Sup guys! CommanderBlue here :D
Before you say anything... Yes, I'm aware Johto hasn't been released yet in PokéMMO. But I wanted to ensure we have a walkthrough guide ready to use once the new region is available.
According to PokéMMO staff, HeartGold/SoulSilver is coming in Spring 2023.
And it's very likely that 90% will be different (as happened with other regions that were added to PokéMMO).
Nevertheless, the key items' location should stay the same (as well as puzzles and most regular items, such as potions and poké balls).
Also, we're still unsure how devs will handle the fact that we'll have two Kanto regions, one from FireRed/LeafGreen and the other from HeartGold/SoulSilver.
That's why this walkthrough won't include Kanto (at least for now).
Be aware that the translation could be faulty (I haven't revised it yet). Feel free to report any issues in the comments section.
Without further ado, here's the walkthrough:
Note: Use CTRL+F for a quick search.
Johto Complete Walkthrough + Items Location
Starting the game, meet Prof. Oak and choose whether you want to play as a boy or a girl. You will be in your room. Go downstairs and talk to your mother, she will give you some menu options. Leave your house and you will see a Marill playing in the city. It belongs to Ethan/Lyra (it will be the character of the opposite sex to yours), who lives on the top floor of Prof. Elm. That's where we should go (it's where a red-haired boy looks out the window). Enter Professor Elm's laboratory and talk to him, he will let you choose one of the 3 Pokémon available.
Chikorita (plant) / Cyndaquil (fire) / Totodile (water)
Take your starter. Prof. Elm will ask you to pick up a package from Mr. pokemon. Next to it, there is a machine that you can use to restore your Pokémon's energies. It functions as a pokémon center. Upon leaving the laboratory, receive 5 Potions from one of Elm's assistants. Your starter pokémon will follow you wherever you go, in these versions, the first pokémon on your team will come out of your pokéball to walk with you. You'll find Ethan/Lyra outside the lab. Go find your mother at home and receive your PokéGear , it will have the phone numbers of everyone you add. Leave town on the left and Elm will give you his phone number.
While you still can't capture pokemons, train a little to get exp. while walking. By the grass you will find several Rattata, Pidgey and Sentret by day, at night you can find Hoothoot. Near the entrance to Cherrygrove town, you will see a tree, each of these trees, located throughout the game, contains an apricorn . For now you won't be able to pick it up as you have nowhere to put it. With the apricorns, you will be able to have the special poké balls later on. Every day an apricorn appears on the same tree, if you want more you can come and get the apricorn again the next day. For now, keep going until you reach the town of Cherrygrove.
Talk to the old man who is at the entrance of the city, he will introduce you to the city, showing you how a Pokémon Center (Pokémon Center) and a store outside (Mart) are, in addition to letting you know that in the water you can find certain Pokémon and show you Route 30. At the end of the tour, he hands you the Running Shoes. In the last versions, it was necessary to keep holding the B button in order to run, but in HG/SS the shoes are available on the screen under your Nintendo DS. Just leave the shoes selected and you'll be running at ease. Clear the shoes to make walking again.
Recover your pokémons in the center, then, when you feel safe, head to route 30 north. The old man who introduced you to the city will appear and will also give you a map, which can be seen in your PokéGear. From here we find, if it's HeartGold: Caterpie, Metapod, and at night, Spinarak. If it's SoulSilver, we find: Weedle, Kakuna, and in the early morning, Ledyba. Go until you see a house, with an apricorn tree on the side. If you want, you can enter the house and talk to the man, or he will come out of his house to talk to you. Receive the Apricorn Box. With this item, you will have a place to store the apricorns🇧🇷 Try to get the apricorn from the tree now. Give the tree a shake and it will spit the fruit on your head. That's how you get apricorns. Always shake these trees every time they have apricorns.
If you go left, there will be 2 trainers fighting, and you won't be able to proceed, because the fight is happening in the middle of the path. Go back and head north until you find Mr. pokemon. He will give you the Mystery Egg, to deliver to Prof. Elm. He will recover your pokemons. Prof. Oak will be here too and will give you the Johto Dex, your regional pokédex. After that, exit. Prof. Elm will call telling you to go to the lab immediately, as there has been a disaster. Go back to Cherrygrove, recover your Pokemon and leave towards New Bark. As you leave town, the red-haired boy we saw peeping through the lab will challenge you to a battle. From now on he will be your rival, and he has the initial advantage over yours. If you've raised 3 lv.from your initial level, you won't have any big problems. Use Potions if you are in trouble.
Once you arrive at the lab, you'll be informed that one of the starter Pokemon has been stolen. Ethan/Lyra will appear saying it was a boy with red hair (the guy you just defeated). They will ask his name, name your rival. Give the Mystery Egg to Prof. Elm. He leaves and goes to his house and talks to his mother. From now on, she will be able to keep his money. This is very useful, you can leave as much money as you want with her, and from time to time she will buy items for you. When she does that, she will call you and let you know, and then just enter any PokéMart that will have a Delivery Man dressed in red, just take the item with him. Talk to the guy in red more than once, sometimes your mom buys more than one item. Every time you talk to your mother, you can: leave money with her (deposit), take money from her (withdraw) or ask that every time you win a battle, part of your money is transferred directly to her (change). It's up to you. Say goodbye to your mother and leave New Bark.
Leaving the city, you will find Ethan/Lyra, who will teach you how to capture pokemons. Then receive 5 pokéballs. Now you can capture pokemons! Still on this route, you will see a small house to the north that if you go through it you will reach a place where you can find Geodude and Spearow. Can't go very far. Go back to the place that was blocked by the battle between the 2 trainers and defeat the 2, one of them will offer you his phone number. If accepted, it will be added to your PokéGear's phonebook. You will be able to battle again with every trainer you add to your PokéGear. Some trainers may call you to offer items, such as evolutionary stones. Be aware that the more people you add to PokéGear, the more difficult it is to receive calls from those who offer you the stones.
Now, you must reach Violet, just follow the path north. Around here we find Bellsprout in the grasses. On this same route, there is a cave, where you won't be able to go very far, because you still don't have the TM70 - Flash and it is difficult to walk in the dark, if you insist, you run the risk of getting lost and trapped, as there are some stones blocking the way. In the cave there is Zubat and Geodude. The best thing to do now is head towards the next town.
Upon arrival, Ethan/Lyra will appear and give you the Vs. Recorder. Recover your pokemons. Outside the pokemon center there's a blond guy who trades shards for berries , talk to him when you have those items. If you try to go straight to the gym, you'll see that the Caretaker is blocking the way. Let's do something more interesting. Exit the city from the south. You won't be able to go down very far, as there will be a man blocking the way. Near him there is a lawn, where we can find Mareep, Hoppip, Wooper (at night) and Ekans (only in SoulSilver). An Electric type like Marrep is a good alternative to use in the Flying Gym, especially if you started with Chikorita.
Around here we find the Ruins of Alph. You won't be able to explore it all right now, but if you want to check it out, see more about it at the end of the walkthrough. Leaving Violet on the left you'll find a man, near a tree that rolls when you touch it. The man will give you an HM06 - Rock Smash, which is used to break the rocks. Can't use it yet, we need the first badge. What we can do now is visit the tower that is north of Violet City, the Sprout Tower.
Inside the tower you can find Gastly at night. Go battling the monks that are along the way. At the top of the tower, you'll see your Rival, arguing with a monk, who is the leader of the tower (if you beat him, you'll get TM70 – Flash). Defeat the Elder Monk and you will finally be able to go to the Gym. Recover your pokemons and get ready to go to the gym. I recommend that your pokémons are at lv.20 in this gym, so always go up 5 levels and you will be ready for the next gym (in the case of the next gym, lv.25, of the next gym, lv.30, this way, you can always face Gym Leaders on a level playing field).
Preferably, use electric or rock type moves if you have them, avoid plant or insect type.
Defeating Falkner, Leader of the Violet City, will be awarded the Zephyr Badge and TM51 (Roost).
Leaving the GYM, you will receive a call from prof. Elm, saying that one of his assistants is at the PokéMart, with the egg you left with him some time ago. Go there and get the egg (you must be carrying a maximum of 5 Pokémon to receive it). When leaving the Mart, a girl dressed in a Kimono will appear who will come to see your egg and leave. As soon as you take 2500 steps, a lv.1 Togepi will hatch from the egg. Catch this new Pokémon and go pay a visit to Prof. Elm, after seeing him, he will give you a gift. If you want, go to the Dark Cave, that cave that is all dark. Now that you have Flash, you can light it up. Also you have Rock Smash🇧🇷 If you break rocks here in the cave, Dunsparce can sometimes appear. In addition to pokemons, in some stones we can find items during the game. You won't be able to go very far in the cave, go back to Violet, exit through the south. Now the man who stopped you before will see your badge and let you through.
Go down Route 32, face several trainers there. You will see the Magnet Train track on this route, the train that connects Johto and Kanto. At the end of the route, you'll be approached by a fat boy, who wants to sell you Slowpoketail for an absurd price. Ignore him. Go to the pokémon center and recover your pokémons. There's a fisherman inside, talk to him and receive Old Rod, a fishing rod. Talk to the man next to him and receive 2 Lure Balls! Go to the cave and defeat some trainers. In it we can find Onix, and Sandshrew too, if you play HeartGold. Explore the place, collect items. The exit leads to route 33. It will be raining here. Follow until you see Kurt arguing with a Rocket, which blocks the entrance to the well.
As soon as you arrive in the city, recover your pokémon in the PokéCenter. There's a Rocket blocking the gym. Go to Kurt's house, the guy who makes Pokéballs using Apricorns. Outside Kurt's house, there is a tree with a White Apricorn. Enter the house and talk to Kurt, he will say that the Slowpoke are in trouble and will leave the house, leave as well and head towards the Slowpoke well, where Kurt was arguing with that Rocket. Find Kurt lying in the well, he will ask for your help, defeat the Team Rocket members you find on the way. In the end, you'll fight a Rocket Executive, he's responsible for the Slowpokes having their tails cut off.
After defeating the Rockets, Kurt will thank you and take you to his house (Kurt's house). Talk to him and as a thank you, he'll give you a Fast Ball. Keep talking and he will ask you for an Apricorn, give him any you have. Come back the next day and Kurt will have made a Pokéball with his Apricorn. He always takes a day to make the pokéball.
Get Kurt's phone number from his granddaughter. She leaves and will see that the Slowpokes have taken over the city. For now, train a little so you can challenge the Gym Leader. When you feel ready, go to the Gym, Rocket is no longer blocking the entrance. Inside the gym, you'll have to climb on top of a large Spinarak, which moves by sliding on the ropes. He will always swerve left or right if there's a rope tied in his way. You can tie or break the ropes by pulling levers in the gym to open a path. Do this until you reach the leader.
Preferably, use fire-type, flying, or even rock-type moves, avoid plant or poison-type moves.
Defeating Bugsy, Leader of Azalea City, will be awarded the Hive Badge and TM 89 (U-Turn).
Nothing else to do, recover at the Pokemon Center. If you try to leave the city now, you will be challenged by your rival, now he has 3 pokemons. Just leave the city on the left and he appears.
Go forward and you'll be in the forest.
We arrived in the forest. Over here we can find Paras, as well as Oddish by night. You will have to talk to a lumberjack, near a different tree, he will ask you to find a pair of Farfetch'd in the forest. If you try to catch them from the front or the side, they will run away from you. To grab them, you must reach behind them. Once you've managed to catch him from behind, he'll return to his owner. You need to do this with both Farfetch'd. Another detail: there are some branches scattered across the forest floor that when you step on it, it makes Farfetch'd realize where you are and turn towards you. Take advantage of this, step on branches when you need to divert his attention, or be careful not to step, so as not to draw his attention, depending on which position Farfetch'd is facing.
Once you've managed to get the two Farfetch'd to the woodcutter, talk to him. He will thank you and his boss will come and reward you with HM 01 (Cut), which cuts this type of tree, but before cutting the different tree, which is close to where the lumberjack was standing, go back to Azalea and enter a house next to the gym, this is the lumberjack's house, talk to him inside and get a Charcoal, which, if equipped to a pokémon, increases the powers of fire attacks!
Go back to the forest, teach the HM Cut to some pokémon, cut the tree and cross the forest. Around here you'll see a chubby guy headbutting the trees. Talk to him, he can teach you the move Headbutt to one of your Pokemon. This blow also works outside of battles, it serves to shake those big trees that are in the forest, just ask your pokémon to use Headbutt and he will headbutt the tree, from where a pokémon may or may not fall, like Pineco and Exeggcute. They exist all over the continent, if you go back to Azalea, you will see that in the south of the city there are some of these trees, where Aipom and Heracross sometimes fall.
If you want to take advantage, now that you can cut trees, go back a little bit to the beginning of route 32, there is a place that you couldn't access before, there is a fat guy standing next to him, there is a tree that can be cut, cut -a and talk to the guy, you get TM 05 (Roar). Return to Ilex Forest and head north from where Headbutt was. You'll see another Kimono Girl. She is lost in the forest. Her Pokemon will point the way out. So let's get out of the forest. As you leave, talk to the Butterfree woman at the counter.
Arriving at route 34, face some trainers. Here there will be a girl named Picnicker Gina, after facing her, get her phone number, because she can call you and give you a Leaf Stone. In Matinhos here, the news is Drowzee, Abra and Ditto. You will see a house along the way, where you will see an old man. Ethan/Lyra will appear, saying that this house belongs to her grandparents. This is the Day Care, where you can leave pokemons so that they gain exp. with every step you take. If you leave a male and a female pokémon for the old woman, these pokémon can interbreed and can lay eggs, if they are from compatible egg groups🇧🇷 When this occurs, just be carrying a maximum of 5 pokémons to remove the egg with the old man. Inside the house, get Ethan/Lyra's phone number. Go out and get the number of the old people. Another thing: on this route there is a policeman. Remember that the cops only fight you at night! Keep going north and we'll reach the next town.
As soon as you have time (I think you must have trained your new pokémon a little or that you captured some pokémon, or both). Let's explore the city, first of all, we should check out the Goldenrod Dept.Store, which is one of the biggest stores in the game. In this MegaMart we find the greatest variety of items, each floor sells one thing. On the 5th floor, there's a guy interested in a Drowzee, if you trade with him, you'll get a Machop in exchange for your Drowzee. On Sundays, a woman will give TM 27 (Return) or TM 21 (Frustation), depending on how happy your Pokemon is outside the Poké Ball. At the top is the drinks machine (Soda Pop, Fresh Water and Lemonade). Lemonades are cheaper than Super Potion and recover more HP. Still on this floor, the clerks raffle items ranging from TMs, pokéballs and berries, just pay $300, Items change daily. Also, take the elevator down to the basement. Have the men send the Machokes to move the boxes out of the way and take the items.
Afterwards, go to the back of that same building and you will see some houses, one of them, with a round roof, from what you can read on the sign in front, it is the Bike Shop, talk to the seller he will give you a Bycicle (bike) ! Going further north (going under the Magnet Tain lane) we see that the gym is closed for now. On the left is a house with a circus tent, here is the Name Rater, the guy who changes the nickname of your pokémon. Next to it is another house, there is the entrance to the city's basement, enter it, Ethan/Lyra will come talk to you and give you the Fashion Case, an item that you can use to store accessories to dress your Pokemon.
In the Underground Tunnel you can fight some trainers. There are two hairdresser brothers that appear during the week that help increase your pokémon's happiness. On weekends there is a Herb Shop, herbal shop, items that restore your Pokemon, but lowering happiness. And on Monday mornings there's a person who sells cheap items that are meant to be resold at the Marts. It also has a new location where pictures are taken and sent to your PC. Take the south exit of the tunnel, outside you will see the Game Corner, behind the Pokémon Center. Talk to the man in front of the table, he's Mr. Game, get his Coin Case. He will introduce you to the Voltorb Flip Mini-Game, a little game that earns you coins. The coins (coins) can be exchanged for special items/pokémons with the lords here.
Look for the black building with a Rocket outside. This is the Radio Tower. Talk to the last clerk and answer a 5-question quiz to receive the Radio Card, your PokéGear's Radio function. Answer in that order: Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No, and you will have your radio.
Question 1: Is it possible to see the map through your Pokegear? YES!
Question 2: Nidorina can only be female. Real? YES!
Question 3: Does Kurt, the creator of PokéBall, use apricots as ingredients? AT THE! (he uses apricorns)
Question 4: It's impossible to use a TM on a Magikarp. Real? YES!
Question 5: In the popular show Professor Oak, Pokémon Talk, is he with Marie? AT THE! (he's with mary)
Once you do, Whitney, the Gym Leader, will come talk to you and head back to the Gym. On the 2nd floor, you can get a Blue Card from Buena, the radio DJ. With it, you can participate in Buena's Password, a radio program where you can compete for prizes every day. That show airs at 2:00; at 5:00, 8:00 and 11:00 (am or pm). Listen to the password for the day, go to the 2nd floor and tell Buena the password, you earn a point, add your points over the days to your Blue Card and exchange them for prizes, including PokéBall, Full Restore, Nugget, Rare Candy and different vitamins. If you accumulate 30 points, you can ask for Buena's phone number.
Now that we've explored the city, let's go to the gym. Here we will find several normal Pokemon trainer girls.
Fighting moves are good here. Beating Whitney, Leader of Goldenrod City, you'll get her to start whining, she doesn't want to acknowledge defeat until you're gone, a sore loser. Try to leave and the last trainer will say that her whimpering will go away soon, talk to Whitney again and you will be awarded the Plain Badge and TM 45 (Attract).
Exit the gym, recover your pokémons and go to the flower shop that is to the right of the gym. Enter, talk to the woman, she will see your badge and give you the SquirtBottle item. Once this is done, you can leave the city by the north, towards route 35. When you enter the little house, which is at the exit of the city, talk to the guard at the counter, he will give you a Spearow mail, which is carrying a Mail , take this Spearow to the fat guy on Route 31 just before Violet's entrance. If you do, the fat guy will give you TM 44 (Rest). Remember that to get Spearow you must have an empty slot on your team. Return to Goldenrod and go talk to the guard, he will give you, as a thank you for your help, an HP UP.
On route 35, defeat the trainers that are there. It is possible to find Nidorans around here. If you're lucky, you can find Yanma too, if you find him, try to capture him soon, because the chance of him appearing is 1%! Right ahead, near a policeman (who fights you at night), you will see the entrance to the National Park and the Pokeathlon, and if you go right and go up (having to cut a bush), you will reach route 36. Let's go first , know these places.
Entering the house and exiting to the left, a person with a Poliwrath will spot you. He is Magnus, the founder of Pokéathlon. In this place we find some mini-games ( see more on this page ) that test some special abilities of your Pokemon, where you can compete and earn some points, which can be used to exchange for some interesting items in the shop, including evolutionary stones. Every day the items sold change, among them are Apricorns, Moomoo Milk, Heart Scale, Rare Candy, PP Up, Nugget, in addition to evolutionary stones and items that evolve exchanged pokemons. When you can have a National Dex, more options for evolutionary stones will appear each day, including Dawn, Shiny and Dusk Stones. There is also a drinks machine where you can get Soda Pop, Fresh Water and Lemonade using your points.
Outside, look for a guy next to three pipes. Talk to him and receive the Apriblender. With this, you can make an Aprijuice, a juice using your apricorns. This juice helps to increase the potential of the special abilities that your Pokemon use in the Pokéathlon, they are: Speed, Power, Skill, Stamina and Jump. To participate in a mini-game, just talk to the clerk inside, when you do this for the first time, Whitney will come and give you the jersey, an accessory that makes you look more athletic in order to participate.
Returning to that little house at the entrance, we have the National Park in front of us, where you can participate in an insect hunting contest, the Bug Catching Contest, which takes place every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. On contest days, guards from both entrances (there is an entrance to the south and one to the right of the Park) will be in front of the doors, tell them you are going to participate in the contest. You will only be able to enter with just one pokémon, so you will receive 20 Sport Balls, which you must use to try to capture the best insect pokémon you find. Try to capture a Scyther or a Pinsir, they are the best options. In addition to them, we have Venonat, Paras and Butterfree/Beedrill that can put you in a good position. The contest ends after 20 minutes, or when your Sport Balls run out, or if you leave the Park (if you've already caught the pokémon you wanted, just leave). The winner gets a Sun Stone, the 2nd place an Ever Stone and the 3rd Sitrus Berry, the others get a Shed Shell as a consolation prize.
On other days, the Park opens normally, and you can face trainers inside, in addition to getting some items, such as TM 28 (Dig). To get to it, look at the top right of the Park for a passage in the enclosure, it is a little corner that is without a fence and through which it is possible to pass. Also, it is possible to find Sunkern through the grass. When you can have a National Dex, you can also find some insects from Hoenn and Sinnoh in the National Park contests, in addition to having other evolutionary stones other than the Sun Stone as a prize.
Returning to our path, towards the right of the National Park, we will be on route 36. From here we will find Growlithe (in HeartGold), Vulpix (in SoulSilver) and, if you are lucky, it is possible to find Stantler. Here we will find a guy called School Kid Alan, after defeating him, add his phone number, because in a while he will be able to call you to offer a Fire Stone as a gift! Soon after, we come across a different bush, which, when touched, starts to roll, and prevents its passage. If you got the SquirtBottle watering can, just use it on this bush. Save the game before that! When you water the plant, it will attack you, revealing itself to be a lv.20 Sudowoodo! He's the only one in the game, good luck catching him. If you can't get it now, it will only appear again after you beat the elite 4. Once the battle is over,Berry Pots . As in these versions we don't find a soil where berries grow, the only way to plant them is through this item. You can water your berries with the SquirtBottle and wait for them to grow in the incubator. I suggest that you start planting some Oran Berries, as we will need them later on. Oran Berries take 16 hours to grow and usually bear 2 to 5 fruits. If you water every 4 hours you will probably get 5 fruits.
With the Sudowoodo out of the way we'll have opened two passages. If we go to the right, we'll reach Violet City again. We are not interested in going there now, but it is good to know this shortcut. Then we head north. Fight a few more trainers and you'll soon reach Ecruteak.
Upon entering the Pokémon Center, you will see a person coming down the stairs. He will talk to the nurse and call you. This is Bill, he's the PC system expert you can find at every Pokémon Center. After talking to him, take the opportunity to return to Goldenrod and go to Bill's house (a yellow one to the left of the city's PokéCenter). Talk to Bill here and get a lv.5 Eevee from him! Remember that to receive Eevee you must be carrying a maximum of 5 Pokemon. Talk to the little girl who's here, she's Bill's sister and she'll give you his phone number.
Now you can go back to Ecruteak, recover your pokémon, because we will have many things to do here. Enter the house on the left side of the PokéCenter and receive the Downsing MCHN. It is a radar that finds items that cannot be seen. Want to test it out to see how it works? There's a Rare Candy hidden near the pond north of Ecruteak. Try to find her with the device. When the radar is pressed, it will turn yellow and there will be a flashing dot if there are any items nearby. It is possible to do this also while walking. Look for items this way everywhere you go. Well, if you try to enter the gym they will kick you out, because the leader is not there, so let's go to the Ecruteak Dance Theater, the house that is above the Pokémon Center.
Unlike G/S/C, we won't be fighting the Kimono Girls and their Eeveelutions now. What we will find is a Rocket attacking one of them. Defeat this Rocket and it will be gone. A gentleman who was there with Psyduck will come and give HM03 (Surf) as thanks. We still can't surf the waters without winning the next badge, but if you want, you can teach surfing to one of your pokemons.
If you try to go to the Bell Tower, you will see that the monks won't let you through, so go to the Burnt Tower, at the top left of the city. Upon entering, you will be approached by Eusine, a Suicune fanatic. Morty, the Gym Leader, will be here as well. You'll see a big hole in the floor (you can see the legendary dogs downstairs). Head towards the stairs, when approaching it your rival will come and battle you.
After you defeat him, he will leave. If you want, before going down the stairs, there are some trainers and items on this floor above, as well as some wild Koffing. Then, he goes down the stairs and faces Raikou, Entei and Suicune. However, you won't face them now, Raikou and Entei will run away in different directions, Suicune will turn around, roar at you and also leave afterwards. From now on, Raikou and Entei will randomly spawn in Johto Matinhos, as well as Mesprit and Cresselia in D/P/P. When you least expect it, one of them may appear. You can see where they are using the PokéGear map, but remember, every time you enter another city/route, they will change locations. Also, when they appear, they will flee the battle in the very first round. The damage you do to them will carry over the next few times you encounter them. Raikou and Entei will be at lv.40, good luck catching them. As for Suicune, you'll encounter him a few more times before you can capture him, with Eusine chasing after him as well.
Once the dogs run away, Eusine will come and comment on Suicune. While we're here, it's good to know that it's possible to find Magmar on this floor below, if you look hard enough. Nothing else to do, we can go to the gym. Here everyone uses ghost pokemons. This gym is simple, just walk along the walkway, taking care not to fall from it, if you do, you'll be back at the beginning of the gym. Here, whenever you defeat an old woman, she will turn on a light, thus facilitating your vision.
If you have, use insect, night and ghost type moves, if you want to risk it, you can use psychic, since his pokemons are part poison type. Avoid normal, fighter and ground type moves, they won't do any damage.
Defeating Morty, Leader of Ecruteak City, will be rewarded with the Fog Badge and TM 30 (Shadow Ball).
Now that you've defeated Morty, the surf technique is unlocked. That means you can now swim with your Pokemon. But before we go surfing around, let's do something twice as interesting. Exit Ecruteak on the right. Approach the cave you see and a fat man will come out, bumping into you. To apologize, he gives you HM 04 (Strength). This technique had already been released when you defeated Whitney. Then, try to teach Strength to one of your Pokemon. This cave, which the fat guy came out of, is Mt. Mortar, a completely optional area (we have a separate guide at the end of the walkthrough). It is possible to explore it now, but I recommend that you leave it for later, as it is not possible to access all parts of the cave for now. If you use surf here outside the cave you will arrive in the city of the 7th gym. I also don't recommend going there right now, because there won't be anything to do there and the gym is closed. Since we're coming back here anyway, let's save it for later… I'll cover that part of the walkthrough myself after we get the 5th and 6th badges.
Now, with surf and strength in hand, let's take a walk around Johto, to access some places where it was necessary to use these techniques:
– In New Bark, surf to the right of town. A boy will say that you have arrived in Kanto. If you enter the cave that is here you won't be able to go far, there's a waterfall on the way. But if you use surf outside it's possible to reach a rare candy.
– In Cherrygrove, surf to the left of town and talk to the boy on the other side.
– In Violet, surf north of town and find items.
– Some areas of the Ruins of Alph have been released, via Union Cave access, in addition to a part of Union Cave where we can find Lapras. Learn more in the Ruins of Alph and Union Cave guide at the end of the walkthrough.
– In Azalea, go to the Slowpoke cave, look for a round stone and use Strength, you can push the stone. Use surf, in the next location, you will get items.
– South of Goldenrod, near the Day Care, surf left and fight the 3 girls, get the item.
– Near the entrance to the National Park, there is a place where you can surf.
– At Burnt Tower in Ecruteak, use Rock Smash and Strength until you reach the item
Nothing else to do, let's get back to our journey.
Back in Ecruteak, we'll leave the city on the left. We are on route 38. Here we find Pokemon like Raticate, Magnemite and Farfetch'd, sometimes Miltank and Tauros, maybe even Snubbull, if you look hard enough. In SoulSilver Meowth also appears. There are some trainers and items scattered around the route. When you face a girl named Lass Dana, don't forget to get her phone number, because at any moment she can call you, offering you a Thunder Stone!
Upon entering Route 39, a man named Baoba will appear. He was the owner of the old Safari Zone that existed in the Kanto continent, but his son created a Pal Park there and now Baoba is creating a Safari Zone in Johto. Get Baoba's phone number and as soon as the new Safari Zone opens, he will call you. Follow the path, further ahead you will find a Miltank farm (Moo Moo Farm). Enter the little house on the right, the farm owners will say that they have a sick Miltank and need you to help them. Go to the house on the left and you'll see some girls taking care of Miltank. Keep feeding her Oran Berries until she heals, about 7 should be enough. If you planted some Oran Berries when I asked, you should already have enough berries. As soon as Miltank is better, talk to the girls and receive a Seal Case as a prize, to put stamps on your pokéballs (via a pokémon center PC). Talk to the farm owners again, from now on they will be selling Moomoo Milk.
Keep going down and you'll reach Olivine. Right at the entrance will be the gym, when approaching, your rival will leave there and say that the leader is not there. She is at the Glitter Lighthouse (the lighthouse), taking care of her Ampharos, who is sick. Explore the city. In a house with a green roof you will see a fisherman who will give you another fishing rod, the Good Rod. She manages to catch some Krabby and, with a little luck, it is possible to also find Pokemon like Chinchou, Corsola and Shellder with her. In another house in town, there's a girl who gives you different stamps for your Poké Balls every day, if she wants them. At the pokémon center, talk to a woman, she will battle using a pokémon that comes out of a pokéball that has a seal.
If you leave the city on the left, you will see the Battle Frontier entrance. But it hasn't opened yet, a man waits here patiently to be the first to enter. You may have also noticed that Olivine is a port for ships. When we have the pass, we can come and catch a ship here. To the south we have the sea, soon we'll have to swim across it, but first, we'll explore the lighthouse, the tower located south of the city. Retrieve your pokemons and let's go there.
Unlike G/S/C, we can now take an elevator straight to the top of the lighthouse. Jasmine, the Gym Leader, will be locked in there, taking care of Amphy, an Ampharos who is sick. To be able to enter there, just take the stairs. Take the opportunity to fight the trainers here. The break between the battles of the next two Gym Leaders will be very short, it's good to train now. While going up, there will be a floor where there are no more stairs, to continue just go through the door through which a stronger light passes, which is on the right side. Keep going up until you reach the room where Jasmine is. She will explain that she won't be able to leave, that she needs to take care of Amphy, and that she will decline any gym challenge. You will learn that the medicine can be found at a pharmacy in Cianwood. Jasmine will open the passage for you so you can take the elevator down. Our next stop is Cianwood Island, because there, in addition to getting the medicine for Ampharos, we can earn another badge!
It's time to enter the sea. Swim south of Olivine, we'll have to cross these two sea lanes to get to Cianwood. By the sea we find, as usual, Tentacool, and some Tentacruel. In the southernmost part, when you are getting close to Cianwood, it is also possible that some Mantine appear when swimming, if you are playing the HeartGold version. In the middle of the way, defeat several trainers, passing close to the 4 Whirl Islands, islands that can only be accessed by passing through the whirlpools, which you will not be able to do for now. If you feel lost at sea, look at the PokéGear map to find out where you are. It is also possible to fish while surfing if you wish. Either way, you must go to Cianwood.
When you arrive in the city, recover your Pokémon in the PokéCenter. Head straight north from town, you'll see Suicune. As you approach, Suicune will jump in front of you and run away into the sea. Then Eusine will arrive to challenge you to battle, believing that if he defeats you, Suicune would appear to him as well.
Just defeat him. Suicune we will meet more often. In Cianwood, next to the pokémon center, there is Cianwood Pharmacy, talk to the clerk inside and explain to him that Jasmine's Ampharos is sick. He will understand the situation and give you the medicine (SecretPotion) needed to cure Jasmine's Ampharos. You will be able to purchase other medicinal items from this pharmacy as well. In the house next door, a trainer who was robbed by his rival is afraid that his last Pokemon will be stolen. He will ask you to take care of the pokémon, offering you a Shuckle lv.20, if you have a vacant space on the team. You may have also noticed that to the left of the city there is a cave, which wasn't there in the old G/S/C versions. This cave gives access to the routes that take you to the Safari Zone, but you won't be able to access it yet.
We can go to the gym now. Leader Chuck will be meditating under a waterfall and won't be able to hear you. What you must do is defeat all the trainers until you reach the gear at the top of the gym.
Preferably, use flying or psychic type moves. In Poliwrath, being part Water type, Electric and Grass moves are good as well.
Winning Chuck, Leader of Cianwood City, will be awarded the Storm Badge and TM 01 (Focus Punch).
Leaving the gym, Chuck's wife will come and talk to you, see your badge and give you the HM 02 (Fly). Now, you can return to any city already visited by flying, as long as you teach a pokémon the technique. Remember why we came to Cianwood? Yes, the medicine of the sick Ampharos. Fly back to Olivine, we have to save poor Amphy.
Go back to the lighthouse, take the elevator to the top floor and take the SecretPotion to Jasmine, who will give it to Ampharos. Amphy will feel better and will light up the whole place, restoring the lighthouse's power. Jasmine will thank you and head back to her gym. Mission Accomplished. She exits the lighthouse and receives a phone call. It's Baoba, the owner of the new Safari Zone. He will say that it just opened and that you can now access it, via that cave that was to the left of Cianwood. If you want, stop by there, otherwise, let's go to the 6th gym. What was it, didn't have time to train? I warned you to fight with the trainers that the break between the two gym battles would be short…
Luckily, we now have a new place to train. Fly back to Cianwood and go through the cave to the left of the city. This is an entirely optional area, but it's a good place to visit if you need to prepare a little more before facing the leader Jasmine. On the way to the Safari Zone, we'll find some trainers, items and pokemons. Through the cave, if we look well, we can find pokémons like Kingler, Machop, Machoke and Graveler, sometimes even Steelix, in addition to Misdreavus appearing during the night. Outside, using surf, it is possible to find Seel and Staryu. When you're near the entrance to the Safari Zone, you can find Fearow and Gloom, as well as Girafarig and Diglett, if you look hard enough. If you want to explore Safari now, there are some interesting Pokemon there, we have a guide at the end of the walkthrough.
This is the simplest gym in the history of Pokemon games. In the past there weren't even trainers, now there are some, but they don't battle with you. Just go to the leader and face her.
Use fire, ground, fighting and water type moves, any other type, metallic will have resistance.
Winning Jasmine, Leader of Olivine City, will be awarded the Mineral Badge and TM 23 (Iron Tail).
Okay, we have 6 badges. Remember, when you were in Ecruteak, there was an exit to the right of the city that led to the 7th gym city, which I even told you to come back here later? All right, the time has come. Go to Ecruteak and exit to the right. The three entrances to Mt. Mortar that exist on this route are still accessible, but you still won't be able to explore the cave completely, but if you want to take a look... guide at the end of the walkthrough. We can choose to go using surf on the lakes, heading towards the right.
In the middle of the way you will see Suicune near the apricorn trees, to get to him, cut the bush that is there. He will run away and Eusine will appear. proceed. While in the water, some Goldeen and Seaking may appear. Face the trainers here outside the cave. The first one is a fisherman, Fisherman Tully, defeat him and remember to get his phone number, he can call you anytime offering a Water Stone. When he offers you the Water Stone, it's important to keep it, because it's needed to do something in the Ruins of Alph (Learn more at the end of the walkthrough). In Matinhos here, we find Spearow and Flaaffy, in addition to Mankey in HeartGold. Then he enters the city.
Recover your pokemons in the center. If you try to leave the city on the right, a guy will stop you, selling RageCandyBar, buy it if you want, it can be exchanged for an item later in the game. Here we find a strange house that, on the outside, has a tree with an antenna on top. Inside, a man with sunglasses sells items, it's a Mini Shop. Well, there's a fat boy barring the entrance to the gym, who tells you something about a Lake of Rage, so let's go to this place, head north.
Upon arrival, you will notice that it is possible to avoid the Matinhos crossing a small house, don't do that! If you try, the Rockets that are inside the ambush will rob you of $1000 when you take the first step inside. Go through Matinho, so you don't lose money for nothing. Around here we find Girafarig and Pidgeotto, as well as Noctowl at night. Explore the area until you reach the Lake of Rage. It will start to rain here. Save your game, jump into the water and battle a lv.30 Red Gyarados, a shiny pokémon. Capture him and you will receive the Red Scale item. When you can, take the Red Scale to Mr. Pokémon on route 30, he will give you Exp Share in return. If you haven't managed to capture him, he will be here again as soon as you defeat the elite 4. When you leave the lake, you will see Lance, the guy with a Dragonite, he is champion of the elite 4 of Johto. Talk to him, he will say that something in Mahogany forced the Magikarp to evolve and will fly off in the Dragonite. From now on, you can visit Lake of Rage whenever you want using Fly.
Go back to Mahogany and recover your pokemons. So, go into that house where there's a tree on the side with an antenna on top. Lance will be there, his Dragonite will attack the man in white and then Lance will approach the guy with sunglasses. He'll push open the cabinet on the wall, there will reveal the secret entrance to an underground Team Rocket base. Lance will enter there, go after him, go down the stairs.
You will be in a hallway with several Persian figurines, each time you pass one of them, an alarm will sound, making Rockets appear to try to stop you. Each time the alarm goes off, you fight two Rockets consecutively, and they always use the same Pokemon. Whenever you need to go back to the Center to recover your Pokemons. Still on this floor, you will find a scientist who will fight you, after defeating him, if you examine the laptop behind him, you can deactivate the figurines alarm system, and then the rockets will stop coming. If you want, you don't need to touch the laptop, so the rockets will continue to appear and you will continue to gain exp for your pokemons after battles. Go explored everything in this base. To the left of the room there is a shortcut, but it is a minefield, if you step on the squares a wild pokémon will appear.
To the south, near the stairs, is a yellow teleporter. Don't step on it, it will take you back to the entrance. Go down the stairs and you will see Lance, who will recover your pokemons. Here there is a gate that is locked. Continue exploring the area, defeat ALL Team Rocket members on every floor. On your next encounter with Lance, you'll learn that there are 2 passwords that open a locked gate. Defeat the rockets and talk to them again to find out the passwords. One of them (Slowpoke Tail) is provided by the girl in front of the laptop. The guy in the next room, near the machines, gives you the second one (Raticate Tail).
Once you've explored the base, go down until you find another gate. Your rival will appear and comment on Lance and the rockets. Knowing the 2 passwords, move the gate and it will open automatically. A gentleman in a coat and hat will be in the room, next to a Murkrow. Wait… is it… Giovanni? No, he is a Rocket Executive in disguise. He will say the password that opens that first gate, that room where Lance recovered his Pokemon: Hail Giovanni. However, the gate will only open with Petrel's voice. Confront Petrel, the master of disguise.
Beat him and he will run away. Murkrow, who was with Petrel, heard him say the password that opens the first gate and will imitate Petrel's voice. Follow Murkrow wherever he goes, he will take you to that room and open the gate for you. This time a Rocket Executive will appear, followed by a regular Rocket. They will challenge you, Lance will come to help you in a 2v2 battle.
Finally, you and Lance will be able to enter the generator room that is emitting waves that force the Magikarps to evolve. There is no way to turn off the machines, but we can see that they are powered by the energy of some Electrodes. Defeat the 3 Electrodes on the left side, Lance will take care of the ones on the other side. As a thank you, Lance gives you the HM 05 (Whirlpool). Now you can leave, step on that yellow transporter to go straight to the entrance. Outside, you'll see that tree with an antenna has been destroyed. Later this house will become a mini shop.
The gym is now open. Upon entering, the secret is to push the ice sheet in front of you, then slide on the ice.
Use grappling, plant, and rock moves. Maybe an Electric type in Waters and a Water type in Piloswine.
Defeating Pryce, Leader of Mahogany City, will be awarded the Glacier Badge and TM 07 (Hail).
Leaving the gym you receive a call from Prof. Elm. He will say that Goldenrod radio was invaded and taken over by the Rockets. In fact, if you turn on your PokéGear's radio right now, you'll see that Rockets are at every station. Before we leave and ruin once and for all the Rockets' plans, leave Mahogany by the north and enter that house where I said that the Rockets stole your money. Get TM 36 (Sludge Bomb), a nice poisonous move. Go up to the Lake of Rage now, you will see that some trainers have arrived. Just fight them then, let's finish off the Rockets, fly to Goldenrod!
Arriving in Goldenrod, note that there are several rockets scattered everywhere. If you need to, recover your Pokemon at the Center. If you try to go straight to the Radio Tower, you will see a rocket blocking the stairs, it only allows other rockets to pass. Then, go to the house to the north and go down underground. A silly rocket will be there, thinking you're a new rocket, and will dress you up in the rocket uniform. Exit the underground and you'll be trapped in the city (rockets block the north and south exits, and your Pokemon won't be able to fly), but that doesn't matter.
Go back to the Radio Tower and the rocket will see your uniform and let you through. But your rival will appear and recognize you and reveal who you really are. Then the rocket will face you. Defeat him and go up the stairs. Go defeating the Rockets and clearing the way. There will be a gate on one of the floors, we cannot go through it, but guard this place well, we will soon have to go through it. Go up the stairs until you find the radio director at the top. But wait, it's not him, it's Petrel, the master of disguise again. Defeat this imposter Rocket Executive.
Watch out for those explosive pokemons. Defeating him gives you the Basement Key. The real radio director has been kidnapped and is being held underground in Goldenrod. Go retrieve your pokemons and go down to the underground. A little further down from that place where you received the rocket uniform. You'll find the fourth Kimono Girl (we found the first in Violet, the second in Ilex Forest, and the third in Ecruteak). This Kimono sister will congratulate you for facing the rockets and leave. In this corridor, open the gate with the key you just received. Right away you will be stopped by your rival, who has come to challenge you to a battle.
Note: If you have chosen Cyndaquil as a starter, the pokemons above will be 2 levels lower. If you chose Chikorita, his starter will not have evolved yet.
Now he will be with a Sneasel, we finally find out who he stole from Shuckle's boy in Cianwood. Defeat him and he will leave. Now comes the most annoying part that gave G/S/C players a lot of work. There are three colored buttons on the wall that open and close the room's gates. Face the guys here first, then hit the buttons in this sequence: Red, Green, and Blue. This will open the passage straight to the exit. Proceed and defeat, talking to everyone and picking up all the items.
Talk to the last guy you find here, one that is not rocket, he is the real director of the Radio Tower and will give you the card (Card Key) necessary to access that gate that was locked (remember?). Get out of there by the stairs, you will realize that you are in the basement of the MegaMart. Take the elevator just above and go up to the 1st floor and exit. Take the opportunity to recover your pokemons.
Go back to Radio Tower and open that gate with the card. Defeat the remaining Rocket Executives. Proton, the one you fought to save the Slowpokes, will be here.
Ariana, the one you fought alongside Lance, will also be here.
After defeating her, enter the elevator and you will reach the top of the tower. We will see one last Rocket Executive, hitherto unknown. This is Archer, the guy who recreated Team Rocket after Giovanni left. Face the leader of this new Team Rocket.
Defeat him and he will leave, taking out all the rockets. The director of the radio tower will come and give you an item, Rainbow Wing (Ho-oh's feather), if you play HeartGold, or Silver Wing (Lugia's feather), if you play SoulSilver. You still won't be able to meet your version's keeper until you have your last badge. If you talk to all the people in the radio tower, two of them will give you an item for saving them from the rockets. Let's move towards the 8th badge.
Use fly to go back to Mahogany. Now, the house where the rocket base was turned into a store. The right exit from the city will be released. Face trainers and get the items. If you use surf here, you will reach Matinho, where we can find Weepinbell, Tangela and Lickitung. Keep going right until you reach an ice cave, the Ice Path. Make sure you are bringing a Pokemon with Strength. In this cave, we'll have to slide on the ice, just like in the Mahogany gym. Right on the first floor, make sure you got the item that is there, it's HM 07 (Waterfall), which we'll need to climb waterfalls later.
Through the cave, some Swinub and Jynx may appear. In SoulSilver, Delibird also appears. You will also need to push some rocks into the holes. Be careful not to touch the stone to the ice, so that it can no longer be dragged. If this happens, go up and down the stairs and the stones will return to their previous position. When you're getting close to the exit, we find the last Kimono Girl. She will be trapped in the ice, afraid of slipping. Peck her from behind to get her out of there. Once that's done, we can leave.
We finally reached the last gym city. Recover your pokemons. Here there is an interesting house to visit, where scam tutors live. It's to the left of the PokéMart. Here we will meet four people. The first one (the bald one) is Move Deleter. He can delete any move from his pokémons, even if they are HMs moves, which cannot be forgotten. The second (the chubby one) is the Move Relearner. It can make your Pokemon remember moves it learns at lower levels. For this he charges a Heart Scale, an item that is sometimes found by breaking rocks, like those in Cianwood. The third (the old one) is the Move Tutor from the move Draco Meteor. If she has a dragon Pokemon first on her team, she can teach it. The fourth (the old one) is the Move Maniac of elemental moves: Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn and Hydro Cannon.
To the north of the city we find the 8th gym. In this gym we have some platforms that navigate over boiling lava. The caretaker will come to warn you to keep your pokémons inside the pokéballs. You must direct the platforms using the arrows and the circles that are on each one. The arrows move left or right, the circle is used to rotate the platform. At the end you will find the leader.
Against Gyarados use electric moves, against Dragonairs give preference to ice, while against Kingdra the best option is dragon-type moves. Defeating Clair, Leader of Blackthorn City, you gain nothing! She will refuse to acknowledge your victory, claiming that you are not ready for the elite 4 yet. To prove that you are worthy of the badge, she will send you on a quest to retrieve the Dragon Fang, in addition to having to pass the clan master's test. of dragons in the Dragon's Den temple, located behind the gym. Use the teleporter to exit the gym.
If you want, recover your pokemons. Bring someone on your team who knows how to use the Whirlpool technique, teach it to one of your Pokemon if you haven't already. Surf the lake behind the gym and follow it until you find a cave entrance. Upon entering, go down the stairs and go south until you find another lake, surf left until you find a whirlpool in the water. Use the Whirlpool to cross it and continue on to the temple. Remember to fight the trainers and pick up the items before entering. After entering, you will automatically talk to the elder, answer the questions on how to be a good trainer.
Answering the questions correctly, the elder will recognize you as a good trainer. Clair will appear and ask if you found the Dragon Fang. If you took this item outside, she will be surprised. The elder will say that you passed the test, but Clair still doesn't want to accept his defeat. The elder threatens to tell Lance everything if she doesn't hand over the badge. Clair then gets scared and decides to deliver. You will be awarded the Rising Badge. Upon leaving, find Clair on the way to also get TM 59 (Dragon Pulse).
Upon leaving the cave, Professor Elm will call and ask you to come to his laboratory. We'll go there shortly. Make sure you are carrying a maximum of 5 Pokemon, we need this vacant space on the team. Go back to the Dragon's Den and talk to the old man again, he will give you a Dratini lv.15 with the ExtremeSpeed move. Now, if we leave Blackthorn from the south we will see that there is a new route to be explored. You will always be descending and the relief of the place will not allow you to go up to explore the other side, so you will always have to fly back to Blackthorn to continue exploring the place. On the routes you will find trainers and items. If you play HeartGold, you can find Gligar and Phanpy around Matinhos. If you play SoulSilver, Teddiursa and Skarmory appear. Here you can find some of the entrances to the Dark Cave, if you want to explore it, there is a guide at the end of the walkthrough. At the end of the route, you will be near New Bark.
You tried to leave New Bark by surfing on the right and your mother stopped you. We go to the laboratory of Prof. Elm. You'll see Ethan/Lyra who will congratulate you for getting all 8 badges. Talk to Prof. Elm and receive the majestic Master Ball. Use it wisely, preferably on some legendary. Exit the lab. When you try to exit to the right again, Ethan/Lyra will come and stop you. Be patient, the path to the Pokémon League is the same, but there is something more interesting to do at the moment. Use fly to Ecruteak.
Make sure your pokemons are recovered. Enter the Dance Theater, the house above the PokéCenter. Her rival will appear, saying that the Kimono Girls are very strong. Get ready, because you'll fight them one after the other, with no rest between battles. I suggest you give the Amulet Coin item to the first Pokemon on your team to hold. This item doubles the money earned in a battle, you'll earn a lot just with these girls. They will battle using each of Eevee's first 5 evolutions, all at lv.38. Good luck facing them.
When you defeat them, you will receive Clear Bell (if you play HeartGold) or Tidal Bell (if you play SoulSilver), the items needed to summon the guardian of your version. A little girl will come and the Kimono Girls will leave, heading towards the Bell Tower (in Heart Gold) or the Whirl Islands (in SoulSilver). Don't even think about flying back to New Bark and exiting to the right, you won't be able to go to the league until you come face to face with the legendary guardian of your version. If you play HeartGold, go to the Bell Tower, passing a house north of Ecruteak. If you play SoulSilver, you must go to the Whirl Islands, the islands surrounded by whirlpools to the right of Cianwood. At the end of the walkthrough we have a guide to the Bell Tower and the Whirl Islands, with maps that will help you get to your legendary destination.
Now that you've faced the guardian of your version, the passage to the right of New Bark is finally open. But before, a suggestion is, now that you have the 8 badges and all the HMs, take the opportunity to visit all those optional places that you always couldn't fully explore. If you haven't been yet, this is the best time to go. It's those places that were skipped in the walkthrough, like the Ruins of Alph, Mt. Mortar, Whirl Islands, Dark Cave and also Union Cave if you haven't explored it fully yet. Note that Mt. Mortar still cannot be explored completely, as it requires the Rock Climb technique, which you can only do after obtaining the 16 badges in the game (that's right, after the league, there will be 8 more gyms to be faced). But anyway, it's nice to visit Mt. mortar, because now that you have the Waterfall technique, you can climb the waterfall inside and reach an area where a trainer gives you a Tyrogue. At the end of the walkthrough there is a guide to all the optional places.
Now that you have all 8 badges, you can go to the Pokemon league. You will need the Surf, Waterfall, Whilpool and Strength techniques, a pokémon like a Gyarados can learn all these techniques and so you can train your team a little more. From New Bark, go right and swim in the water until you find a fat man. Talk to him. He'll tell you that you've just taken your first step into Kanto and that you can see through your PokéGear.
If you've never been here before, use surf right after the fat boy will find a very good item. Enter the cave nearby. To climb the waterfalls in the cave, use the WaterFall technique from HM 07. It's a very small cave. When you leave the cave, follow the path to the right, defeating the trainers. If you surf south and go through the whirlpool, you'll find the trainer and the item. Around here we see Doduo in Matinhos, as well as Sandslash in HeartGold and Arbok in SoulSilver. There is a chance of appearing Dodrio also in SoulSilver. Follow the path ahead heading north, fighting the trainers. Soon you will find a house where you can recover your pokemons. Here we find the same Pokemon, but now there is a chance of appearing Dodrio only in HeartGold.
Enter the last exit to the north, the guard there will see your badges. You will see two policemen barring the side exits, but towards the end of the game the guys will no longer be there and you will come from Viridian on the left and exit on the right arriving at Mt. Silver, but now you'll have to cross the Victory Road cave from the north. There are some Rhyhorns here, as well as Donphan in HeartGold and Ursaring in SoulSilver. It's not too difficult, this Victory Road is the only one where we don't find trainers. But at the end, before you leave the cave, your rival will come to battle you.
After fighting your rival, you can leave the cave, arriving at Planalto Índigo (Indigo Plateau). You must have at least lv.60 of your pokemons to face the elite 4 challenge, but if possible it's good to be at a higher level so as not to have many problems. And from now on, never rest, because the strongest trainer in the game is on the margin of lv.80.
The Indigo Plateau has a different Pokémon Center, with a Mart on the side. Recover your pokemons. If you think your Pokemon are strong enough, get ready to face the top 5 trainers in the game. Bring some recovery items, as you won't be able to go to the Pokémon Center between fights, there will be 5 consecutive fights. You will be able to use recovery items between fights and during them. Going up the stairs through the central corridor you will enter the fights. Save BEFORE doing this, if you lose there you can try to start over from where you saved. Defeat the Elite 4 and the Elite Champion:
The first is Will, his team is based on psychics, be very careful with him, his team is very varied and comprehensive with attacks, the battle can be a little tiring, a good strategy and have your team well varied too.
Here we will be able to use Insect, Night and Ghost attacks. You can use Night attacks, but be careful with Xatu's U-Turn, try to use elemental attacks. It's good fire moves on Jynx and Exeggutor and electric on others.
The next one is called Koga, he specializes in Insect/Poison type pokemons, be careful with him, there are high chances of you getting poisoned, so I suggest you take plenty of Antidotes, Full Heals...
Earth blows are good here, avoid using them on Crobat, he prefers using electric or stone blows, if you want you can try psychic attacks, and some fire attacks on his insects, if you are going to use terrestrial pokemons, be careful because Ariados knows Giga Drain .
Next is Bruno, a great fighter, who participated in several Dojo's and always looks for his inner power. His team is based on fighting / rock type pokemons.
Watch out for Hitmonchan as he knows punches of various types (Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch and Bullet Punch). Keep an eye on Machamp, his skill allows you to land the hit even while using Dig or Fly. I advise water on Onix and flying or psychic on the rest.
Next is Karen, despite being a girl, apparently fragile, she has nothing fragile, her pokemons are quite resistant, and have a great defense.
Try using Electric/Rock/Ice in Murkrow, Water/Earth/Rock/Fighting in Houndoom, Fire/Ice/Flying/Psychic in Vileplume, Fighting/Bug in Umbreon, and avoid Normal/Fighting/Ground in Gengar.
The next is finally, Lance, the one you helped to face the Rockets, yes, but now no more being friends, because it's time for the battle that will decide who is the best so get ready and let's go!
A good measure would be, use ice or dragon on Dragonites, electric on Gyarados, water or stone on Charizard, water or metallic on Aerodactyl, but be aware that he knows Thunder Fang.
Credits: https://www.pokemythology.net/detonados/detonado-heartgold-soulsilver/
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