[PokeMMO Farm Guide] Where to find all the hidden items (Kanto)
Post originally from Serebii Forums.
Atenção! Deixa eu te avisar que se você está procurando pela localização das HMs e das TMs do modo história, entra nessa página.
Before we start is important to remember that those locations are based on the original games of the series (Fire Red/ Leaf Green), a lot of those locations might change, and the itens you get on each spot too.
This post was created mainly because the device used to find these hidden itens doesn't seem to work (at least it doesn't for me).
Tip for a quicker research, use the "cntrl+F" function of your web browser and type in whatever you're looking for, and press enter.
Remember that I have used the ancient "copy/past" technique on this post, so please be aweare of that.
hi, this is the hidden item guide for when you need help with finding
hidden items that are located all over the game on like it sais hidden locations,
it consumed alot of time and work so it better be useful.
Hidden item guide:
You can find 15 of the first 20 Berries as hidden items in Pokemon
FireRed and Pokemon LeafGreen. Actually, you can detect the "hidden" Berries without using the Itemfinder if needed. There is a seeable difference in the grass at the exact spot where a hidden berry is located. It looks like a darkened oval, possibly giving the appearance of a depression in the grass.
Here are the 15 Berries plus it's locations:
1) Cheri - SS. Anne, Route 10, Sevault Canyon
2) Chesto - SS. Anne, Route 9, Berry Forest
3) Pecha - Route 24, S. S. Anne, Berry Forest
4) Rawst - Route 8, Berry Forest, Canyon Entrance
5) Aspear - Route 23, Water Path
6) Leppa - Route 8, Route 23, Six Island
7) Oran - Route 3, Route 25, Water Path
8) Persim - Route 4, Route 10
9) Lum - Route 8, Route 23
10) Sitrus - Route 6, Route 23, Memorial Pilla
16) Razz - Route 4, Berry Forest, Memorial Pillar
17) Bluk - Route 25, Memorial Pillar
18) Nanab - Route 10, Berry Forest, Trainer Tower
19) Wepear - Route 7
20) Pinap - Route 14, Water Path
You don't have to use the Itemfinder to obtain the hidden items. As long as
you know the exact location of an item, you can face the spot and press the "A" button to get the item.
Here are the locations of hidden items (do know that only the places that has items are listed, the rest has nothing):
Pallet Town:
Route 1:
Viridian City:
you can find a Macho Brace in the Gym, in the spot where the Gym Leader was standing, if you want to obtain this item, you must use the Itemfinder while standing on the exact spot where the Gym Leader was standing.
Route 2:
Viridian Forest:
you can find an antidote at the tree right in front of the entrance.
there's also a Potion near the northwest corner in a grass patch next to the trees in the same row as the final trainer.
Pewter City:
there is a poke ball to be found in the northwest corner in the middle of the light colored grass.
Route 3:
on this route there is an Oran Berry hidden to the west, near the trainer wearing a yellow hat that is looking to the left.
Route 4:
there is a Persim Berry in the northwest corner lying between three rocks, to the left side of the Pokemon Center.
there's even Great Ball after Mt. Moon, in the corner just to the left of the mega punch Kick tutors.
there's also Razz Berry after Mt. Moon, near the center, to the south, close to the the trees.
Mt. Moon:
there's a tinymushroom on BF1 after going down the first ladder, at a rock near the corner.
there's a Big Mushroom on BF1 after going down the first ladder, at a rock near the ladder going down.
there's a another Big Mushroom on BF1 after going down the first ladder, at a rock near the ladder going down.
there's a Tinymushroom on BF1 after going down the second ladder, at a rock near the ladder going up.
there's an Ether on BF2 after going down the second ladder, at a lone rock, past the team rocket Grunt.
there's a Big Mushroom on BF1 after going down the final ladder, at a rock near the corner.
there's a Moon Stone on BF2 after going down the final ladder, at a rock to the right, just before the steps leading to the two fossils.
and there's a Tinymushroom on BF1 in a rock, near the ladder going up to the exit.
Cerulean City:
here is a Rare Candy to be found near the northwest corner, between two flowers. Walk through the Badge Master's house.
Route 24:
you can find Pecha Berry near the northeast corner, next to where Route 25 begins, to the left of the grass patches.
Route 25:
there's am Elixir near the northwest corner, next to the wall and a green bush, northeast of Hiker Franklin.
there's a Oran Berry near the middle, in a corner made by three green bushes.
there's a Bluk Berry near two flowers and the white fence of Bill's house.
you can find an Ether near the northeast corner in the grass a couple steps away from the white fences.
Route 5:
Underground Path (5-6):
for some unknown reason items will not appear in this section until you visited the S.S. Anne.
there's an Antidote near the northern steps.
there's a Parlyz Heal near the northern edge of the blue stripes.
there's a Awakening in the middle of the blue floor, near the left wall.
you can find a Potion near the northern edge of the red stripes.
you can find Ice Heal about halfway between the red stripes and the southern steps near the right wall.
there's a Burn Heal near the southern steps.
Route 6:
you can find a Rare Candy in the northeast corner, next to the white fence.
there's also Sitrus Berry to be found in the northwest corner, next to the white fence.
Vermilion City:
there's a Max Ether near the northwest corner, at the corner of the land,
immediately south of the Pokemon Center.
S.S. Anne:
there's a Hyper Potion downstairs, in a bucket near the stairs.
there's a Pecha Berry in a trash can in the kitchen.
there's also Cheri Berry in a trash can in the kitchen.
plus a Chesto Berry in a trash can in the kitchen.
Diglett's Cave:
Route 11:
there's a Escape Rope hidden in the northeast corner, in the rock.
Route 9:
you can find an Ether near the western end, in a rock below the grass patches.
there's a Chesto Berry near the northeast corner, next to the wall, to the left of Hiker Brice.
there's also a Rare Candy to be found at the northeast corner, one step away from the two walls.
Route 10:
there's a Super Potion in the wall, next to the Pokemon Center, after cutting down the tree.
there's a Persim Berry in the southeast corner, next to the white fences.
there's a Cheri Berry near the center, just northwest of Picnicker Heidi.
plus there's a Nanab Berry after Rock Tunnel, near the corner east of Rock Tunnel's exit.
and tere's a Max Ether to the right of the Power Plant entrance.
Rock Tunnel:
Lavender Town:
Pokemon Tower:
there's a Big Mushroom on the fifth floor, in the northwest corner, beyond Channeler Ruth.
you can find a Soothe Bell on the top floor, in the spot where Mr. Fuji was found. to get this item you must use the Itemfinder while standing in the exact spot where Mr. Fuji was standing.
Route 8:
there's a Leppa Berry near the center, in the grass patches, to the lower right.
there's a Rawst Berry near the center, in the grass patches, to the upper right.
and also a Lum Berry near the center, in the grass patches, to the upper left.
Underground Path (7-8):
you can find an Ether near the third light from the east, next to the upper wall.
these other items do not appear until after finishing the Rocket
there's a Potion halfway between the first two lights from the west, on the red stripe.
there's a Parlyz Heal halfway between the second and third lights from the west, next to the south wall.
there's a Awakening near the fourth light from the west, on the blue stripe.
there's a Burn Heal to the left of the fourth light from the east, on the red stripe.
there's a Antidote halfway between the second and third lights from the east, next to the south wall.
and there's an Ice Heal to the right of the second light from the east, on the red stripe.
Route 7:
there's a Wepear Berry, near the southeast corner.
Celadon City:
there's a PP Up on the eastern side, next to the trees, to the northeast of a tree that can be cut.
there are 10 Coins in the Game Corner, near the northwest corner, next to the counter.
there are 10 Coins in the Game Corner, in the west aisle, on the ground a step behind the woman.
there are 20 Coins in the Game Corner, near the southwest corner, on the ground near the end of the west aisle.
there are 10 Coins in the Game Corner, on the ground a couple steps northwest of the entrance.
there are 10 Coins in the Game Corner, in the middle aisle, on the ground behind the old man.
there are 20 Coins in the Game Corner, on the ground near the northern end of the middle aisle.
there are 10 Coins in the Game Corner, on the ground next to the corner of the counter.
there are 10 Coins in the Game Corner, near the northeast corner, on the ground next to the separating wall.
thwere are another 10 Coins to be found in the Game Corner, near the northeast corner, on the ground next to the separating wall.
there are 40 Coins in the Game Corner, near the northeast corner, on the ground between the separating wall and a slot machine.
there are 100 Coins in the Game Corner, near the southeast corner, a step away from the Pokemon Printer.
there are 10 Coins in the Game Corner, on the ground a couple steps northeast of the entrance.
team rocket Hideout:
there's a PP Up on B1F, south of the entrance, in a plant in the southeast corner.
there's a Nugget on B3F, in the northwest corner.
there's a Net Ball on B4F, in Giovanni's office, between the two plants on the left.
there's a Nest Ball on B4F, in Giovanni's office, between the two plants on the right.
Route 16:
you an find the item Leftovers near the northeast corner, in the spot where Snorlax slept. to obtain this item, you must use the Itemfinder while standing in the exact spot where Snorlax was sleeping.
Route 17:
there's a Full Restore near the center, on the yellow path, to the left of the
northernmost sign, next to the water.
there's a PP Up near the center, in the middle of the left bike path, directly west of the second sign from the north (on the yellow path).
you can find a Rare Candy near the center, in the middle of the right bike path, directly east of the third sign from the north (on the yellow path).
there's a Max Revive near the southern end, in the middle of the left bike path, directly west of the sign that sais: "Don't throw the game"
there's a Max Elixir at the southern end, just above the "cliff," three spots to the right of the sign (on the left edge of the right bike path).
Route 18:
Fuchsia City:
there's a Max Revive near the southeast corner, behind the Warden's house, next to two flowers. Walk through the Fishing Guru's older brother's house.
Safari Zone:
there's a Leaf Stone to be found in the entrance area, on the island in the center.
Route 12:
there's a Hyper Potion near the center, in the middle of a rectangle of grass.
you can find Leftovers near the center in the spot where Snorlax slept. In order to get this item, you must use the Itemfinder while standing in the exact spot where Snorlax slept.
there's a Rare Candy in the southwest corner, in the middle of a rectangle of grass patches.
Route 13:
you can find a PP Up near the center next to the end of the southern hedge, in the fence opening, southwest of Picnicker Gwen.
Route 14:
you can find a Zinc near the northwest corner, in the middle of a rectangle of grass patches.
there's also Pinap Berry in the southeast corner.
Route 15:
Saffron City:
there's a Nugget near the northwest corner, in the Mimic Tutor's room, next to her computer.
Silph Co:
there's a Ultra Ball on the second floor, in the southwest office, in a plant in the corner.
there's a Protein on the third floor, in the southeast corner, in the middle plant.
there's an Iron on the fourth floor, in the plant in the southeast corner.
there's a PP Up on the fifth floor, in the plant near the northeast corner.
there's a Elixir on the fifth floor, in the center room, in the southern plant.
there's an Carbos on the sixth floor, in the northwest room, in the left plant.
there's a Zinc on the seventh floor, in the northeast office, in the southern plant.
there's a Nugget on the eighth floor, in the eastern room, in the northern plant.
there's a Max Potion on the ninth floor near the southwest corner, in the small room next to the bed area, in the space next to the boxes.
there's a Calcium on the ninth floor, in the western room, in the plant on the right.
there's a HP Up on the tenth floor, in the northeast room, in the plant.
there's a Revive on the eleventh floor, outside the Silph president's office, in the middle plant.
Power Plant:
there's a Max Elixir near the center, in a room with three machines, in front of the machine on the right.
there's a Thunderstone near the northwest corner, in the room where Zapdos sits, in front of the turbine.
Route 19:
Route 20:
Seafoam Islands:
there's a Nugget on B3F, on the west side, in the northern rock.
there's a Water Stone on B4F, near the center, near the ladder, in the rock on the left.
Cinnabar Island:
Pokemon Mansion:
there's a Moon Stone in the entrance hallway, on the left, in a small rock.
Fthere's a Rare Candy on the third floor, against the east wall, directly east of Scientist what'shisname.
there's aElixir in the basement, in the northeast room, directly east of the Abra statue, a step away from the wall.
One Island:
Treasure Beach:
there's a Ultra Ball in the "sand," to the northeast, near the end of the green
grass design.
there's a Star Piece near the southeast corner, in the "sand," a step away from the wall.
there's a Ultra Ball in the southeast corner.
there's a Big Pearl near the southwest corner, in the "sand," near the corner of the rockwall.
Kindle Road:
Ember Spa:
Mt. Ember:
there's a Ultra Ball on the west side, near Ranger Logan, at the end of a
dead end path.
there's a Fire Stone near the northwest corner, before the Mountain Top, in a rock.
Two Island:
Cape Brink:
there is a Rare Candy in the northeast corner, behind the house.
and there is a PP Max on the east side, on a single "piece" of land accessible by Surf.
Three Island Port:
Three Isle Path:
After entering the Hall of Fame you can find a Nugget in a rock at the bottom of the stairs.
Three Island:
there's a PP Up near the northwest corner, next to the fence corner, at the end of a dead end path (enter the path from Bond Bridge).
Bond Bridge:
there's a Max Repel near the center, northwest of Aroma Lady Violet, in a rock.
there's a Pearl to the right of the bridge, in the southern corner of the "sand."
there's a Stardust to the left of the bridge, in the northern corner of the "sand."
Berry Forest:
there's a Razz Berry near the center, in a corner of trees.
there's a Chesto Berry in the northeast corner.
there's a Rawst Berry near the northwest corner, near the Max Ether.
theres a Nanab Berry near the center, in a corner of trees.
there's a Pecha Berry near the southwest corner, between the waters.
Route 21:
Route 22:
Route 23:
there's a Leppa Berry after the Thunderbadge Gate, to the left, near the trees.
there's a Max Ether after the Soulbadge Gate, in the middle of the square "sandbar."
there's a Ultra Ball after the Marshbadge Gate, to the right, in the wall between two statues.
there's a Aspear Berry after the Marshbadge Gate, to the left, in the middle of some grass.
there's a Full Restore after the Volcanobadge Gate, in the corner to the right, in a rock.
there's a Sitrus Berry after the Earthbadge Gate, in the corner to the left, just before the entrance to Victory Road.
there's a Lum Berry after Victory Road, in the corner to the left.
there's a Max Elixer after Victory Road, near the northwest corner, at the end of a dead end path on the left.
Victory Road:
there's a Full Restore on the ground floor, in the northeast corner, in a rock.
there's a Ultra Ball on the ground floor, near the center, southwest of Cooltrainer Naomi, in a rock.
Indigo Plateau:
Four Island:
there's a Ultra Ball near the southwest corner, in the "sand," northwest of the stairs.
Icefall Cave:
Five Island:
Five Isle Meadow:
Rocket Warehouse:
there's a Net Ball near the center, in a solitary box
(not touching anything else).
there's a Nest Ball in the northeast corner.
Memorial Pillar:
there's a Razz Berry near the northeast corner, near Bird Keeper Milo.
there's a Sitrus Berry near the center, southeast of Bird Keeper Chaz.
there's a Bluk Berry near the center, northwest of Bird Keeper Harold.
Water Labyrinth:
Resort Gorgeous:
there's a Stardust near the center, in the "sand," southeast of Lady Jacki.
there's another Stardust near the center, in the "sand," northeast of Lady Jacki.
Lost Cave:
Six Island:
there's a Leppa Berry in the northwest corner, behind the Pokemon Center.
Water Path:
there's a Pinap Berry to the south, in the middle of grass patches.
there's a Aspear Berry near the south end, in the middle of grass patches.
there's a Oran Berry near the north end, in the grass, north of the Heracross
woman's house.
Ruin Valley:
Dotted Hole:
Pattern Bush:
Green Path:
there's a Ultra Ball near the southwest corner, in the island "sand," next to
Psychic Jaclyn.
Outcast Island:
Altering Cave:
Seven Island:
Trainer Tower:
there's a Nanab Berry near the southeast corner, just north of the Pokemon Center.
there's a Pearl near the southwest corner, directly to the west of the sign, in the "sand."
Canyon Entrance:
there's a Rawst Berry near the southwest corner, northeast of Young Couple Eve & Jon.
Sevault Canyon:
there's Cheri Berry near the south end, southeast of Cooltrainer Michelle.
Tanoby Key:
Tanoby Ruins:
Cerulean Cave:
there's a Ultra Ball on the first floor, near the northwest corner, a step to the
right of a ladder going up.
============HIDDEN ITEMS=============
Here is the list of the hidden items along with their locations:
Health Items:
Viridian Forest, Underground Path (5-6), Underground Path (7-8)
Underground Path (5-6), Underground Path (7-8)
Burn Heal:
Underground Path (5-6), Underground Path (7-8)
Route 25, Silph Co., Pokemon Mansion
Mt. Moon, Route 25, Route 9, Underground Path (7-8)
Full Restore:
Route 17, Route 23, Victory Road
Hyper Potion - S. S. Anne, Route 12
Ice Heal:
Underground Path (5-6), Underground Path (7-8)
Max Elixir:
Route 17, Power Plant, Route 23
Max Ether:
Vermilion City, Route 10, Route 23
Max Potion:
Silph Co.
Max Revive:
Route 17, Fuchsia City
Parlyz Heal:
Underground Path (5-6), Underground Path (7-8)
Viridian Forest, Underground Path (5-6), Underground Path (7-8)
Silph Co.
Super Potion:Route 10
Great Ball - Route 4
Nest Ball:
Rocket Hideout, Rocket Warehouse
Net Ball:
Rocket Hideout, Rocket Warehouse
Poke Ball:
Pewter City
Ultra Ball:
Silph Co., Treasure Beach (2), Mt. Ember, Route 23, Victory Road, Four Island, Green Path, Cerulean Cave
Helpful Items:
Escape Rope:
Route 11
Max Repel:
Bond Bridge
Skill Items:
Silph Co.
Silph Co.
HP Up:
Silph Co.
Silph Co.
PP Max:
Cape Brink
PP Up:
Celadon City, Rocket Hideout, Route 17, Route 13, Silph Co, Three Island
Silph Co.
Rare Candy:
Cerulean City, Route 6, Route 9, Route 17, Route 12, PokemonMansion, Cape Brink
Route 14, Silph Co.
Evolution Items:
Fire Stone - Mt. Ember
Leaf Stone - Safari Zone
Moon Stone - Mt. Moon, Pokemon Mansion
Thunderstone - Power Plant
Water Stone - Seafoam Islands
Hold Items:
Leftovers - Route 16, Route 12
Macho Brace - Viridian City
Soothe Bell - Pokemon Tower
Exchange Items:
Big Mushroom - Mt. Moon (3), Pokemon Tower
Coins - Celadon City (260)
Tinymushroom - Mt. Moon (3)
Value Items:
Big Pearl - Treasure Beach
Nugget - Rocket Hideout, Saffron City, Silph Co., Seafoam Islands, Three Isle Path
Pearl - Bond Bridge, Trainer Tower
Star Piece - Treasure Beach
Stardust - Bond Bridge, Resort Gorgeous (2)
[PokeMMO Farm Guide] Where to find all the hidden items (Kanto)
Reviewed by CommanderBlue
outubro 15, 2017
![[PokeMMO Farm Guide] Where to find all the hidden items (Kanto)](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi9NoAeeqyYaUoX2M2yQ3X4ZHnKpBLkTKkPd_QkDb-aWudNiYZRe2LX5L_RFXvtjgbpCgQBY9Sis8QZ107To8GKKDIa5-PEYpgPBS5mTXjm2E4hS56ykab734zChIUMU2EGyi0nySihismA/s72-c/Where+to+find+all+the+hidden+items.jpg)
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