[PokeMMO Farm Guide] How (and Where) to Find all Items (Kanto + Walkthrough)
Credits: The content of this post was created by MightyBoxer, and you can find the original post at this link.
Note: Use CTRL+F for a quick search.
The last time this guide was updated was 1st August 2022
Important notes
Items that have the color purple mean that there was never an item there in the original games.
Kanto Complete Walkthrough + Items Location
PALLET TOWN Go down the stairs and exit the house.Go north in the grass.Pick your starter pokemon and go south.Fight your rival and exit the house. Go north to route 1. ROUTE 1 Talk to the first person that you see to get a potion.Go north to viridian city. VIRIDIAN CITY Go north east and enter the pokemart.You will get the oak'sparcel.Exit the house and go south to route 1.Go south to pallet town. PALLET TOWN Go south east and enter the laboratory.Talk to professor oak and you will get a pokedex.You will also get x5 pokeball. Exit the laboratory and enter the house north.Talk to the girl to get a townmap.Exit the house and go north to route 1. Go north to viridian city.Go north to route 2.Go north to viridian forest. VIRIDIAN FOREST Pick a hidden antidote in the tree.Go west all the way and go north all the way.Pick a pokeball in the grass and go south all the way. Go east all the way and pick a superpotion in the grass.Go north and avoid the trainer by going in the grass. Go north and avoid another trainer.Go north and pick a antidote.Go west and then go south.Follow the path and avoid a trainer. Go south and pick a potion.Follow the path and fight a trainer.Pick a hidden potion in the grass.Go north to route 2. Go north to pewter city. PEWTER CITY Go north west all the way and pick a hidden pokeball.Go south and enter the gym.
Avoid the trainer and beat the gym leader to get a tm-rocktomb. Exit the gym and go east all the way.Talk to the guy with the glasses to get the runningshoes.Go east to route 3. ROUTE 3 Go east and avoid the girl trainer.Fight the bug trainer.Avoid the trainer with a blue hat.Fight another bug trainer. Jump south and get a oranberry.Remember the design of that hole.Those holes have a hidden berry. Avoid the trainer with a blue hat and go back to the 2nd bug trainer. Avoid the girl trainer and fight the 3rd bug trainer.Go east and avoid the girl trainer. Follow the path until you get to a pokecenter.
Pick a persimberry west of the pokecenter.If you enter the pokecenter and talk to the guy north west you can buy a magikarp for 500$.
Now enter the cave. MT.MOON Go south west and pick a TM-WaterGun.Go north west and pick a parlyzheal while avoiding the trainer. Go north east and go down the stairs while avoiding the girl trainer.Go south all the way and pick a hidden tinymushroom in a rock. Go west all the way and pick a hidden tinymushroom in a rock.Also pick a hidden bigmushroom in a rock. Go down the stairs and go east to pick a silkscarf while avoiding the trainer.Go up the stairs.Follow the path and go up the stairs. Go south and pick a potion while avoiding the trainer.Go south east and pick a rarecandy. Go north and pick a escaperope while avoiding the bug trainer.Go north west and go down the stairs while avoiding the girl trainer. Pick a hidden tinymushroom in a rock and go down the stairs.Pick a TM-Assurance and pick a hidden ether in a rock while avoiding the trainer. Go up the stairs.Go up the stairs.Go north west and pick a moonstone while avoiding the 2 trainers.Go down the stairs. Pick a hidden bigmushroom in a rock.Go east and go down the stairs.
Go north and pick a revive.Go south east and avoid the rocket trainer. Follow the path and fight a rocket trainer.Pick a hidden moonstone in a rock.Go north and fight a trainer. Pick a domefossil or a helixfossil.You can only pick one and go west to pick a antidote.
Go up the stairs and pick a hidden tinymushroom in a rock.Go up the stairs. ROUTE 4 Go east and pick a hidden greatball near the fighters.Talk to the first fighter and say yes to get a TM-MegaPunch.
Talk to the other fighter and say yes to get a TM-MegaKick.Go south east and pick a razzberry.Go north and pick a TM-MegaDrain.
Go east to cerulean city. CERULEAN CITY Go in the house north west and go in the door north.Pick a hidden rarecandy and exit the house.
Go in the house east.Talk to the guy and say yes to get a powderjar.Exit the house.
If you go in the house west of the pokecenter you can trade your poliwhirl for a jynx by talking to the guy.
Now go north to fight your rival.Go north to route 24. ROUTE 24 Fight the 5 trainers.Go north and the 6th trainer will give you a nugget.Beat him and go north west to pick a TM-BeatUp. Go east and pick a pechaberry near the grass.Go east to route 25. ROUTE 25 Pick a hidden leppaberry near the first hiker.Avoid the first hiker and the guy with a blue hat.Fight the 2nd hiker. Avoid the next trainer with a blue hat.Fight the next trainer.Avoid the hiker and fight the guy in green. Go east to pick a oranberry.Avoid the trainer with a blue hat and pick a blukberry.Fight the girl trainer. Go east and pick a hidden ether.Enter the house.Talk to the pokemon and say yes. Click on the computer and talk to bill to get a s.s.ticket.Run to cerulean city. CERULEAN CITY Go east of the pokecenter and enter the gym.Avoid the first trainer and talk to the gym leader on her right side to avoid the 2nd trainer. Beat the gym leader and get a tm-waterpulse.Exit the gym and go in the house north.Go in the door north.Beat the rocket trainer to get a tm-dig. Go south to route 5.Enter the small house south east.If you want you can trade your nidoran male for a nidoran female by talking to the girl.
Now go down the stairs. UNDERGROUND PATH Pick a hidden antidote near the stairs.Pick a hidden superpotion near the first blue line.Pick a hidden awakening on the floor that is blue. Pick a hidden potion near the first red line.Pick a hidden ether on the floor that is red.Pick a hidden iceheal after the last red line. Pick a hidden burnheal near the stairs.Go up the stairs and exit the house. ROUTE 6 Go north west and pick a sitrusberry.Go north east and pick a hidden rarecandy.Go south and avoid the 2 trainers. Go south and avoid the bug trainer by going in the grass.Go south and avoid the girl trainer. Fight only the guy trainer by making him see you from the western most position.Go south to vermilion city. VERMILION CITY Pick a hidden superpotion near the pokecenter.Go in the pokecenter and talk to the girl in red to get a vsseeker.Exit the house. Go in the house west of the pokecenter and talk to the fisher.Say yes to get a oldrod. Go in the house south west of the pokecenter and talk to the guy with a hat.Say yes to get a bikevoucher.Exit the house.
If you go in the house west of the pokemart you can trade your spearow for a farfetchd by talking to the girl. Go south from the pokemart.Go west all the way and go south to the next area.Go south and enter the boat. S.S. ANNE Go south east and go down the stairs.Pick a hidden superpotion in a trash can.
Go in the first room and get a superpotion.Exit the room.Avoid the 2nd room.
Go in the 3rd room and fight a sailor.Pick a ether and exit the room. Go in the 4th room and pick a TM-PayDay while avoiding the trainer.Exit the room.Avoid the last room. Go east all the way and go up the stairs.The 2nd room there is a girl that can heal your pokemon.Go in the 6th room and fight the guy. Get a TM-Submission while avoiding the girl trainer.Exit the room and go south west.Enter the door and go south west to pick a greatball. Go east and pick a hidden chestoberry in a trash can.Pick a hidden cheriberry in a trash can.Pick a hidden pechaberry in a trash can. Exit the room and go up the stairs north west.Go south and go in the 2nd room.Fight the 2 trainers and pick a stardust.Exit the room. Go in the 4th room and fight only the guy.Pick a superpotion and exit the room.Go east all the way and go north to fight your rival. Go up the stairs and talk to the captain to get a HM01-Cut.Exit the boat and go to vermilion city.Go east to route 11. ROUTE 11 Avoid all the trainers and go south east.Pick a magnet in the grass.Go south east all the way and pick a greatball.
If you go in the house you can trade your nidorino for a nidorina by talking to the guy with the blue hat on the 2nd floor. Now go north east all the way and pick a hidden escaperope in a rock.Go west and fight the trainer with the grey hair. Go north west all the way and pick a awakening.Check your pokedex and make sure you have at least 10 owned pokemon. Enter the cave and go down the stairs.Go west and follow the path.Go up the stairs and exit the cave. ROUTE 2 Go south and if you enter the small house you can trade your abra for a mr.mime by talking to the guy north east.
Now go south and cut the tree.Enter the big house.Talk to the guy with the glasses and say yes. You will get a HM05-Flash if you own at least 10 pokemon.Enter the door south.Go south and pick a sharpbeak. Go south and pick a parlyzheal.Go back to vermilion city. VERMILION CITY Go south west of the city and go in the gym.Fight the 3 trainers.You need to click on the trash cans and find the first switch. Then the 2nd switch will always be in a trash can next to the first switch.Make sure you try all 4 directions for the 2nd switch. Beat the gym leader to get a tm-shockwave.Exit the gym and go to cerulean city. CERULEAN CITY Go in the house south west of the pokecenter.Talk to the guy with the yellow hair to get a bicycle.Exit the house. Go north to route 24.Go north east to route 25. ROUTE 25 Go east and cut a tree to get a TM-Teleport.Go back to cerulean city. Go in the house north of the gym.Go in the door north.Go east to route 9. ROUTE 9 Cut the tree and fight a girl trainer.Go south and pick a TM-TakeDown.Go east and avoid the hiker.Go north and avoid the trainer in green. Go north and fight a bug trainer.Go west and pick a hidden ether in a rock.Jump south 2 times and go east while avoiding the hiker. Go south east and fight a hiker.Pick a twistedspoon and go north to fight a bug trainer.Go north and pick a chestoberry. Go east and pick a hidden rarecandy while avoiding the hiker.Jump south and go east to route 10 while avoiding the girl trainer. ROUTE 10 Go south east and pick a persimberry.Pick a hidden superpotion on the wall near the cave.Pick a cheriberry near the girl trainer. Avoid the trainer and go in the cave. ROCK TUNNEL Go east and pick a repel.Go south and fight a trainer.Go south east and follow the path.
Go down the stairs and go south west to fight a trainer. Go west all the way and pick a revive.Go north to fight a trainer.Go north east and avoid the trainer.
Follow the path and go west to fight a hiker.Go north west and go up the stairs.
Go south all the way while avoiding the first hiker that you see.Fight the 2nd hiker and go east all the way. Pick a hardstone and go north east while avoiding the hiker.Go down the stairs.Go west and fight a girl.
Go south all the way and go west a few steps.Talk to the guy and say yes to get a TM-RockSlide.Go north all the way and get a maxether. Go west to fight a hiker.Go north and go up the stairs while avoiding the trainer.
Go south and avoid the first trainer.Fight the next girl trainer. Go west a few steps and go north to pick a pearl.Go west to fight a girl.Go south and exit the cave. ROUTE 10 Go east and pick a nanabberry.Go south to lavender town while avoiding all the trainers.Go west to route 8.
Avoid the girl trainer and fight the old man.Go west and cut the tree.Pick a rawstberry and pick a lumberry. Pick a leppaberry.Cut another tree and go west all the way while avoiding all the trainers. Go north and enter the small house.Go down the stairs. UNDERGROUND PATH Pick a hidden freshwater between the 1st and the 2nd light.Pick a hidden antidote between the 2nd and the 3rd light. Pick a hidden ether between the 3rd and the 4th light.Pick a hidden burnheal between the 4th and the 5th light. Pick a hidden awakening between the 5th and the 6th light.Pick a hidden superpotion between the 6th and the 7th light. Pick a hidden potion near the stairs.Go up the stairs and exit the house. ROUTE 7 Pick a wepearberry and go north west to celadon city. CELADON CITY Go north of the pokecenter and go north west all the way to pick a ether.Go east a few steps and enter the building. Go up the stairs 3 times.Go south and enter the door.Pick a eevee in a pokeball and exit the building. Go south of the pokecenter and cut a tree.Pick a hidden ppup and go in the house west of the pokecenter.
Go north west and talk to the old woman to get a tea. Exit the house and go in the building west.Go north and enter the elevator.Go to the 3rd floor and exit the elevator.
Talk to the guy south east and say yes to get a TM-Counter.Go in the elevator and go to the 5th floor.Exit the elevator and go up the stairs. Click on the vending machine and buy a fresh water.Buy a soda pop and buy 2 lemonade.Talk to the girl and say yes. Give her a fresh water and you will get a tm-lightscreen.Then give her a soda pop and you will get a tm-safeguard. Also give her a lemonade and you will get a tm-reflect.Exit the building and go in the house east of the gym.
Talk to the guy north west to get a coincase and exit the house.Go west to route 16. ROUTE 16 Cut the tree and go north west.Fight the trainers and go in the house.Go west and enter the door.Go west and enter the house. Talk to the girl to get a HM02-Fly and exit the house.Fly to celadon city.
Go in the big red house south west of the pokecenter.Go north and fight the rocket trainer.Click on the poster and go down the stairs.
Go south and get a hidden ppup in a tree.Go west to pick a escaperope while avoiding the trainer.Go north east and go down the stairs. Go west and go down the stairs while avoiding the trainer.Go south to fight a trainer and get a TM-FakeTears. Go north west all the way and pick a hidden nugget.Go south and go on the arrow pointing south.
Get a rarecandy and go on the arrow pointing north. Go on the arrow pointing west.Go on the arrow pointing east.Walk 2 steps west.Walk 3 steps south.Walk 3 steps west. Walk 2 steps south.Walk 2 steps east.Avoid the trainer and go east to pick the up-grade.
Go down the stairs.Pick a ether and go north to pick a tm-snatch. Fight the rocket trainer and get the liftkey.Go south east and go up the stairs.
Go north and go on the arrow pointing north.Go on the arrow pointing north. Go north east and go up the stairs.Avoid the trainer and go on the first arrow that you see.Go on the arrow pointing north. Pick a moonstone and go north east to pick a hyperpotion.Go north west all the way.
Go on the 1st arrow pointing east that you see and pick a TM-Snarl. Go on the eastern most arrow pointing south.Go on the arrow pointing west.
Go on the southern most arrow pointing west.Pick a superpotion. Go on the arrow pointing east.Go on the eastern most arrow pointing south.
Go on the arrow pointing west.Walk 3 steps east.Walk 2 steps south. Walk 1 step west.Go on the arrow pointing east.Go east and go up the stairs.
Go north west and pick a hyperpotion while avoiding the trainers. Go south east and go down the stairs.Go in the elevator and go to the B4F floor.Exit the elevator and go west to pick a calcium. Go north and fight the 2 rocket trainers.Go north and pick a hidden netball.Also pick a hidden nestball.Beat the boss of team rocket. Pick a silphscope and exit the building.
Go south all the way and cut the tree.Go south west and enter the gym.Go north west to fight a beauty girl while avoiding the other trainers. Cut the tree and fight the next beauty girl.The next girl is the gym leader.Beat the gym leader and get a tm-gigadrain.Exit the gym. Go east to route 7.Go in the big house.Go east and enter the door to enter saffron city. SAFFRON CITY Go in the house south east of the city and talk to the guy to get a tm-psychic.
Exit the house.If you go in the small gym you can get a hitmonlee or hitmonchan pokemon by beating the guy all the way north.
Now fly to lavender town.Go in the building east of the pokecenter. POKEMON TOWER Go north east and go up the stairs.Go north and fight your rival.Go west and go up the stairs.
Go north east and get a escaperope while avoiding the trainer. Go south and avoid the 2 trainers.Go east and go up the stairs.Avoid the 2 trainers and pick a elixir. Pick a awakening and pick a greatball.Go north west to avoid the 3rd trainer.Go up the stairs.Go north and avoid a trainer. Go north and pick a hidden tinymushroom.Go south and pick a cleansetag.
Go south a few steps and fight a trainer.Avoid the next trainer and pick a nugget. Go east and go up the stairs while avoiding a trainer.Go south and pick a xaccuracy.Go north and avoid the first trainer.
Go north and fight the next 2 trainers.Follow the path and get a rarecandy.Beat the marowak near the stairs and go up the stairs.
Go north and fight the 3 rocket trainers.Talk to the old man. LAVENDER TOWN Talk to the old man again to get a pokeflute.Exit the house and fly to celadon city.Go west to route 16. Click the snorlax and say yes.Beat snorlax and go west in the house.Go west and enter the door.
Avoid the first biker by going west from the southern most position. Fight the 2nd biker.Avoid the other bikers and go south to route 17. ROUTE 17 Avoid all the trainers and go south east a few steps until you see the grass.Go east all the way.
Go south until you see a biker not moving while avoiding all the trainers.Avoid that biker too.
Go south a few steps and pick a hidden rarecandy.Go south and avoid a trainer.
Go south and go west when you can.Pick a hidden maxrevive.Go north until you see 2 paths while avoiding a trainer.
Go north on the western path and pick a hidden ppup.Go south and go north on the eastern path to pick a hidden hyperpotion.
Go south to route 18 while avoiding all the trainers.Go north a few steps to route 17 and pick a hidden ether.Go south to route 18.
Go south east and enter the house.If you want you can trade your golduck for a lickitung by talking to the guy on the 2nd floor. Now go east and enter the door.Go south and fight the trainer in the grass while avoiding the other trainers.Go east to fuchsia city. FUCHSIA CITY Go south west and enter the gym.Avoid the trainer west and fight the other trainer.Go south east all the way and go north to fight a trainer. Go north east all the way in the corner while avoiding a trainer.Walk 5 steps west.Walk 8 steps south.Walk 7 steps west.
Avoid the 2 trainers north west.Walk 2 steps south and walk 5 steps east.
Beat the gym leader to get a tm-toxic.Exit the gym and go in the house south east of the city. Talk to the fisher and say yes to get a goodrod.Go north and enter the door.Pick a hidden maxrevive and exit the house.
Go near the pokemart and talk to the guy with a hat.Say yes to get a TM-substitute. Go north east a few steps and enter the house.Go north and say yes. SAFARI ZONE Go north east and go in the next area.Go east and go up the stairs.Go north and pick a leafstone. Go west and pick a TM-NaturePower in the grass.Go north west and pick a maxpotion.Go east and pick a superpotion. Go north all the way and go west to the next area.Go up the stairs and follow the path to get a quickclaw. Go back to the first stairs.Go west and go up the stairs.Go north to pick a TM-EggBomb. Go north and pick a protein.Go west all the way and go south to the next area. Go south and pick the goldteeth.Go west and pick a TM-Screech.Pick a hidden revive and enter the house. Talk to the guy to get a HM03-Surf and exit the house.Go south and surf south.Go south all the way and pick a superpotion in the grass. Go east and pick a maxrevive.Go east and go in the next area.Go east and surf east to get a dragonscale on the ground. Pick a hidden leafstone on the ground.Go back to fuchsia city. FUCHSIA CITY Go in the house east of the pokecenter and talk to the guy to get a HM04-Strength.Push the boulder and get a rarecandy. Exit the house and go east to route 15. ROUTE 15 Go east and avoid all the trainers until you see the 2 beauty trainers. Beat the 2 beauty trainers and go east to cut a tree while avoiding all the trainers. Go north west and pick a TM-WhirlWind while avoiding all the trainers.Go east to route 14. ROUTE 14 Go south east and pick a pinapberry while avoiding all the trainers.Go north west and cut the tree while avoiding all the trainers. Pick a hidden zinc in the grass.Go south and cut the tree.Go north to route 13 while avoiding all the trainers. ROUTE 13 Go north east all the way and fight the first beauty trainer only while avoiding the other trainers.Go south west and pick a hidden ppup. Go east and follow the path to route 12 while avoiding all the trainers. ROUTE 12 Go north and cut the tree to get a hidden rarecandy in the grass.Go north and cut the tree while avoiding the fisher. Beat the trainer and get a sunstone.Go north and enter the house while avoiding the trainer.Talk to the fisher and say yes to get a superrod. Exit the house and go north.Click the snorlax and say yes.Beat the snorlax and go north.Avoid the couple.
Go north while avoiding the trainers and get a hidden hyperpotion on the ground. Go north and fight the fisher.Go north and avoid the fisher.Surf east and get a TM-PsyWave.
Go north and enter the house while avoiding another fisher. Go up the stairs and talk to the girl to get a tm-return.Exit the house and fly to saffron city.Go in the building north east of the pokecenter. SILPH CO. Go north east and enter the elevator.Go to the 11th floor and exit the elevator.Go south and pick a zinc while avoiding the trainer. Go north west and go down the stairs.Go south east and pick a hidden hpup in the tree.Go west and avoid the scientist.Fight the rocket. Pick a carbos and pick a rarecandy.Also pick a greatball.Go north and enter the elevator.Go to the 5th floor and exit the elevator. Go east and fight the rocket trainer.Go west all the way while avoiding the scientist trainer.Go south and fight the rocket trainer. Go in the portal and go in the portal again.Go east and pick a cardkey.Go west and go in the portal. Go north and enter the elevator while avoiding the scientist.Go to the 8th floor and exit the elevator. Avoid the rocket trainer and go south east to pick a iron.Also pick a hidden nugget in a tree. Go north east and go down the stairs while avoiding the trainers. Go south east and pick a TM-Imprison.Also pick a hidden zinc in a tree.Avoid the rocket trainers and go south west. Pick a calcium and avoid the scientist.Go north east.Avoid the rocket and go down the stairs.Go west and pick a hidden carbos in a tree. Go south west and pick a hpup while avoiding the trainer.Also pick a xspecial.Go north east and enter the elevator. Go to the 4th floor and exit the elevator.Go south east and pick a tm-torment. Pick a hidden iron in a tree while avoiding the rocket trainer.Go north west to fight a scientist while avoiding the rocket trainer. Go south west and pick a escaperope.Also pick a fullheal.Pick a maxrevive and go in the portal south west. Go north and enter the elevator.Go to the 5th floor and exit the elevator. Go east to pick a hidden ppup in a tree.Go west and pick a hidden elixir in a tree while avoiding the trainer. Go north west and pick a protein while avoiding the scientist trainer.Go south west and pick a TM-ElectroBall. Go in the portal and go east all the way to pick a hidden protein in a tree.Go north and go west to pick a dubiousdisc. Avoid the trainer and go in the portal east of that trainer.Beat your rival and talk to the guy to get a lapras.Go in the portal south east. Go south and fight the trainer.Go east and pick a hidden revive in a tree.Go north and beat the boss of team rocket. Go north and talk to the old man to get a masterball.Go north west and go in the portal.Go in the portal north east. Go north and enter the elevator.Go to the 9th floor and exit the elevator.
Go south west and pick a hidden hyperpotion near the yellow boxes. Go north west and pick a hidden calcium in a tree.Go north east and go in the elevator.Go to the 3rd floor and exit the elevator. Go east and go in the portal.Talk to the girl and say yes to get a TM-ThunderWave.
Go south and pick a hidden greatball in a tree.Exit the building. SAFFRON CITY Go in the house north west and go up the stairs.Talk to the girl to get a TM-Mimic.
Pick a hidden nugget on the table and exit the house.Go north east and enter the gym. Go in the portal and then go in the portal north west while avoiding the trainer.Go in the portal south west while avoiding the trainer. Avoid the trainer and go in the portal south east.Beat the trainer and go in the portal south west.Go in the portal south west. Beat the gym leader to get a tm-calmmind.Go in the portal and go in the portal north west.Go in the portal north east. Go in the portal south east.Exit the gym and fly to pallet town.Surf south to route 21. ROUTE 21 Go south until you can see the twins while avoiding all the trainers.Pick a hidden pearl on the ground south of the twins. Go south to cinnabar island while avoiding all the trainers.Surf east to route 20. ROUTE 20 Go east and pick a hidden stardust on the ground north of the swimmer guy while avoiding all the trainers. Go east and enter the cave while avoiding all the trainers. SEAFOAM ISLANDS Go down the stairs.Go down the stairs.Go down the stairs.Go north west and pick a hidden nugget in a rock.Go down the stairs. Pick a hidden waterstone in a rock and go south east to pick a king'srock.Go north west and go up the stairs. Go south west and go up the stairs.Go east and pick a pearl.Go east and go up the stairs.Pick a waterstone and go down the stairs. Go north and go up the stairs.Pick a revive and go north west.Go up the stairs and pick a hyperpotion.Go south west and enter the door. Fly to cinnabar island and go in the house west of the gym. POKEMON MANSION Go north and pick a hidden moonstone in a rock.Go north west all the way while avoiding the trainer.Click on the statue and say yes. Go east and pick a escaperope.Go south and pick a protein.Go west and go up the stairs.Go up the stairs and fight the trainer. Pick a wiseglasses and go down the stairs.Click on the statue and say yes.Go south and fight the trainer. Go south east and pick a zinc.Go north east all the way and pick a calcium.Go north west all the way and go up the stairs. Go east all the way and pick a iron.Go west and click on the statue.Say yes and go south to fight a trainer. Go east and pick a hidden rarecandy.Go down the stairs and pick a hpup.Go up the stairs and go to the scientist. Jump south on the western side.Avoid the trainer and go south east to pick a carbos.Go down the stairs. Go west and fight the trainer.Click on the statue and say yes.Go west and pick a fullrestore.Go north east all the way to fight a trainer. Pick a hidden elixir and click on the statue.Say yes and go west to pick a tm-blizzard.Go west and pick a secretkey.Go south and pick a tm-solarbeam.
Go north east all the way and click on the statue.Say yes and go south a few steps.Go south west and click on the statue.
Say yes and go south east all the way.Go up the stairs and go south east to exit the building.
Go in the building west of the pokecenter.You can trade your raichu for a electrode by talking to the old man in the first room.
If you want you can trade a venonat for a tangela by talking to the girl in the first room.
Go in the 2nd room and talk to the guy west.Say yes to get a TM-Metronome.Exit the room.
If you talk to the first guy in the 3rd room you can trade your ponyta for a seel.
The guy all the way north in the 3rd room can revive your pokemon from a fossil.
If you give him a fossil you have to leave the room and come back to pick your pokemon.
Now go in the gym.Avoid the first trainer and click on the computer.Say yes.Avoid the next 2 trainers and click on the computer.
Say no and fight the next trainer.Avoid the next trainer and fight the next trainer.Avoid the next trainer and click on the computer.
Say no and go fight the gym leader.Beat the gym leader to get a tm-fireblast.Exit the gym.Talk to bill and say yes. ONE ISLAND You will get a meteorite.You will also get a tri-pass.Exit the pokecenter and surf south to treasure beach. TREASURE BEACH Go south until you get on the land while avoiding the swimmer.Pick a hidden stardust on the ground north west. Pick a hidden ultraball on the ground north east.Pick a hidden pearl near the grass.Pick a hidden stardust near the grass. Pick a hidden starpiece near the grass.Pick a hidden pearl near the grass.Pick a hidden stardust south east. Pick a hidden pearl south west.Fly to one island.Go south and enter the red house.Talk to the guy to go to two island. TWO ISLAND Go north and enter the door.Go south east and pick a revive.Enter the house all the way east.Exit the house. Go north to cape brink. CAPE BRINK Go north all the way and pick a hidden rarecandy near the house.Fly to two island.Go in the red house south west of the pokecenter. Talk to the guy to go to three island.Go north and enter the door. THREE ISLAND Go north all the way and say yes to fight the 4 bikers.Talk to the first guy that you see to get a fullrestore.Go north east and cut the tree. Get a zinc and go west to bond bridge.Cut the tree and get a hidden ppup. BOND BRIDGE Go west and avoid the twins.Cut the tree and get a hidden maxrepel in a rock.Fight the girl trainer and go west. Avoid the little girl and pick a hidden pearl.Go west and pick a hidden stardust while avoiding all the trainers.Go west to berry forest. BERRY FOREST Follow the path and pick a razzberry.Then pick a oranberry.Go south east to pick a persimberry.Go north to pick a pinapberry. Go north east to pick a chestoberry.Jump south 1 time and and go west to pick a fullheal.Go east and jump south. Go north east and then go west to pick a aspearberry.Cut the tree and pick a rawstberry.Pick a ether and go south to pick a blukberry. Go south and pick a wepearberry.Also pick a cheriberry.Go east and pick a nanabberry.Go south west and pick a pechaberry. Surf south and cut the trees to pick a silverpowder.Go north west all the way and pick a lumberry near the girl.Talk to the girl and beat a hypno. You will get a iapapaberry.
Talk to the guy to get a moonstone.Exit the house and fly to one island.Go in the pokecenter and talk to bill. Fly to cerulean city and go east to route 9.Go east to route 10 while avoiding the hikers. ROUTE 10 Go north east all the way and surf south all the way.Avoid the trainer and get a hidden leppaberry.Enter the building. POWER PLANT Go north and pick a hyperpotion.Follow the path and go east to pick a TM-Agility.Also pick a electirizer.
Go west and then go south.Go east and then go south east all the way to pick a tm-thunder.
Go north east all the way and pick a metalcoat.Avoid the other ball and go west. Go south and pick a hidden maxelixir.Go west and pick a hidden thunderstone near the door.
The other balls are the pokemon electrode.Go west and enter the door.Fly to viridian city. VIRIDIAN CITY
Go west from the pokecenter and cut the tree.Talk to the fat guy and say yes to get a TM-DreamEater. Go north east and enter the gym.Go on the arrow pointing west and avoid a trainer.Go on the arrow pointing north and fight a trainer. Go on the arrow pointing south.Go on the arrow pointing east.Go north and avoid the 3 trainers.Go north and fight the 2 trainers. Go south east all the way and go north east all the way.Go on the arrow pointing west.
Go west while avoiding the last trainer and fight the gym leader. Beat the gym leader to get a tm-earthquake.Talk to the gym leader again.Exit the gym and go west to cut a tree.Pick a potion. Go west to route 22.Go north west to fight your rival.Go west and enter the house.Go north and enter the door. ROUTE 23 Go north and follow the path.Pick a leppaberry after showing your 3rd badge.Go north and surf north. Pick a hidden leppaberry on the ground after showing your 5th badge.Go north and follow the path. Pick a hidden greatball near the grass after showing your 6th badge.Also pick a aspearberry and go north. Pick a hidden hyperpotion in a rock after showing your 7th badge.Go north and follow the path. Pick a sitrusberry after showing your 8th badge.Enter the cave. VICTORY ROAD Push the boulder south 1 time.Push the boulder east 5 times.Push the boulder north 2 times.Push the boulder east 7 times. Push the boulder north 2 times.Push the boulder east 1 time and push the boulder south 1 time. Go north east all the way and pick a hidden fullrestore in a rock while avoiding the girl trainer. Push the boulder west 2 times and push the boulder north 1 time.Pick a rarecandy and go west. Pick a hidden greatball in a rock near the girl.Go north west and go up the stairs while avoiding the guy trainer.Go down the stairs. Go north east all the way and push the boulder west 3 times.Pick a TM-AuraSphere and go north west all the way.Go up the stairs. Go south and push the boulder south 1 time.Push the boulder west 2 times.Push the boulder south 1 time.Push the boulder west 2 times. Go south east all the way and avoid the 2 trainers.Go north and pick a fullheal.Beat the trainer and go north east to fight another trainer. Pick a TM-HyperBeam and go up the stairs.Go east and fight the trainer.
Pick a maxrevive and push the boulder north 2 times.Push the boulder west 22 times. Pick a tm-overheat and push the boulder south 1 time.Push the boulder west 4 times.
Push the boulder south 3 times.Push the boulder east 1 time. Go down the stairs and go east to pick a protector while avoiding the trainer.Go up the stairs.Go east and go to the girl. Avoid that trainer and go west.Follow the path and avoid the next 2 trainers.Go east and push the boulder in the hole. Go down the hole and push the boulder west 19 times.Pick a TM-FocusBlast and go east.Go up the stairs and fight the 2 trainers. Walk north a few steps and go down the stairs.Talk to the guy and say yes to get a TM-Double-Edge.Go east and enter the door. ROUTE 23 Go north west and pick a lumberry.Go north and pick a hidden apicotberry.Go north all the way and enter the building. Go north west and talk to the girl.Enter the room and beat the 5 trainers.Exit the house and fly to one island. Enter the pokecenter and talk to Celio all the way east.Exit the house and surf east. Surf north and go north all the way until you can see a cave while avoiding all the trainers.Fight the couple.Enter the cave and go north all the way. EMBER SPA Talk to the old man all the way north to get a HM06-RockSmash.Exit the cave. KINDLE ROAD Go south and smash the rocks to get a blackbelt.Go south on the eastern side and pick a maxrepel while avoiding the trainer. Go north and when you can see the trainer go west.Go south and go up the stairs. Go south and smash the rocks to get a carbos while avoiding the girl trainer.
Go north all the way to mt.ember while avoiding all the trainers. MT.EMBER
Talk to the hiker and say yes to get a TM-Explosion.Go east and fight the 2 rocket members.
Enter the cave.Go north west and go down the stairs.Go north and go down the stairs. Push the first boulder east 2 times.Push the 2nd boulder east 1 time.Push the 3rd boulder north 1 time.Go down the stairs. Push the boulder east 1 time.Push the boulder south 1 time.Then go south west.Push the boulder and go down the stairs. Go south east and go down the stairs.Click on the red stone to get a ruby.Go up the stairs.Go north west and go up the stairs. Push the boulder and go east.Push the first boulder east 1 time.Push the other boulder west 1 time.Go south and go up the stairs. Go up the stairs.Go up the stairs.Go south and enter the door.Go west and push the 2 boulders.Avoid the girl trainer and go north. Smash the rock and go north west to fight a trainer.Pick a hidden greatball and enter the cave.Go north and enter the door. Go north and enter the door.Go south east and enter the door.Go north and pick a magmarizer.Go west and pick a hidden firestone in a rock. Go north west and pick a greatball.Go south and jump south.Go east and pick a hyperpotion near the grass.Fly to one island. Go in the pokecenter and talk to the guy east.You will get a rainbowpass.
Exit the house and go south in the red house.Talk to the guy to go to four island.Go north and enter the door. FOUR ISLAND Pick a hidden greatball.Go north west and smash the rock to get a starpiece.Go south of the pokemart and pick a hidden pearl.
Go in the house north east of the pokecenter.Talk to the first guy that you see and say yes to get a TM-BodySlam.Exit the house. Go east of the pokemart and surf north to get a stardust.Enter the cave. ICEFALL CAVE Surf north west and go in the door.Go north east and pick a greatball.
Go north all the way and walk 2 times on the northern most ice square. Go up the stairs.Walk 2 times on the first ice square.Slide south and slide east to get a nevermeltice.Slide west and slide north. Go up the stairs and walk 2 times on the southern ice square.Slide north and slide east.Slide south and slide west. Pick a fullrestore and go up the stairs.Pick a HM07-WaterFall and go in the door south west.Go up the waterfall and go north west. Go down the stairs and enter the door.Go north and fight the rocket trainer.Go south and enter the door.Go south and enter the door. Go south east and enter the door.Go in the red house south west of the pokecenter and talk to the guy to go to six island.
Go north and enter the door. SIX ISLAND Pick a leppaberry north of the pokecenter.Go east to water path. WATER PATH Surf north and go north until you see a girl with a white hat while avoiding all the trainers. Avoid the girl with the white hat and fight the twins.Go north east.Surf south and get a elixir.
Go back to the girl with a white hat.Go west and pick a oranberry.
In the house west of the girl with a white hat there is a girl that will give you a nestball if you show her a big heracross. Go west to pattern bush.Avoid the first trainer and go north to fight a girl with a white hat. Go south west all the way to green path while avoiding all the trainers. GREEN PATH Surf west and pick a hidden ultraball near a trainer.Avoid the trainer and surf north to outcast island. OUTCAST ISLAND Surf north until you see a male swimmer trainer while avoiding all the trainers.Avoid the guy swimmer and go north west. Pick a hidden netball and avoid the rocket trainer.Go back to the guy swimmer and go north east. Pick a hidden starpiece on the ground and go north to fight a fisher.Pick a ppup and fly to six island. Go east to water path. WATER PATH Go south to pick a pinapberry.Go south and pick a aspearberry near the trainer.Surf south and pick a maxpotion. Surf north and go fight the trainer.Go south west to ruin valley. RUIN VALLEY Go south and pick a ultraball.Go north west all the way and go south west all the way to pick a hpup. Go north and go up the stairs to fight a trainer.Pick a hyperpotion.Go south east and fight a trainer. Follow the path and avoid the next trainer.Fight the next 2 trainers.Use cut on the door and enter the cave. Go down in the hole.Go down in the hole north.Go down in the hole west.Go down in the hole east.Go down in the hole south. Click on the purple stone to get a sapphire.Go up the stairs.Go in the door south.Fly to six island. Go in the red house south of the pokecenter and talk to the guy to go to five island.Go north and enter the door. Surf north to water labyrinth.If you surf west you can get a togepi egg from the guy with a hat.Now surf north to resort gorgeous. RESORT GORGEOUS Surf north and pick a hidden nestball on the ground.Fight the trainer and surf east.
Fight the 4 trainers while avoiding the guy with a blue hat. Pick a hidden stardust north west of the house.Pick a hidden stardust south west of the house.Pick a hidden starpiece south of the house. Surf east and enter the cave while avoiding the swimmer. LOST CAVE Go down the stairs and avoid the ruin maniac.Go in the door east.Go in the door south and pick a laxincense.Go in the door north. Go in the door east and go in the door north.Go in the door south and go in the door north.Pick a seaincense and go in the door south. Go in the door east and go in the door north.Go in the door south and go in the door south while avoiding the psychic trainer. Go in the door east and go in the door east.Pick a revive and go in the door west.Go in the door east and go in the door north. Go in the door south and go in the door south.Go in the door east and go in the door west.Go in the door south and go in the door west. Pick a rarecandy and go in the door east.Go in the door east and go in the door north.Go in the door south and go in the door south. Go in the door east and go in the door west.Go in the door south and go in the door east.Go in the door north and fight a trainer. Surf east and enter the cave while avoiding the swimmer.Go down the stairs.Go in the door east and go in the door north. Go in the door south and go in the door south.Go in the door east and go in the door west.Go in the door south and go in the door east. Go in the door north and pick a nugget.Go in the door south and go up the stairs.Go in the door south and fly to five island. Go east to five isle meadow. FIVE ISLE MEADOW Cut the tree and get a hyperpotion.Go south east and avoid the 2 rocket trainers.Surf east to memorial pillar. MEMORIAL PILLAR Go east and pick a razzberry in the grass while avoiding the trainer.Go south and pick a sitrusberry while avoiding another trainer. Also pick a blukberry.Go south and surf south while avoiding a trainer.Stand on the right side of the guy with the yellow hair. Click on the statue and say yes to place a lemonade and get a TM-BatonPass.Pick a iron and pick a hidden pearl.Go back to the 2nd rocket member. FIVE ISLE MEADOW Go south west and surf north west to get a ppup.Go fight the rocket member.Click on the door and enter the house. ROCKET WAREHOUSE Go on the arrow pointing west.Run north and go on the arrow pointing east.Go on the arrow pointing east. Pick a pearl and go on the arrow pointing west.Run north and go on the arrow pointing east.Go on the arrow pointing south. Run north west and get a pearl.Go on the arrow pointing north.Pick the hyperpotion and avoid the trainer. Go on the western most arrow pointing south.Walk north and go on the middle most arrow pointing west while avoiding the rocket trainer. Pick a hidden netball in a yellow box.Run north east and get a TM-ToxicSpikes.Go on the eastern most arrow pointing south. Beat the rocket trainer and go on the arrow pointing east.Avoid the girl trainer and go north to fight the next rocket trainer. Go north and beat the scientist to get a sapphire.Pick a hidden nestball in a yellow box.Exit the house and fly to one island. Go in the pokecenter and talk to the guy east.Exit the house and go in the red house south of the pokecenter.
Talk to the guy to go to seven island.Go north and enter the door.Go north to trainer tower. TRAINER TOWER Pick a nanabberry and avoid the first trainer.Pick a hidden pearl near the sign.Pick a hidden bigpearl near the sign. Fight the other trainer.Go south to seven island.
Go south a few steps from the pokemart and talk to the guy.Say yes to get a TM-SwordsDance.
Go south to canyon entrance. CANYON ENTRANCE Go south and avoid a girl.Go south and avoid the next trainer.Go south and fight the 2 trainers in green. Go south west and pick a rawstberry.Fight the 2 trainers with the yellow hair.Go back to the trainers in green. Go east to sevault canyon. SEVAULT CANYON Follow the path and fight the 2 trainers in red.Go south and pick a nugget.Go south and avoid a trainer. Pick a maxelixir in the grass.Avoid the guy in green and fight the girl in green.Go south and pick a elixir while avoiding the girl. Go south and avoid the 2 trainers in red.Enter the house and get a luckypunch.Exit the house and get a cheriberry. Go south to tanoby ruins. TANOBY RUINS Surf west to fight a ruin maniac.Pick a hidden heartscale on the ground.Surf north west all the way and get a hidden stardust. Surf east until you see a girl trainer.Pick a hidden heartscale on the ground and beat the 2 trainers. Go north east all the way and pick a hidden pearl.Avoid the ruin maniac and fly to three island. Go south to three isle port and enter the cave. THREE ISLE PATH Go east and pick a hidden nugget in a rock near the guy.Talk to the guy to get a nugget.Go in the door and fly to cerulean city. Go north to route 24.Surf south and follow the path until you see a cave.Enter the cave. CERULEAN CAVE Go north and go up the stairs.Pick a fullrestore and go down the stairs.
Surf west all the way and go north all the way to pick a hidden ultraball. Pick a nugget and go south.Go up the stairs and pick a ppup.Go down the stairs and pick a fullrestore.Go east and go up the stairs. Pick a ultraball and go down the stairs.Pick a maxelixir and go west.Go up the stairs.Go 6 steps west.Go 2 steps south.Go 6 steps east. Go 2 steps south.Go 4 steps east.Go south and follow the path.Go down the stairs.Go down the stairs.Go north east and pick a maxrevive. Go south and pick a ultraball.Exit the cave and fly to pewter city. PEWTER CITY Go north east all the way and cut the tree.Enter the house and talk to the guy all the way north to get a oldamber.
Talk to the guy south east and say yes to get a TM-SeismicToss.Exit the house. Look at your pokedex and make sure you have 50 owned pokemon.Fly to the pokecenter in route 10. ROUTE 10 Enter the pokecenter and talk to the scientist.Say yes and you will get a everstone if you own 20 pokemon. Exit the house and fly to vermilion city.Go east to route 11. ROUTE 11 Go east all the way and enter the house while avoiding all the trainers.Go up the stairs and talk to the scientist. Say yes and you will get a itemfinder if you own 30 pokemon.Go down the stairs and enter the door east.Go east to route 12. ROUTE 12 Go stand where the snorlax was and use the item finder to get a leftovers.Fly to celadon city.
Go a few steps north east from the gym.Surf north and talk to the guy.Say yes to get a TM-SoftBoiled.
Go west to route 16. ROUTE 16 Go stand where the snorlax was and use the item finder to get a leftovers.Go west and enter the house.
Go up the stairs and talk to the scientist. Say yes and you will get a amuletcoin if you own 40 pokemon.Go down the stairs and exit the house.
Fly to fuchsia city and go east to route 15. ROUTE 15 Enter the house and go up the stairs.Talk to the scientist and say yes.You will get a exp.share if you own 50 pokemon.
Go down the stairs and exit the house.Fly to viridian city. VIRIDIAN CITY Go north east and enter the gym.Go stand where the gym leader was and use the item finder to get a machobrace.
Exit the gym and fly to two island.Go north to cape brink. CAPE BRINK Surf north east and go stand on the square.Use the item finder to get a ppmax.
Fly to lavender town and go in the building east of the pokecenter. POKEMON TOWER Go to the top of the tower and go stand where the old man was.Use the item finder to get a soothebell.THE END!
![[PokeMMO Farm Guide] How (and Where) to Find all Items (Kanto + Walkthrough)](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhlg7GeNwLC5j58N7JCUBnQLCcGMXTLCwW6aHmbMd7Twm1s7H2E2GVJeAU3QZgLRvOHe3-DEE31RMLRnDKfy36B84qfB7QAbPR3dBx5pr10_7mrGcWjV4nejjOTeSdzAscU0WUonDlMAQnwyI9q1ycaD3MLyPxb8R-twvwoAsCn2tEze9Uueu478B3vgg/s72-w640-c-h332/%5BPokeMMO%20Farm%20Guide%5D%20How%20(and%20Where)%20to%20Find%20all%20Items,%20Part%202%20(Kanto%20+%20Walkthrough).png)
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