[PokeMMO Comp Guide] What Are IVs (Individual Values)?


Every Pokémon has numbers in their data called Individual Value. They are random for every wild Pokémon you encounter, and you can't change them. They determine a whole range of stats attributes.

What Are Individual Values

Individual Values (IVs for short) are key to determining your Pokémon's stats. IVs are randomly assigned when you encounter any wild Pokémon (or receive it as a gift or egg). You cannot change a Pokémon's IVs once caught, but (unlike the original games) in PokéMMO you can know the exact IVs.

IVs consist of six numbers corresponding to HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Each range from 0-31 and the higher the number, the better your Pokémon's stat will be.

A bred Pokémon:

Perfect IVs (31) can be passed down using the breeding mechanics.

A wild Pokémon:

In most cases, wild Pokémon will have random IVs.

Note: All "gift" Pokémon (like starters) will have neutral attributes (meaning they will have neutral natures and 15 IV across all stats).

Credits: https://pokemondb.net/mechanics/hidden

[PokeMMO Comp Guide] What Are IVs (Individual Values)? [PokeMMO Comp Guide] What Are IVs (Individual Values)? Reviewed by CommanderBlue on dezembro 24, 2022 Rating: 5

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