[PokeMMO Farm Guide] How (and Where) to Find all Items (Unova + Walkthrough)
Credits: The content of this post was created by MightyBoxer, and you can find the original post at this link.
Note: Use CTRL+F for a quick search.
The last time this guide was updated was 1st August 2022
Important notes
Items that have the color purple mean that there was never an item there in the original games.
Unova Complete Walkthrough + Items Location
Click on the box to pick your starter pokemon.Battle Bianca and then battle cheren. Go down the stairs.Your mom will give you a xtransceiver. Exit the house.Go in the house south west and talk to Bianca.Exit the house.Go north west and talk to cheren. Enter the laboratory and professor juniper will give you a pokedex after you say yes to her 2nd question. Exit the house and your mom will give you a townmap.Go north east to route 1.
Go north and professor juniper will give you x5 pokeball.Go north and talk to the girl in the grass to get a potion. Go north and talk to bianca.Say yes and go north to accumula town.
Go east to the pokecenter and talk with professor juniper.Heal your pokemon and exit the house. Go west and talk to cheren.Battle N and go in the house north west of the town. Go to the 2nd floor and talk with a guy to get a pokeball.Exit the house and go west to route 2.
Go west and your mom will give you the runningshoes.Follow the path and pick a potion in the grass.Fight a trainer. Avoid all the other trainers.Follow the path until you see stairs to your right.Go up the stairs and get a potion. Also get a pokeball.Go down the stairs and go north to battle Bianca.Go north to striaton city.
Go west to pick a xspeed.Enter the first house and get a greatball from the first guy that you see. Exit the house.Go south east and get a duskball from the guy in black. Go in the house north west of the city and talk to the guy south from cheren.
Say yes and then say antidote and then say awakening to get a fullheal. Talk to cheren and say yes 2 times.Beat him and he will give you x3 oranberry.Exit the house. Go east from the pokecenter and enter the gym.The gym guide will give you a freshwater. Stand on the pokemon type that is super effective to the pokemon type on the wall. Go north and beat the 2 trainers.Beat the gym leader and you will get a tm-workup. Exit the gym and fennel will give you a HM-Cut.Exit the house.Go north east of the city to enter dreamyard.
Go east and fight the 2 trainers.Talk to the girl all the way east and say yes to get a pokemon.Go north east to pick a xdefend. Go west and cut the tree.Go north to fight the 2 plasma members. Go west and get a pokeball in the grass.Go east and go up the stairs.Go west to pick a potion. Now go east to pick a repel.Go down the stairs.Go south to pick a parlyzheal. Run back to striaton city.
Go in the house south of the gym.Go to the 2nd floor and talk to fennel to get a c-gear.Say yes 2 times. You will also get a palpad.Exit the house.Go north west of the city to a fountain. Go south to pick a pokeball.Go north to route 3.
Go north to fight the twins.The house north from the twins has a girl that can heal your pokemon. Go west from the house to fight a trainer.Go west to pick a hidden greatball in the sandbox. Go back to the twins and go west to fight cheren.Get a potion in the grass. Go west all the way and talk to cheren.Say yes and enter the wellspring cave.Talk to cheren and battle the plasma members. Exit the cave and go east to pick a repel in the grass while avoiding the trainer.Go east and talk to Bianca. You will get x3 healball.Go south and get the antidote in the grass while avoiding the trainer.Avoid all the trainers. Follow the path and get a pokeball in the grass south from the bridge.Go west and pick the awakening in the grass. Go west and enter nacrene city.
Go west and cheren will give you x3 chestoberry.Go west all the way and get a hidden revive in the train tracks. Go in the house south west of the city to get a charcoal from the ace trainer. She will give you a charcoal if you say tepig.She will give you a mysticwater if you say oshawott. And she will give you a miracleseed if you say snivy. You can only pick 1 item and your starter pokemon does not matter to get any of the items. Exit the house.If you go in the house east of the pokecenter you can trade your petilil for a cottonee from the girl all the way north.
Go in the house north west of the city.The first girl that you see will give you a sodapop only if its Wednesday. Exit the house and pick a hidden ultraball near the guy with the glasses.Now go north east from the pokecenter and enter the gym. You will fight N.Now go in the gym.The first girl east can revive your fossil into a pokemon.
Go north all the way and enter the door.The gym guide will give you a freshwater. Read the book bottom left.Then read the book middle left.Then read the book top left.Then read the book bottom right. Now read the book middle right and go down the stairs.Beat the gym leader and get a tm-retaliate.Exit the gym. Bianca will give you a dowsingMCHN.Now go north west of the city to pinwheel forest.
Pick a hidden superpotion east from the first girl that you see.Talk to the girl to get a hm-rocksmash. Pick a superpotion south from the girl by using the move rock smash to remove the rock blocking the path.
Go south and avoid all the trainers.Go east from the little girl and get a pokeball.Go south west all the way and get a potion. Go north and pick a hidden tinymushroom in a water square.Go east and pick the antidote. Pick a hidden antidote in the big water square.Go east and go up the stairs.
If you have a fighting type pokemon in your party and click on the big rock you will get a hardstone.
Go north and go down the next stairs.Pick a netball.Go back to the first girl and go west to the next area.Go west to fight the twins. Go west and fight the 2 plasma members.From the 2nd plasma member's location go south to pick a bigroot. Now go north to fight a guy in red.Pick a potion.Go south to pick a hidden tinymushroom in the grass.Go west and follow the path. Avoid the trainer and go fight a guy in red.Pick the antidote.Fight another guy in red and pick a hidden tinymushroom in a tree. Fight another plasma member.Pick a parlyzheal and fight a guy in red.Go south east to pick a tm-grassknot. Go back to the guy in red and go north to fight a plasma member.You will get a dragonskull. You will also get a moonstone.Go east and pick a miracleseed.Go north to the bridge gate.
Talk to the hiker to get a quickclaw.Follow the path and go to castelia city.
Go south to the next area and talk to the scientist to get a waterstone.If you say panpour you will get a waterstone. If you say pansear you will get a firestone.If you say pansage you will get a leafstone.You can only get 1 stone. The gift pokemon you got in dreamyard does not matter.You can still get 1 of the 3 stones of your choice. Go back west to the next area.Go west and go north to the next area.Go in the building to your left. Go to the 11th floor and talk to the hiker to get a tm-rest.Get out of the building and go south to the next area. Go west and go in the next north path to get to the next area.Go in the building to your right. The clown will give you a cheriberry or a chestoberry for showing him a pokemon type.
You can also get a pechaberry or a rawstberry.He can also give you a aspearberry.
You can only pick one berry.Exit the house.Go south to the next area. Go west all the way and go north to the next area.Go in the gym to your right.Go north to the next area. Talk to the guy in green and tell him yes to battle him.Tell him yes again.
Go south from the guy in green on the western side to get in the next area. Go south and talk to the guy in green.Say yes to fight him.Enter the house to your right and talk to the guy north west to get a lemonade. Exit the house and go south.You will get a tm-flash from the guy in black.Go south to the next area.Go south to the next area again. Go south and say yes to the guy in green to battle him.Go north to the next area.Go east and go south to the next area. Talk to the gym leader and go north to the next area.Enter the building and go to the 55th floor.Pick a superpotion. Fight all the trainers.The guy north east will give you a exp.share.Now go to the 47th floor. Avoid the guy north west and avoid the first girl that you see.The guy south of the television gives x3 quickball and x3 timerball.
Fight the scientist and pick a revive south west.The scientist south east gives a scopelens.Exit the building.Go west all the way. Then go north to the next area.Go to the building to your left.Talk to the plasma member and say yes.Beat him and enter the building. Go north and talk to ghetsis.You will get a yacheberry.Pick a smokeball.Exit the building and go east to enter the gym. Talk to the gym guide to get a freshwater.Go north and press a switch.Go east to fight a trainer and press another switch. Go north and avoid the first switch that you see.Press the switch north east.Go west a few steps and press a switch.
Go north east a few steps and press a switch.Go west and press a switch.Go south west and avoid the next switch.
Go north and press a switch.Go north east to fight a trainer and press the switch. Go north east and beat the gym leader to get a tm-strugglebug.Exit the gym and go north to the next area. Talk to the guy in green the one in the middle to get the amuletcoin.Go north to the next area. Go north to the next area.Go north to fight Bianca.Go north to route 4.
Go pick the xaccuracy.Go west and then go north west to pick a pokeball.Avoid the parasol girl trainer. Go east from the parasol girl to get a hidden greatball.Go north to pick a superpotion. Go north and avoid the trainer.Go down the stairs and go up the next stairs to pick a hidden burnheal. Pick a hidden superpotion.Go north to pick a tm-torment while avoiding the trainer.Go back to the parasol girl. Go east and in the house there is a girl that can heal.Go east to fight cheren.Go north avoiding all the trainers and pick a burnheal. Go west to pick a ether.Go north east to pick a potion.Pick a hidden superpotion near the sign. Go north all the way and professor juniper will give you x10 ultraball.Go north to nimbasa city.
Go north to fight a plasma member.You will get a bicycle.Try to enter the first building that you see to get a vs.recorder.
Enter the building.Go south and enter the 4th train.Go east and enter the train to go to anville town.
Follow the path until you see 3 houses.Enter the house south east and talk to the guy to get a rarecandy.
Exit the house and go north to pick a hidden ultraball.Go back to the train and enter the train to go to nimbasa city.
Go west and go up the stairs.Go north and go up the long stairs to exit the building.
Go west and enter the house north of the pokecenter.Go to the 2nd floor and get a sunstone from the ace trainer. Exit the house and go to the house west.Get a HM04-Strength from the ace trainer.Go to the 2nd floor and get a soothebell from the old woman. Exit the house and go north all the way.Go east and talk to bianca.You will get a propcase.Talk to the girl north east to get a tm-echoedvoice. Exit the building and go east to nimbasa gate.
Talk to the baseball player to get a machobrace.Go west to nimbasa city.
Go south and go east to the next area.Go east and battle N.Go south east and pick a hidden superrepel. Go west and pick the xattack.Go west and enter the gym.Talk to the gym guide to get a freshwater. Go in the car to your right.Battle the trainer and hit the switch.Enter the car.Beat the trainer and hit the switch.Enter the car north. Hit the switch and enter the car to your right.Beat the gym leader to get a tm-voltswitch.Hit the switch and enter the car to your left. Exit the gym.Go north west from nimbasa city to route 5.
Go west and battle cheren.Go south west and get a superpotion.Go north east and get a pokeball while avoiding the trainer. Go north west and get a zinc.Avoid the trainer and get a revive.Battle the trainer south west.Go west to driftveil city.
Go heal at the pokecenter and get x3 repeatball from the girl north west.Exit the house.
If you go in the house south east of the pokecenter you can trade your minccino for a basculin from the guy in orange. Go to the house west of the pokecenter and show a pokemon move to the girl to get a heartscale.Exit the house.Go in the house south. Talk to the guy in black to get a expertbelt.Pick a hidden heartscale near the beauty girl.Exit the house. Go back in the house from the west side.Pick a pearl.Exit the house.Go south to cold storage.
Go east and talk to the guy with a orange helmet between the houses to get a rockyhelmet.Avoid all the trainers. Go east and get a hidden superpotion near the ace trainer.Go back west and go south.Go east in the grass to pick a ether. Go east to pick a protein in the grass.Pick a hidden diveball in the grass.Go south west all the way.Then go north to pick a heartscale. Go back south west and enter the building.Slide north from the western most side.Slide east and then slide south to pick a tm-scald. Slide north then slide west then slide north then slide east.Go east avoiding the trainer.Avoid another trainer.Slide east then slide north. Slide west and slide south.Fight the next trainer.Follow the path to pick the iceheal and avoid the trainer.Go north and avoid the trainer. Pick a superpotion and go west.Enter the cargo and fight the 4 plasma members.Pick the nevermeltice and exit the cargo. Go north west and go south to pick a netball.Exit the building and go north east from the pokecenter to enter the gym.
Inside the gym go talk to the gym guide to get a freshwater.Get on the elevator and go down.Go east to fight a trainer. Use the elevator to go down.Go north all the way and go west all the way.Go south and fight a trainer.Use the elevator to go down. Use the elevator north west to go up.Fight a trainer and use the next elevator to go down.Beat the gym leader. Use the elevator to go up.Use the next elevator to go up again.Exit the gym.Go north west of the city to battle Bianca.You will get a HM-Fly. Go north to pick a greatball.Go west to route 6.
Go west and follow the path to fight a scientist.Go north and fight another scientist while avoiding the other trainers.
Get the elixir in the grass south of the house.Get a superpotion west of the house.Fight the girl scientist.
You can get a moonstone if you enter the house and show the 4 forms of deerling to the western most scientist.
You will need to exit and enter the house after showing each deerling.
From the location of the house go west and you will see 3 balls in the grass.
Only pick the one in the middle to get a leafstone while avoiding all the trainers.The other balls are the pokemon foongus. Enter the house east of the hiker and talk to the little girl to get a shinystone.The other girl can heal your pokemon.Exit the house. Go back to the hiker and go north.Click on the spider web blocking the cave.You will get a tm-bulldoze.Enter the cave.
Go north and professor juniper will give you a LuckyEgg(small).Push the crystal west.Go north and push the crystal east.Get a parlyzheal. Go east to fight a scientist.Go south and push the northern crystal east.Pick a revive.Go north west and pick a healball. Go east and fight the ace trainer.Pick a hidden elixir north east.Go south and push the northern crystal west.Push the next crystal south. Go south east and get a hyperpotion.Push the crystal south and fight a trainer.Push the southern crystal west and go get the iron. Go down the stairs.Go west and talk to the twins to get x2 nugget.Go west and get a hidden parlyzheal near the stairs.Go up the stairs. Go south and get a hidden hpup.Go back to the twins.Go north east and get a hidden revive in a wall near the doctor.Beat the doctor. Go north west and pick a timerball.Go north and fight the plasma members. After beating the 5th plasma member go south west and get a thunderstone. Go north to fight a plasma member.Go west and go down the stairs. Go south to fight the ace trainer.Push the crystal east and go east to get a hidden parlyzheal.Go north to get a brightpowder. Go south and go west while avoiding the ace trainer.Get a hyperpotion.And get a hidden stardust in the wall.Go south to get a rarecandy. Go back to the plasma members.Fight the last plasma member and go east.Go up the stairs.Go south to fight the ace trainer. Get a magnet and go west to fight a scientist.Go east and fight N.Go east and exit the cave.
Go in the house north west from the pokecenter.Talk to the girl in black to get a sharpbeak.Exit the house.Go south to get a tm-skydrop. Go north east from the pokecenter to route 7.
Go west and go up the stairs.Talk to the girl to get a tm-chargebeam.Avoid the backpacker.
Go in the grass and pick a greatball while avoiding the trainers.
The trainer in the middle of the grass is looking north.The trainer in the grass all the way east is looking west.
Go north and if you enter the house you can trade your boldore for a emolga from the guy. Go east to fight the ace trainer.Go north and avoid a backpacker.Go north and go in the grass to avoid the first guy in red. Fight the next guy in red.Go east in the grass to pick a ether.Go north to celestial tower.
Go up the stairs.Avoid the first 2 trainers and get a superpotion.Fight the next 2 trainers and get a tm-will-o-wisp. Go up the stairs.Fight the first trainer and avoid the next trainer.Go east to fight the psychic trainer. Get a spelltag and go up the stairs while avoiding the other trainers.Fight the ace trainer all the way west and get a tm-shadowclaw.
Fight the other ace trainer and get a revive.Go up the stairs.Click on the bell and say yes to ring it.Fly to mistralton city.
Go north west all the way and go in the gym.Talk to the gym guide to get a freshwater.Go north with the cannon.Go west with the cannon.
Go east with the cannon.Fight all the trainers in the gym except the 2nd trainer.Go south east.Go west with the cannon. Go north with the cannon.Go east with the cannon.Go west with the cannon.Follow the path and beat the gym leader to get a tm-acrobatics. Go south with the cannon and exit the gym.Go in the house north of the pokecenter.Talk with the guy in orange.Exit the house. Go west all the way and go south to pick a tm-aerialace.Talk to the bald guy to get a sprayduck.Go south to pick a hidden parlyzheal.
Also pick a hidden repel.Go back to the pokecenter.Go north east to route 7.
Follow the path until you get to the 2nd backpacker.Go east.In the house there is a girl that can heal your pokemon. Go east to pick a tm-x-scissor while avoiding the trainer.Then go north while avoiding another trainer.Pick a hidden ultraball in the water. Go north to fight cheren and you will get a HM-Surf.Go north and enter the cave.
Follow the path and enter the door.Go north to pick a revive.Go back to the door and go east to pick a fullheal. Enter the door.Avoid the hiker and get a hidden superpotion in the wall. Go east all the way.Go north to fight a trainer.Enter the door and avoid the trainer. Go north and enter the door.Pick a hidden stardust in a sand spot.Go east to fight a trainer and pick a moonstone. Go south and enter the door.Go west and enter the door while avoiding the trainer.Go north to pick a hyperpotion. Go back to the door and go west on the non-snow road to pick a ether.Enter the door.
Go north and pick a nugget.Also pick a hidden revive in a rock. Go south west and pick a hidden ether.Go north and fight a trainer.Pick a ppup and go east.Enter the door and avoid the doctor. From this point the path depends if its the winter season or not.
From the doctor's location go south east a few steps and enter the door.Go north and enter the door.
Go north east and pick a tm-flashcannon.Go south west and enter the door.Go south and enter the door.
The next 3 items and the trainer you can only get them in the winter season.Go east and enter the door. Get a superrepel.Go west in the door.Now go north east all the way and pick a hidden iron.
Enter the door.Follow the path and enter the door.Go east and follow the path to fight the ace trainer.
Go west and pick a tm-spikes.Go east all the way.Go north and enter the door. Go east and enter the door.
From the doctor's location go north and enter the door.The next 2 items and the 3 trainers you can only get them in the non-winter seasons. Fight the hiker and enter the door north.Fight the first trainer.Go west and pick a greatball.
Go south and pick a hidden protein in a sand spot.Avoid the next trainer. Go south and enter the door.Go south and enter the door.Follow the path and enter the door.Go north east and pick a tm-flashcannon. Go south west and enter the door.Follow the path and enter the door.Go north east and enter the door.Go east and enter the door.
The next 4 items you can only get them in the winter season.Go south east all the way and go in the house. Talk to the girl to get a ragecandybar.Exit the house.Get a hidden tinymushroom.Get another hidden tinymushroom. Go west from the pokecenter and get a rarecandy.Go in the pokecenter and get a tm-brickbreak from the old woman.Exit the house. Go east all the way and get a hidden greatball.Also get a hidden timerball.Go in the house north west from the pokecenter. Talk to the guy to get a exp.share by showing him a pokemon that has gained 25 to 49 levels. Exit the house and go in the gym north.Talk to the gym guide to get a freshwater. Get on the arrow and slide north.Slide east and fight the trainer.Go on the red switch and slide west.Fight another trainer. Go east and fight another trainer.Slide east then slide north.Slide east then slide north.Fight another trainer. Slide south then slide east.Go on the arrow and slide west.Slide north then slide north again.Slide west and get on the arrow. Slide south and go west to fight a trainer.Slide west on the arrow.Slide north then slide east.Slide north then slide east. Go north to fight a trainer.Go on the red switch.Slide east then slide south.Slide west then slide south. Slide west then slide north.Go beat the gym leader to get a tm-frostbreath.Slide west and exit the gym.Go north to dragonspiral tower.
Professor juniper will give you a oldgateau.Only during the winter season go west and pick a nugget.Go north to the next area. Surf east and fight the guy trainer.Get a tm-embargo and avoid the girl trainer.
Surf north west a few steps to get a hidden heartscale in the wall.Surf west and enter the tower. Follow the path and go up the stairs.Go north and pick a superpotion.Then go up on the pillar and go west to pick a stardust. Go west to the next area.Go up the stairs and jump south.Go all the way south and jump west 3 times.Jump north 3 times. Jump east then jump north.Jump east and pick a shinystone.Jump south 2 times then jump east.Jump south and go south all the way. Jump west 3 times and jump north.Go west and go up the stairs to the next area.Follow the path and get a dragonfang. Go up the stairs to the next area.Go east all the way and go north on the bridge.Go west all the way and go north on the bridge. Pick a stardust and go east all the way.Go south on the 2 bridges.Go west and pick a stardust.Go east and go north on the 2 bridges. Go west and go north on the bridge.Go east all the way and go south on the bridge.Go west all the way and go south on the bridge. Go east all the way and get a revive.Go west and go south on the bridge.Go west and go up the stairs to the next area. Follow the path to get a elixir.Go up the stairs to the next area.Go north and talk to N.Fly to nimbasa city.Go south east to route 4.
Go west when you can and avoid all the trainers.Go north and follow the path until you get to a doctor.
Avoid the doctor and go west to pick a firestone while avoiding all the trainers.Go north to fight a guy in red.Pick a hidden stardust. Go west and avoid another guy in red.Go south west all the way to pick a tm-sandtomb.Go north west all the way to pick a heartscale. Go east to pick a hidden ether near the castle.Go south east a few steps to pick a superpotion.
Go south east a few steps to pick a freshwater while avoiding the trainer. Avoid the psychic trainer.Go south east a few steps to pick the blackglasses.Go north to get a softsand from the guy in black. Go north east all the way to pick a hidden hyperpotion.Go west and enter the relic castle.
Avoid the first psychic trainer and go down in the sand.Pick a hidden ether.Then pick a revive.Go up the stairs. Go west and avoid the 2nd psychic trainer.Go west all the way by walking to not fall in the sand.
Talk to the backpacker to get a coverfossil or a plumefossil.You can only pick one fossil. Go down the stairs.Go east to fight a plasma member.Go down in the sand.Pick a hyperpotion and fight the plasma member. Go west all the way to fight a plasma member.Pick a tm-firespin and go down in the sand.Go south and go down in the sand. Pick a hidden superpotion.Go north and pick a sunstone.Go up the stairs 2 times.Go south and drop in the sand. Fight the plasma member and get a revive.Go west all the way and fight a plasma member.Go down in the sand. Fight the 2 plasma members and go down in the sand.Fly to nacrene city.
Go north east to the gym and say yes to get a darkstone.Fly to icirrus city.Go east and go down the stairs.Go north to route 8.
Go north west all the way and avoid the guy in red.Get a poisonbarb and go east to get a tm-sludgewave. Go east and get a superpotion while avoiding the girl trainer.Go north and pick a hidden hyperpotion near the trainer in red.Fight that trainer. Go east and pick a greatball.Go north to moor of icirrus.
Go west and push the boulder.Go west and pick a greatball.Go south and pick a carbos. Only in the non-winter seasons pick a hidden ether.Ignore the trainer and go back to the boulder. Go north west all the way and pick a hidden revive.Go east to pick a hyperpotion.Go east to fight the guy in red. Go north east and pick a elixir.Go back to the guy in red and go south east a few steps to pick a hidden bigmushroom.
Only in the non-winter seasons go south and pick a maxrevive.Go back to route 8.
Go south and go east to talk to the parasol girl near the fisher to get a tm-facade.Avoid the fisher. Fight the next parasol girl.Go east to fight bianca.You will get a fullrestore.Go east to tubeline bridge.
Go north and talk to the girl running to get a tm-flamecharge. Follow the path to route 9.
You will get a tm-fling from the baseball player.Avoid the first 2 trainers that you see.
Go east and fight the double battle trainers.Fight the next 2 trainers. Get a hidden lemonade and enter the shopping building.
Go in the door north east and get a ppup while avoiding the girl waitress.Exit the room.Go up the stairs to fight a rich trainer. Go up the stairs to fight a lady.Go west and avoid a waiter.Talk to the guy with a orange helmet and say yes to get a thunderstone. Exit the building.Go east to opelucid city.
Go east and talk to alder.Pick a hidden maxrepel south of the pokecenter.Go in the house north west of the pokecenter. Go to the 2nd floor and talk to the football player to get a floatstone.Talk to the beauty girl and say yes to get a ringtarget. Exit the house and go north west.Enter the house east of the gym and talk to the beauty girl to get a destinyknot. Exit the house and pick a hidden ultraball.Go in the house north east and fight the ace trainer. Go to the 2nd floor and fight another ace trainer.Exit the house.Go north west and enter the gym. Talk to the gym guide to get a freshwater.Follow the path and jump on a switch.Go north on the dragon head. Follow the path and jump on a switch.Go north on the dragon head.Follow the path and jump on a switch. Go south and fight a trainer.Follow the path and jump on a switch.Go north on the dragon head. Follow the path and jump on a switch.Go north and follow the path until you see a trainer.Go south and jump on a switch. Go south on the dragon head.Follow the path and jump on a switch.Go south on the dragon head. Follow the path to fight a trainer.Go north and then go west to jump on a switch.Go north on the dragon head. Beat the gym leader and get a tm-dragontail.Use the portal and exit the gym.Professor juniper will give you a masterball. Go north east to route 10.
Go north and avoid the trainer.You will see 3 balls in the grass.
Only pick the eastern one to get a superpotion.The other balls are the pokemon foongus. Go east and avoid the trainer with the blue hair.Fight the next trainer and go east to fight cheren.You will get x2 maxrevive.
Go north in the grass.Avoid the first 2 balls and fight a fighting trainer.Grab a superpotion and get a dawnstone. Go south while avoiding the hiker and talk to the guy in black to get a duskstone.Go east and get a tm-crosspoison. Go east all the way and fight the 2 trainers.Get a hyperpotion in the grass.Go north and show your 8 badges. In the area with the grass you can walk on the west side to only go on 2 grass squares. In the area with the ice you have to slide north and then slide east.Slide north and then slide west.Slide north one more time. Go north to victory road.
Enter the door and surf north to get a revive.Surf south and go up the stairs.Go south to fight the ace trainer. Go south and enter the door.Jump south and go in the door east.Surf north to get a rarecandy.Go up the stairs west. Pick a hidden ultraball and go up the stairs north.Fight the ace trainer and go in the door south. Go east all the way and jump south.Pick a tm-closecombat.Jump south and enter the door.Go up the stairs west. Go up the stairs north.Go in the door south.Go in the first door to your left.Pick a hidden hyperpotion in a rock. Beat the trainer in black and go down the stairs east.Push the boulder to make a shortcut. Go back to the trainer in black and go up the stairs north.Beat the ace trainer and go in the door south. Pick a hyperpotion and go back to the trainer in black.Go in the door south and go in the door to your left. Avoid the fighting trainer and go up the stairs east.Beat the doctor and get a hidden revive in a rock. Push the boulder to make a shortcut and go up the stairs north east.Go in the door south and jump south. Enter the door and get a calcium.Exit the door and go west.Jump south 2 times and get a greatball. Go east and enter the door.Go up the stairs east.Go up the stairs north.Go in the door south. Go in the door to your left.Avoid the fighting trainer and go up the stairs east.Go up the stairs north east. Go up the stairs north and fight the ace trainer.Go in the door west and pick a fullheal.Enter the door. Go in the door east and jump on the right side.Enter the door and go north to fight a trainer. Pick a hidden fullheal and go up the stairs north west.Go in the door south.Go north to the pokemon league. Heal at the pokecenter and exit the house.Go south were a guy in red was standing.Jump south on the left side of the guy in red. Jump south again and pick a tm-wildcharge.Fly to the pokemon league and go back to the guy in red. Jump on the right side of the guy in red.Pick a nugget and enter the door. Follow the path and go east to pick a hidden maxpotion in a rock.Also pick a hidden maxrevive in a rock. Go up the stairs north west and pick a tm-dragonclaw.Go in the door south and fly to the pokemon league.
Go beat the 4 trainers and then click on the statue to go down.Go north all the way and talk to N.Go north to N castle.
Go up the stairs north east.Go east and if you enter the 2nd room the girl in pink will heal your pokemon. Go in the 3rd room and get a hyperpotion.Exit the room.Go east and go up the stairs. Go west and enter the 2nd room to get a maxrevive.Exit the room. Go west and enter the 3rd room.Talk to the plasma member north west to get a ultraball.
If you talk to the plasma member north east you can return to the pokemon league pokecenter.
And if you talk to the plasma in the pokecenter you can enter N castle.Now exit the room. Go west and go up the stairs.Enter the 1st door to get a rarecandy.Exit the room.Go in the 2nd room to get a hyperpotion. Exit the room and go east all the way.Go up the stairs.Go west and enter the first room.Go north and talk to N. Your 6th pokemon will be replaced by zekrom after you catch him.
Click on zekrom and catch him.Beat N and then beat ghestis.
Go down the stairs.Say yes to looker and you will get a superrod.Exit the house and go to the laboratory north west. Talk to professor juniper and say yes to get a tm-falseswipe.You will also get a tm-protect. And you will get a tm-hiddenpower.Exit the house and go north east to route 1.
Go north and surf west.Go west and pick a ether.Go east and fight the trainer in red.Go south east and fight another guy in red. Go south and pick a hidden tinymushroom in the trees.Also pick a pearl.Go west to route 17.
Surf west and get a tm-razorshell.Surf south west while avoiding the swimmer and go in the middle current.Go east and pick a revive. Surf south and go in the southern most current.
Go west while avoiding the hiker and fight a backpacker.Enter the house and talk to the guy with a red hat to get a larvesta.
Exit the house.Go south and push the boulder to get a maxrevive. Go back to the backpacker and go down the stairs west.Go south and talk to the saige to get a tm-doubleteam. Go east and push the boulder to fight a backpacker.Pick a hidden calcium in a rock.Also pick a superpotion. Go west and pick a HM-Waterfall in the grass.Go north all the way and avoid a trainer in black.Go east and then surf east. Go in the middle current.
Go east and enter the house to get a dubiousdisc.Exit the house and go south to fight a trainer.Also get a tm-thunderbolt. Go back in the water.
Surf south to get a hidden bigpearl on the ground.Avoid the currents and surf north all the way.
Then surf west a few steps until you can walk on the ground. Surf west to the location of a swimmer while avoiding that trainer.Surf south from the location of that swimmer while avoiding the currents. Surf west and get a hidden heartscale in a big rock.Go west.
Pick a hidden pearl on the ground.Pick another hidden pearl.Avoid the trainer and go north to pick a tm-telekinesis in the grass. Go south all the way and pick a heartscale.Fly to accumula town and go north west to route 2.
Push the boulder and get a rarecandy.Fly to striaton city and go south to route 2.
Go west and cut the tree to get a potion.Also get a pokeball.Fly to striaton city.
Go west to the fountain.Surf north east and get a hidden zinc.Go back to the fountain. Surf north west and get a bigpearl from the fisher.Fly to striaton city and go north east to the dreamyard.
Go east all the way and go down the stairs north east.
Beat the first trainer and avoid the next trainer. Get a hidden awakening in a box east of the first scientist trainer. Get another hidden awakening in a box near the first psychic trainer while avoiding that trainer.
Fight the next trainer.Go south west to get a twistedspoon and fight the psychic trainer.
Fight the next scientist trainer and avoid the last trainer. Go south east all the way and go up the stairs.Go north west a few steps and pick a revive.
Go south east and talk to the saige to get a tm-swordsdance. Go south west all the way and pick a superpotion.Go down the stairs. Go north and pick a tm-dreameater.When it is friday you can find one musharna pokemon.
Go up the stairs and fly to striaton city.Go north west to route 3.Go west all the way to wellspring cave.
Pick a tm-detect and pick a hidden fullheal.Surf west and pick a ether.Go south all the way and go east to pick a escaperope. Go down the stairs.Surf north all the way and pick a tm-focusblast.Go south east to pick a mysticwater. Go south to pick a hidden revive.Go north west to pick a hidden superpotion in a rock.Go south west to pick a diveball. Go south while avoiding all the trainers.To avoid them you need to go with your bike as soon as the last 2 trainers start walking west.
Go south east to pick a tm-lowsweep.Jump west and pick a hidden hyperpotion.Exit the cave. Fly to nacrene city.You can go to the house east of the pokecenter and trade your petilil to the girl north west to get a cottonee. If you trade the pokemon and get out of the house and then come back you can battle the girl.Go south east to route 3.
Go east to the bridge and surf north to get a fullheal.Surf west to get a ether in the grass. Go north to get a hpup in the grass while avoiding the trainer.Fly to nacrene city and go north west to pinwheel forest.
Go west to the next area.Go north to fight a kid trainer.Go north and go east in the grass. Go north east to get a superpotion.Go south east to get a tm-pinmissile.Go west and surf west all the way to get a silverpowder. Fly to nimbasa city and go north west to route 5.Talk to cheren and fly to nimbasa city. If your character is female go east to the ferris wheel where you battled N.You can battle a trainer there. If your character is male go east to the ferris wheel to battle a trainer only in the summer and autumn seasons. Now from nimbasa city go south east to route 4.Then go west and follow the path until you get to a doctor.
Go north west and enter the relic castle.
Professor juniper will give you a ragecandybar.If you give a ragecandybar to a statue you can revive a darmanitan pokemon.
Now go inside the relic castle.Go west all the way and go down the stairs.Go down in the sand. Go south west and go down in the sand.Go west all the way and go down in the sand.Go down in the sand again. Enter the door north east.Follow the path and enter the door to fight a plasma member.Go in the door south. Go in the door west and then go in the door south.Go in the door west and then go in the door west. Talk to the saige to get a tm-nastyplot.If you go in the door north you can find one volcarona pokemon.
Now go in the door west.Go in the door west and then go in the door north. Go in the door west and then go in the door north.Go in the door west and then follow the path to enter a door. Go up the stairs 3 times until you see sand on the floor.Pick a hidden ppmax near the stairs. Go up the stairs 3 times and pick a tm-flareblitz.Go in the door south and fly to driftveil city.
Go in the house south east of the pokecenter and talk to the guy east to get a shellbell. The other guy in orange you can trade your minccino for a basculin. If you trade your pokemon and get out of the house and then come back you can battle that trainer. Go back to the pokecenter and surf east to get a waterstone.Now go south west of the city to cold storage.
Enter the building south west.Go in the cargo were you beat the plasma members.Talk to the saige to get a tm-honeclaws. Exit the cargo and exit the building.Go north west of driftveil city to route 6.
Surf north to get a tm-bugbuzz.Go north east all the way and get a silkscarf. Go west and go behind the house to get a hidden tinymushroom.Surf east to get a hidden tinymushroom near the cave. Enter mistralton cave.
Go south and push a boulder.Go east while avoiding the hiker and push the boulder.Go north and beat the hiker. Pick a superrepel and pick a hidden hyperpotion in a rock.Go north west to pick a superpotion. Push the boulder to make a shortcut.Go south and go up the stairs.Go south to pick a hidden greatball in a rock. Push the boulder east and get a hidden superpotion in a rock.Go south east all the way. Go south west to pick a hardstone.Go south east all the way and go north to push the 2 boulders west to make a shortcut. Go east all the way and then go north east all the way.Go north west to pick a tm-rockblast and go north east all the way. Go west on the other path and pick a iron.Jump south and go east.Go up the stairs. Go west to pick a revive and go east all the way.Go north east and pick a hidden greatball in a rock.Also pick a duskstone. Go south east and then go talk to the guy.Say yes and go north to pick a rarecandy. Also pick a hidden carbos in a rock.Exit the cave and fly to mistralton city.Enter the cave south west.
Go west and then go north.Go down the stairs.Go west and go down the stairs. Go south all the way and talk to the saige to battle the 2 plasma members.You will get a tm-rockpolish.Exit the cave and fly to icirrus city.
Go in the house north west from the pokecenter. Talk to the guy to get a cleansetag by showing him a pokemon that has gained 50 to 98 levels. Exit the house and fly to opelucid city.Go south west to route 9.
Go south in the grass and follow the path to pick a hpup.Also pick a fullrestore and go in the challenger's cave.
Go north to fight a backpacker.Go down the stairs and pick a hidden ether in a rock while avoiding the trainer. Go east all the way.Go north to fight the girl trainer. Go north all the way and go west to pick a ppup.Go east all the way.Go up the stairs to pick a nugget. Go back to the 2nd ace trainer.Go west and pick a hidden maxpotion near the stairs.Go down the stairs. Go north and surf east all the way.Go south and pick a hidden fullrestore in a rock. Go back in the water and go north.Follow the path until you see a trainer.Avoid that trainer. Follow the path and pick a hidden maxether in the 2nd rock that you see. Follow the path and go east to pick a timerball.Go west all the way and go north to pick a protein. Go north to pick a tm-stoneedge and go south east to fight a trainer.Surf east and pick a hidden heartscale on the wall. Go east and pick a blackbelt on the ground.Go back in the water and surf north to pick a ovalstone on the ground. Exit the cave and fly to opelucid city.Go south east to route 11.
Go north west and fight the trainer.Get a superpotion in the grass and go east.Fight another trainer and go up the waterfall. Go east and pick a tm-overheat.Go down the waterfall and go south west to pick a hidden superpotion on the ground. Surf east and go down the waterfall.Go north to fight a trainer and pick a fullheal in the grass. Go south and go up the waterfall.Then go north east to fight another trainer.Go east to village bridge.
Go east and enter the 5th house.Talk to the beauty girl and exit the house.Go south east to fight a baker. After the battle say yes 2 times.First customer is the person north west.Second customer is the person north east. Third customer is the person south west.Fourth customer is the person south east. Talk to each customer in that order and remember the berry they ask. Talk to the baker and tell him what berry the customers want.Give the customers their berry. Talk to the baker and he will give you a lumberry. Surf west to get a greatball on the ground.Surf north to get a calcium in the grass. Surf east to get a hidden hpup in the grass.Also pick a hidden fullrestore.Go back to the baker and go east to route 12.
Go south west to pick a superpotion and go east to fight the beauty trainers.
Go north to pick a hidden tinymushroom while avoiding a trainer. Pick a tm-powerwhip and go east to pick a hidden bigmushroom while avoiding another trainer.Go east and pick a revive. Go south to fight a breeder.Pick a hidden tinymushroom and go east to lacunosa town while avoiding the girl trainer.
Go east and then go north when you see the pokecenter to pick a hidden elixir near the sewer plate.
If its sunday night go to the house all the way north east and talk to the guy to get a random berry.
Go east to route 13.
Go south and avoid the first trainer.Cut the tree and get a ether.Go south and avoid another trainer. Go south and talk to a girl near the wingull.Go south and pick a razorclaw.Also pick a gram2. Beat the trainer and go down the stairs west.Go east and avoid the fisher.Talk to the next guy to get a gram1. Go north and pick a heartscale.Go north all the way and enter the cave.
Go west and pick a hidden bigmushroom in a rock.Push the boulder and get a stardust. Go north all the way and push a boulder to get a stardust.Go east a few steps and get a hidden tinymushroom in a rock. Go east and push a boulder to get a starpiece.Go east all the way and go south to push a boulder. Go west and enter the door.Go south west and pick a elixir.Go north and pick a maxpotion. Go north all the way and pick a revive.Go south east a few steps and pick a carbos. Go east on the southern most path to get a tm-cosmicpower.Jump east and go south a few steps to get a fullheal. Go south east all the way to pick a revive.Go north west and pick a tm-psyshock.Go back to the fisher in route 13.
Go south and avoid the next fisher.Surf west and pick a hidden heartscale on the wall.Go back to the fisher. Go south and avoid a parasol girl.Go west and talk to the guy in black to get a randomitem.Go back to the parasol girl. Surf east and pick a ether on the ground.Go back to the parasol girl. Go south and talk to the parasol girl to get a gram3.Go back to the wingull and talk to the girl to get a tm-bulkup. Go back to the parasol girl.Go south and fight a fisher.Go south and go up the stairs west.Go north to get a tm-futuresight. Go south and go down the stairs.Cut the tree and get a nugget.Go back to the fisher. Go east near the water and get a hidden stardust near a big rock.Also get a hidden pearl.Go fight the trainer. Jump south and go west to fight the old woman.Also fight the old man. Avoid the kids and go south east to undella town.
Talk to the girl to get a HM-Dive.Go in the house west of the pokecenter to fight cynthia. Exit the house and go west to fight a boy trainer.Exit the house and go north to pick a bignugget. If you enter the small house all the way west you can trade your cinccino for a munchlax from the guy in orange during the summer season.
Go east from the pokecenter to undella bay.
Pick a hidden pearl in the ground.Also pick a hidden stardust.Go north all the way. Surf east and pick a hidden heartscale in a big rock while avoiding the swimmer. Go east and avoid the 2 swimmers.Fight the girl trainer all the way east.Fly to undella town.Surf south to route 14.
Go south and surf east to get a hidden maxrevive on the wall while avoiding the fisher.Surf west and go up the waterfall. Pick a greatball and go up the waterfall.Talk to the saige to get a tm-bulkup.Go west and avoid a trainer. Go down the waterfall and go west to abundant shrine.
Go north to pick a superpotion.Go north to pick a hidden tinymushroom near the girl. Go west a few steps to pick a hidden tinymushroom.Go west while avoiding the trainer and pick a razorfang. Avoid the next trainer and go north east to get a rarecandy while avoiding the guy in orange. Go north and surf east.Get a hidden bigmushroom in a tree.Go east and get a tm-powerswap.Go back to the guy in orange. Go south all the way and get a tm-allyswitch.Go back to route 14.
Surf east to fight the ace trainer.Jump east and go north to get a hyperpotion.Go down the waterfall. Avoid the fighting trainer and go south to fight another trainer.Go west to fight the ace trainer. Go west and follow the path to enter black city.Fly to nimbasa city and go north east to route 16.
Fight the first trainer.Go north while avoiding the backpacker and cut the tree to get a rarecandy. Go east to lostlorn forest.
Go north to pick a bigmushroom and go up the waterfall. Pick a rarecandy and go north to pick a hidden protein.Go back to route 16.
Go back to the backpacker and push the boulder while avoiding all the trainers.Go north while avoiding the backpacker to get a tm-psychocut. Also get a charcoal.Go back to the boulder and go east to marvelous bridge.
Go east and you can buy a magikarp from a guy for 500$.Go east and you will get the adamantorb.You will also get the lustrousorb.
And you will get a griseousorb.Go east and talk to the beauty girl.Say yes and you will get a bigmushroom for winning the game. Go east to the bridge gate and beat the ace trainer.Go east to route 15.
If you enter the car you can trade your ditto for a klang from the girl.
Avoid the first trainer and go down the stairs.Beat the trainer in red and get a hidden greatball near the big rock. Go up the stairs and go north all the way to pick a hidden maxrevive on the wall.Go back to the guy in red and avoid a girl trainer. Push a boulder and go up the stairs to get a tm-venoshock.Go back to the girl. Go east and fight another trainer in red.Push the boulder 3 times south and 1 time east.Push the boulder 1 time south and 1 time east.
Get the up-grade and fly to the pokemon league.Go south to the next area.
Enter the door and battle cheren.Go in the door south and fly to castelia city. Go north on the eastern side of the pokecenter to the next area.Go in the building to your right and go to the 22th floor. Battle the guy east from the ace trainer.THE END!
![[PokeMMO Farm Guide] How (and Where) to Find all Items (Unova + Walkthrough)](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhi7hMVWJ7fq1H1dhn2mfpw4AcZoe8p4EzdRn6Jy2UdlEnkTyG33zKGJP-qrQR-GherecuGsHGBXz8ZnYK75C6YGPgKW-ypN6pp78Dk-Hjdj-CFTbY6hwvFR7iM2AP_I9DfzJxiIgw4DiTy1CPvDW_qPCeafyQDqPywLwkrY1RzzXULLza3mu-CUld2xg/s72-w640-c-h332/-PokeMMO-Farm-Guide-How-and-Where-to-Find-all-Items-Part-4-Unova-Walkthrough-.png)
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