trainer and go up the stairs.Fight the trainer and go up the stairs. Avoid the 2 trainers and get a TM-Hex.Go down in the hole and get a laxincense.Go down in the hole south east. Pick a seaincense and go down in the hole.Go down in the hole.Go down in the hole and go in the door west. Follow the path and get a TM-GuardSwap.Follow the path and get a hyperpotion. Go west and pick a hidden leppaberry in a tomb.Go north west and pick a hidden greatball in a tomb. Go north east to the next area.Go north to fight the aqua member and go west to pick a hidden superpotion in a tomb. Go back to the aqua member and go north to fight the 3 aqua members.Go north and talk to the girl to get a magmaemblem. Go east and pick a hidden rarecandy in the grass.Go south to the next area.Go south all the way and enter the door. Go south east and enter the door.Go south to route 123. ROUTE 123 Go south east and cut the tree.Avoid the trainer north east.Fight the next 2 trainers and get a hidden ppup. Go south east and pick a hidden rarecandy.Go west and talk to the girl to get a tm-gigadrain if you have a grass pokemon on you. Go west and pick a hidden superpotion in a rock.Fight only the guy while avoiding the girl.Go north all the way and jump west. Pick a hidden superrepel and pick a leppaberry.Go north west and jump south 3 times.Avoid the trainers and get a revivalherb. Jump west and fight the 2 trainers.Pick the ppup and jump west.Go west and pick a greatball while avoiding the twins. Go north west and pick a hidden revive while avoiding the trainers.Fly to lilycove city and go back to route 123. Go west and go north all the way when you see the 2 trainers.Jump west 1 time and go north west.Jump south 2 times. Go north west and jump west 2 times while avoiding the trainer.Go west and pick a fullheal.Fly to lavaridge town. Go east to route 112 and enter the house north east while avoiding all the trainers.Talk to the girl and say yes. Exit the house and go north to fight all the trainers except the old woman.Go south to jagged pass. Go south and enter the cave while avoiding the trainers. MAGMA HIDEOUT Go north and follow the path to fight a trainer.Go south and enter the door.Fight a trainer and avoid the next 3 trainers. Follow the path and enter the first door that you see.Go north west and fight the 2 trainers.Pick a fullrestore and go back to the door. Go east and go north to fight the 2 trainers.Pick a elixir and go south.Go east all the way and go north. Enter the door and go west to fight a trainer.Go south west and pick a rarecandy.Go north east and enter the door. Go south all the way and go west all the way.Enter the door.Go south and enter the door.Go west and fight a trainer. Follow the path and enter the first door that you see.Pick a ppmax and ignore the trainer.Enter the door. Go south and fight a trainer.Go west and pick a nugget.Enter the door and follow the path to fight the 4 team magma members. Go west and pick a revive.Follow the path and talk to the boss of team magma.Beat him and enter the door. Pick the escaperope and exit the cave.Fly to slateport city.Talk to the guy with the glasses north east of the pokecenter. Talk to the boss of team aqua.Exit the house and fly to lilycove city. Go north east from the pokecenter until you see a guy with a brown hat. Jump south 2 times and go down the stairs.Surf north east and enter the cave. AQUA HIDEOUT Surf north and avoid a trainer.Enter the door north east.Go in the portal east and get a muscleband. Go in the portal and go in the portal west.Go east and avoid a trainer.Go in the portal south west. Go in the portal south west.Go in the middle portal.Go in the portal west.Go in the portal south west. There is 4 balls.Take the nugget south west.Take the masterball north west.
The other balls are the pokemon electrode.Go in the portal. Go in the portal east.Go in the middle portal.Go in the portal east. Go in the portal all the way north.Go east all the way and fight the 2 trainers. Go in the portal and enter the door.Avoid a trainer and go in the portal south west.Pick a nestball and go in the portal. Go in the portal north east and enter the door.Avoid a trainer and go in the door north east. Fight the 2 trainers and go in the portal.Talk to the aqua member and beat him.Go in the portal south east. Enter the door and exit the cave.Surf east to route 124. Beat only the guy swimmer while avoiding the girl. Surf east to mossdeep city while avoiding all the trainers.Go south west of mossdeep city. Surf west to route 124 and fight a triathlete girl.Go heal at the pokecenter of mossdeep city and exit the house. MOSSDEEP CITY
Go south west a few steps from the pokecenter and talk to the fighter.Say yes to get a TM-DynamicPunch. Go south east of the city and get a netball.Go in the small house north east and talk to the bird.Exit the house. Go in the building north and talk to the sailor to get a sunstone.Exit the house.Go in the house east of the gym. Talk to the fisher and say yes to get a superrod.Exit the house and fly to fortree city. FORTREE CITY Go up the stairs east of the pokecenter and go in the 4th house.Talk to the guy to get a mentalherb. Exit the house and fly to mossdeep city. MOSSDEEP CITY Talk to the guy west of the pokecenter and say yes to get a king'srock.Enter the gym and go on the yellow switch. Fight the 2 trainers and go north in the portal.Fight the 2 trainers and go in the portal south west. Go in the portal south west.Fight the 4 trainers.Go south and go on the green switch 2 times. Go north and go in the portal all the way north.Go west in the portal.Go on the blue switch and fight the 2 trainers. Go on the blue switch 2 times and fight the old woman.Go on the red switch and fight a trainer. Go on the red switch 2 times.Go on the northern blue switch 4 times.Go on the southern blue switch. Go in the portal north east.Go in the portal north east.Beat the gym leaders to get a tm-calmmind. Go in the portal north west and exit the gym.Go south east of the city.Go north east and enter the building. Avoid the first 2 trainers and fight the next 2 trainers.Go up the stairs and say yes.Beat the 3 trainers.
Go south west and talk to steven 2 times.Say yes and exit the building. Go in the house north west of the pokecenter.You will get a HM-Dive.Exit the house. Surf north from mossdeep city to route 125. ROUTE 125 Go north east while avoiding all the trainers and pick a bigpearl on the ground. Surf west and enter the cave while avoiding all the trainers. SHOAL CAVE Go north and if you talk to the old man you will get a shellbell after giving him x4 shoalsalt and x4 shoalshell. From this point the path and the items you can get depends on the in-game time you enter the cave. LOW TIDE (3:00AM TO 8:59AM)(3:00PM TO 8:59PM) From the old man's location go north all the way and enter the door.Go north all the way and go down the stairs. Pick a nevermeltice and pick a shoalsalt in the sand.Go north all the way and go up the stairs. Follow the path and go down the stairs.Enter the door south west.Go south and pick a shoalsalt in the sand. Go north east and pick a shoalsalt in the sand.Go south and enter the door.Talk to the guy to get a focusband. Get a shoalsalt in the sand.Push the boulder east and go down the stairs.Slide south 2 times. Slide west from the 2nd northern path.Slide north and go 1 step west.Slide south and slide west. Slide south and slide east.Slide north and slide north on the square whitout the ice.Slide west and slide south. Slide east and slide north.Pick a nevermeltice.Go back on the square whitout the ice.Slide west and slide north. Slide east and slide south.Walk 1 step west.Walk 2 steps south.Walk 1 step west and slide north. Slide east and slide south.Slide west and slide north.Slide west and slide south.Slide west and slide north. Slide east and slide south to pick a tm-hail.Exit the cave and fly to mossdeep city.Go south to route 127. HIGH TIDE (9:00AM TO 2:59PM)(9:00PM TO 2:59AM) From the old man's location enter the door north west.Go north to pick a shoalshell.Go north west and pick a shoalshell. Go north east all the way and pick a shoalshell.Go west and pick a rarecandy.Go east and pick a shoalshell. Go south and enter the door.Pick a stardust and exit the cave.Fly to mossdeep city and go south to route 127. ROUTE 127 Go west and pick a superrepel.Go south and fight the 2 trainers.Pick a rarecandy and surf south. Dive in the water and pick a hidden pearl in a rock.Dive out and go east a few steps.
Avoid the triathlete trainer and go south east a few steps.Fight the fighting trainer and dive in the water north east.
Go north east and dive out of the water.Go north west and pick a carbos.Go back to the fighting trainer.
Go west and dive in the water as soon as u can.Go north and pick a hidden hpup in a rock.
Go north all the way and dive out of the water.Go north east a few steps until you see the fisher trainer looking east. Avoid him and dive in the water.Pick a hidden redshard in a rock.
Dive out of the water and go south west until you see a fisher trainer looking west.
Avoid that trainer and go south west a few steps.Dive in the water. Go south and pick a hidden heartscale in a rock.Go south and enter the cave.Dive out of the water. SEAFLOOR CAVERN Go north and enter the door.Go north and smash a rock.Push the boulder south and go east.Push a boulder east and avoid a trainer.
Go in the door north west.Smash a rock and walk 5 steps west.Walk 1 step north and push the boulder north 3 times.
Smash a rock and push the boulder east 2 times.Enter the door north east.Go in the southern most current. Go east in the current.Go north in the current.Go north in the current.Surf 1 step west and go north.Enter the door. Go east and push the southern most boulder east.Go 1 step east and go 1 step north.Push the boulder north. Go 1 step north and go 1 step west.Push the boulder north 4 times.Avoid the trainers and enter the door north. Push the middle boulder north.Go 1 step north.Push the boulder west.Go 1 step west.Go 1 step north.Push the boulder east. Go 1 step east.Push the boulder north 1 time.Go 1 step north.Push the boulder west.Push the boulder east.Go 1 step east. Push the boulder north.Go 2 steps west.Push the boulder north.Go 1 step north.Push the boulder east.Enter the door. Go east and pick a TM-WeatherBall.Go south and follow the path.Stand in front of the legendary pokemon. Fight the boss of team aqua. ROUTE 128 Go north and dive in the water.Pick a hidden protein in a rock and dive out.Go north west and fight a cooltrainer. Surf south and pick a hidden heartscale on the ground.Fight the triathlete trainer.Surf east until you see a fisher. Surf north west a few steps from the fisher and pick a hidden heartscale on the ground while avoiding the fisher. Surf east and dive in the water.Pick a hidden pearl in a rock.Dive out and fight the triathlete trainer.
Go back to the fisher and go north west to pick a hidden stardust on the ground.
Fight the cooltrainer and surf west to go near the first cooltrainer.Go north and avoid a triathlete trainer. Go north west to route 126. ROUTE 126 Dive in the water and go south to pick a hidden bigpearl in a hole.Dive out of the water. Go south west all the way while avoiding the swimmers. Fight the 2 trainers and dive in the water south west.Go south and pick a hidden blueshard.Go north and dive out of the water. Go north west all the way and dive in the water.Go north and pick a hidden heartscale in a hole.Dive out of the water. Surf all the way south west.Dive in the water.Pick a hidden yellowshard in a hole.Pick a hidden pearl in a hole. Pick a hidden iron in a hole.Dive out of the water and surf north east. Dive in the water.Go south a few steps and dive out of the water near the grass. Surf north east a few steps and dive in the water.Pick a hidden greenshard in a hole. Dive out of the water.Surf north east and fight only the girl. Go south and dive in the water.Pick a hidden stardust in a hole.Go south all the way and enter the cave.Dive out of the water. Surf north west and talk to steven.Inside the cave go north and enter the door. Go north and go down the stairs.Go south and talk to wallace. Say sky pillar.Exit the cave and fly to mossdeep city.Surf south to route 127.Surf south to route 128.Surf south to route 129. Surf south and avoid the first swimmer.Surf west to route 130 while avoiding all the trainers.
Surf west to route 131 while avoiding all the trainers.Go west until you see a guy on top swimming up and down and a girl swimming up and down.
Fight only the girl trainer.Go west to pacifidlog town while avoiding all the trainers.
Go in the pokecenter and talk to the guy with the yellow hair.Say yes to get a TM-Explosion.Exit the house.
If you go in the house south east of the pokecenter you can trade your bagon for a horsea by talking to the guy. Surf north all the way and go east to route 131.Surf east until you see a male trainer swimming and go north west. Enter the cave.Go north and enter the door.Go north and enter the building.
Go north and go up the stairs.Go west and go up the stairs.Go up the stairs north east. Go down in the western most hole.Go up the stairs.Go up the stairs west.Go up the stairs north east.Go north all the way. After the pokemon has left you need to fly to sootopolis city. SOOTOPOLIS CITY
Enter the pokecenter and talk to the girl with the brown hair.Say yes to get a TM-DoubleEdge.Exit the house. Talk to the boss of team aqua.Also talk to the boss of team magma.Talk to wallace and you will get a HM-Waterfall.Go in the gym. Go on the first ice square.Go 1 step west.Go 1 step north.Go 2 steps east.Go 1 step north.Go 1 step west.Go north on the first ice square. Go 3 steps west.Go 2 steps north.Go 2 steps east.Go 1 step south.Go 2 steps east.Go 1 step south.Go 2 steps east.Go 2 steps north. Go 3 steps west.Go north and go down in the ice.Fight the 2 trainers all the way north east.Avoid the 2 trainers in the middle all the way north.
Fight the girl with the green hair all the way north west.Avoid the girl with the black pants all the way north west.
Go south and fight the last 4 trainers.Go south and go up the stairs.Go north on the first ice square.Go 1 step west.
Go 1 step north.Go 2 steps east.Go 1 step north.Go 1 step west.Go north on the first ice square.Go 3 steps west.Go 2 steps north. Go 2 steps east.Go 1 step south.Go 2 steps east.Go 1 step south.Go 2 steps east.Go 2 steps north.Go 3 steps west. Go north on the first ice square.Go 5 steps west.Go 3 steps north.Go 1 step east.Go 1 step south.Go 1 step east. Go 1 step south.Go 1 step east.Go 2 steps north.Go 1 step east.Go 1 step south.Go 1 step east.Go 1 step south. Go 1 step east.Go 1 step south.Go 1 step east.Go 2 steps north.Go 1 step east.Go 1 step south.Go 1 step east. Go 1 step south.Go 1 step east.Go 3 steps north.Go 5 steps west.Go north and beat the gym leader to get a tm-waterpulse. Exit the gym and surf west.Go north west all the way and enter the house.Talk to the guy to get a tm-brickbreak.Exit the house. Fly to sootopolis city.Go in the house east of the pokecenter.Talk to the girl and say yes to get a wailmerdoll. Exit the house and fly to mossdeep city.Surf south to route 127.Surf south to route 128. Surf east to ever grande city while avoiding all the trainers.Follow the path and go up the waterfall. Go heal at the pokecenter and exit the house.Go north west and enter the cave. VICTORY ROAD Go north and avoid the first 2 stairs.Go north and go up the 3rd stairs.Go east all the way. Go south and pick a maxelixir.Jump south and go west to fight a trainer.Go south west and jump west. Go north and go up the 2nd stairs.Go west and follow the path.Fight wally and go north to fight another trainer. Go down the stairs.Push the western boulder west.Push the eastern boulder east.Follow the path and go north. Smash the 2 rocks and push the first boulder south.Push the other boulder north.Follow the path and fight a trainer. Follow the path and go up the stairs.Pick a ppup and pick a hidden revive.Go down the stairs and jump west. Go north and fight a trainer.Go north and push the boulder north 1 time.Push the boulder west. Push the next boulder west.Smash the rock and get a fullrestore.Go south all the way and go west. Go down the stairs and go north to fight a trainer.Surf north and go north to pick a hidden maxrepel. Go up the stairs north east and pick a tm-psychic.Go down the stairs and go south.Avoid the trainer. Go west and fight the 2 trainers.Go west to fight another trainer.Go north and surf north east to fight a trainer. Pick a fullheal.Go east and pick a hidden elixir.Go west all the way and go down the waterfall. Go east and go up the stairs.Fight the 2 trainers.Go south and smash a rock.Push the boulder south.Smash the rock and go north.
Go up the stairs.Follow the path and fight a trainer.Go north and fight the 2 trainers.Go north and enter the door. Go north and enter the building.Go north and talk to the twins.Enter the door and beat the 5 trainers. LITTLEROOT TOWN Enter the door and you will get a s.s.ticket.Say red and exit the house.Exit the laboratory and enter the house north west. Talk to your mom 2 times to get a amuletcoin.Exit the house and fly to mauville city.Go north to route 111. ROUTE 111 Go north and surf west when you see a house to get a hpup.Fly to rustboro city.Go south to route 104. ROUTE 104 Surf east when you see a fisher to get a superpotion.Fly to rustboro city.Go north to route 115. ROUTE 115 Go north and pick a superpotion.Surf north and avoid the girl trainer.Surf north and go north until you see some trainers. Avoid all the trainers and beat only the old man.Pick the healpowder and go up the stairs.Pick a TM-Hurricane and go east. Follow the path and pick a lumberry.Fly to dewford town.Go north west and enter the cave. GRANITE CAVE Go west and go down the stairs.Go north and go down the stairs.Pick a repel and go up the stairs. Go west and follow the path until you see the next stairs.Avoid the stairs and go east all the way. Go down the stairs and pick a rarecandy.Pick a hidden everstone in a rock.Exit the cave and fly to fallarbor town. FALLARBOR TOWN Enter the house west of the pokemart and talk to the guy.Say yes to get a TM-NaturalGift and exit the house.Go west to route 114. Enter the house near the fisher.Go north and enter the door.Go north and enter the cave. DESERT UNDERPASS Go east all the way and pick a clawfossil or a rootfossil.
It will always be the fossil you did not pick in mirage tower.
Go back to route 114. ROUTE 114 Go west all the way until you see a guy with a hat.Surf west and go up the waterfall to get a rarecandy.Fly to mauville city. Enter the house east of the pokecenter and talk to the guy with the glasses.Say yes to get the acrobike. Exit the house and fly to fortree city.Go west to route 119. ROUTE 119 Go south until you see the bridge.Go south a few steps.Surf south and pick a hidden greatball in the grass. Surf south all the way and pick a leafstone.Surf north all the way until you see a waterfall. Pick a hidden maxether and go up the waterfall.You need to stand still and hold the b key to be able to jump with the bike. Follow the path to pick a nugget and a rarecandy.Fly to fortree city and go west to route 119.Go south until you see the bridge. Go west and go south when you see the building.Follow the path until you see another bridge. Follow the path until you see a guy with the purple hair and jump with your bike west.Pick a hidden calcium in the flowers. Fly to lavaridge town and go east to route 112.Jump east 4 times and enter the cave north west while avoiding all the trainers. FIERY PATH Go north and push the boulder west.Push the 2nd boulder north and push the first boulder west. Push the 3rd boulder west 3 times.Go north and pick a tm-toxic. Push the 4th boulder south all the way.Then push it east all the way.Push the next boulder east and go south to pick a firestone. Exit the cave and fly to mossdeep city.Go in the house north west and pick a beldum in a pokeball.Exit the house. Go south west all the way of the city until you see the 3 trees.Surf west to route 124. ROUTE 124 Surf west and dive in the water in the first spot that you see.Pick a hidden heartscale in the hole. Dive out and surf north west a few steps while avoiding the swimmer.Dive in the next spot that you see. Pick a hidden bigpearl in the hole and dive out.Surf north and avoid the diving spot north of the house. Dive in the next spot and pick a hidden pearl.Dive out and surf north all the way. Dive in the next spot.Follow the path and dive out at the end of the path. Surf west and pick a yellowshard.Surf east and dive in the water. Follow the path and dive out of the water at the end of the path. Surf south until you can walk on the ground.Surf west and dive in the water in the next spot that you see. Pick a hidden heartscale in the hole.Go north all the way.Go west and pick a hidden redshard in a hole. Go west all the way and dive out of the water at the end of the path.Surf south east and pick a redshard. Fly to lilycove city.
Go in the building north of the pokecenter.Go in the elevator and go to the 5th floor.Exit the elevator.
Go east all the way and go up the stairs.Talk to the first person that you see and say yes to get a TM-Substitute.
Exit the building and go east until you see a guy with a brown hat.Jump south 2 times and go east.Surf east to route 124.
Surf east until you see the 2 swimmers.Surf a few steps south east from the guy swimmer. Dive in the first spot that you see.Go south and pick a hidden greenshard. Go north and dive out of the water.Surf east and dive in the next spot that you see. Go south and go east.Pick a hidden carbos.Go west and go south all the way. Go west all the way and dive out of the water at the end of the path.Surf north east and pick a blueshard. Surf south west and dive in the water.Go east all the way and go north all the way. Dive out of the water at the end of the path.Surf east a few steps until you see a diving spot. Avoid it and go south all the way while avoiding the girl swimmer. Surf east and dive in the water in the next spot that you see while avoiding the swimmer. Follow the path and dive out of the water at the end of the path.Surf south west all the way and dive in the water. ROUTE 126 Go west and dive out of the water at the end of the path.Pick a greenshard.Fly to dewford town and go east to route 107. Surf east and avoid all the trainers until you see a guy swimmer looking at a girl swimmer. Fight the guy swimmer only and surf east to route 108. ROUTE 108 Surf east until you see the abandoned ship while avoiding all the trainers. Surf a few steps south east while avoiding the girl swimmer and pick a hidden rarecandy in a rock. Surf north and fight the 2 trainers.Pick a stardust and surf a few steps west.Enter the abandoned ship. ABANDONED SHIP Go north and enter the door.Enter the door north west and pick a pearlstring.Exit the room. Go down the stairs.Avoid the sailor trainer and enter the broken door.Pick a diveball and exit the room.
Enter the door south west.Pick a escaperope and exit the room. Enter the next door to your right.Dive in the water and go west.Enter the door and dive out of the water. Enter the door south east and pick a waterstone.Pick a hidden rm.1key and exit the room. Click on the door south west and enter the door. Pick a tm-raindance and pick a hidden rm.4key.Exit the room and click on the door north west.Enter the door and pick a hidden rm.6key. Exit the room and click on the door north east.Enter the door and pick a luxuryball.Go west and pick a hidden rm.2key. Go east and exit the room.Click on the middle door south and enter the door.Pick a scanner and exit the room. Dive in the water and enter the door. Go east all the way and dive out of the water.Exit the room and go north west. Go up the stairs and enter the 2nd door that you see while avoiding the kid. Fight the couple and go north to pick a revive.Fight the ruin maniac trainer while avoiding the kid. Go south and exit the room.Enter the door south west. Go north and enter the room.Pick a storagekey and exit the room.Go south and enter the door.Go north east and go down the stairs. Click on the door north east and enter the room.Pick a tm-icebeam and exit the abandoned ship. Fly to slateport city and enter the house north east of the pokecenter. SLATEPORT CITY Talk to the guy with the glasses and you will get a deepseatooth or a deepseascale.Exit the house and go south to route 109. ROUTE 109 Go south all the way and surf south east to pick a pearl while avoiding all the trainers. Surf west and pick a hidden heartscale near the couple while avoiding them.Fly to pacifidlog town and surf west to route 132. ROUTE 132
Surf south and go in the southern most wave.After you beat the fisher go in the southern most wave. Avoid the 4 trainers and pick a protein.Go in the southern most wave. ROUTE 133 Surf west to pick a maxrevive while avoiding the 2 swimmers.Fly to pacifidlog town.Surf west to route 132. Surf south and go in the southern most wave.Go in the southern most wave.Go near the guy trainer with the green hair. From the location of that trainer surf west in the wave.Go west and go in the northern most wave while avoiding a trainer. ROUTE 134 When you stop moving because of a rock go 2 steps south.Then go 2 steps north. Go a few steps south west and fight the 2 trainers with the green hair.Surf west all the way without going in the waves. Go in the wave north west.Pick a stardust while avoiding the 2 trainers.Fly to pacifidlog town.Surf west to route 132. Surf south and go in the southern most wave.Go in the northern most wave.Fight a trainer and go west in the wave. ROUTE 133 Avoid the 2 trainers by going in the wave 1 step east from the old woman and walking 1 step north.Pick a pearl.Go west in the wave.
Fight a trainer and go west in the wave.Fight the sailor and fly to pacifidlog town.Surf west to route 132. ROUTE 132 Surf north and go in the northern most wave. Surf south and go in the southern most wave while avoiding the swimmer.Pick a rarecandy and go west in the wave. ROUTE 133 Pick a starpiece while avoiding the swimmer.Go west in the wave.Go west in the wave. ROUTE 134 When you see the 2 swimmers go in the southern most wave while avoiding those trainers. Go in the southern most wave.Surf 2 steps south and go east to pick a pearl while avoiding the 2 trainers. Fly to lilycove city and go west to route 121.Go west until you see the twins.Avoid them and enter the house. Go north west and enter the door.
SAFARI ZONE Go north until you see some stairs.Use the acro bike to ride the bridge.Go north until you see some stairs. Go down the stairs and go north west to pick a calcium.Exit the safari zone and fly to mauville city. Go in the house east of the pokecenter and talk to the guy with the glasses.Say yes to get the mach bike and exit the house. Fly to lilycove city and go west to route 121.Go west until you see the twins.Avoid the twins and enter the house. Follow the path and say yes to play in the safari zone.Go west all the way and surf south west to get a chestoberry. Go north west all the way until you see a guy and go north east all the way.Surf north and get a tm-solarbeam. Go north west all the way until you see a guy. Go south until you see a house and go east until you see a girl in green.Go down the stairs and go south until you see a fat guy. Pick a hidden ppup and pick a hidden nugget.Surf north and go up the waterfall.Pick a figyberry and surf north. Walk a few steps north and pick a hidden rarecandy. Go north east all the way.Go west and pick a hidden zinc.Go west and follow the path to pick a nugget. Exit the safari zone and fly to lilycove city. Go in the red house south west of the pokecenter.Talk to the girl and say slateport city. S.S.TIDAL Enter the first room that you see and fight the couple.Exit the room.In the 2nd room if you click the bed you can heal your pokemon. Enter the 3rd room and fight the trainer.Exit the room and enter the 4th room.Beat the trainer and exit the room. Go in the room north east and talk to the guy to get a tm-snatch.Exit the room and go in the next room.Beat the trainer and exit the room. Go in the next room and beat the trainer.Exit the room and go down the stairs. Go north west all the way while avoiding the trainers.Pick a hidden leftovers in a trash can.Go north east and go up the stairs. Go south west all the way and enter the 2nd door that you see.Click on the bed and you will sleep. Click on the bed again and you will sleep again.Exit the room and talk to the guy south west to exit the ship. Talk to the girl west and say battlefrontier. BATTLE FRONTIER Enter the house and you will get a frontierpass.Go north and enter the door.
Go north all the way and go east a few steps to enter a small house.Talk to Scott to get 10BP.Exit the house.
If you go east a few steps and enter the small house you can trade your skitty for a meowth by talking to the girl.
Now from the location of the small house where you got the bp go a few steps west.Go south until you see a guy with gold hair.
Go east until you see the pokecenter.Go a few steps north east until you see a guy and a little girl. Go east until you see a guy with a brown hat.Go east a few steps and go south all the way. Go next to the tree pokemon and use the wailmer pail. Beat the pokemon and go down the waterfall.Surf west all the way and enter the cave. ARTISAN CAVE Go east and pick a hidden iron in a rock.Go up the stairs 3 times and go east to pick a hpup.Go north and pick a hidden zinc in a rock. Go south west a few steps and go north to pick a hidden calcium in a rock. Go down the stairs and go north west all the way to pick a hidden protein in a rock. Go north east all the way and go up the stairs.Pick a carbos and exit the cave. Fly to fallarbor town and go west to route 114.Follow the path and enter the cave. METEOR FALLS Go west and go up the waterfall.Go north and enter the door.Go north and go down the stairs. Go south west and go up the stairs.Pick a TM-Fissure.If you want you can enter the door and go north to fight Steven.
He has 6 pokemon and gives 4680$.Now go down the stairs. Go north west and go up the stairs.Beat the couple and go north to fight another trainer. Jump south 3 times and jump south 3 times on the western side. Go down the stairs and surf north east.Enter the door and surf north to get a tm-dragonclaw. Surf south and enter the door.Surf south east and enter the door. Pick a stardust and exit the cave.Fly to pacifidlog town. PACIFIDLOG TOWN Enter the house south west of the pokecenter.Talk to the guy to get a tm-return if the 1st pokemon on your list has a high happiness. You will get a tm-frustration if your 1st pokemon on your list has a low happiness.You can only get one of the items. Exit the house and fly to slateport city. SLATEPORT CITY Go in the house west of the pokemart and talk to the girl all the way north. You will get a soothebell if the 1st pokemon on your list has a high happiness.
If you want you can fly to ever grand city on the northern part of the map and go south to enter victory road.
You can fight Wally who has 6 pokemon and gives 3300$. THE END!
![[PokeMMO Farm Guide] How (and Where) to Find all Items (Hoenn + Walkthrough)](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiWZT3JDLxK6Haps9L56kiQRkTvA4r5xZcdE5RuZyRmSHTk5lljJoqG01yyV_5iA3gKT8n1mZkwUIQ8QpNmbEZg8C61tbvgKZfvv4twF4r0S5y4FYlx6mdi2oA4tbpBvNfDxO3wPo_jm6RZgYdrcW7FwvbOJfYKsm_ofklaUOIA6DUX2Y6BkiJUH-2pYw/s72-w640-c-h332/-PokeMMO-Farm-Guide-How-and-Where-to-Find-all-Items-Part-1-Hoenn-Walkthrough-.png)
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